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RHFOY 03-03-2010 15:13

Spire farm development
Good afternoon
as many of you will know spire farm accrington is undergoing a major facelift and will continue to do so over the next 15 months, the project is extremely costly and as to be done very sympatheticly to bring it back to its original position.

On top of this the outside barns and buildings need to be resited and in conjunction with hyndburn planning we want to be as neutral as possible,especially within the curtilage

as many other accrington folk sHow an interest in spire and its ongoing development i am very pleased to answer any concerns or questions you have,or even ideas on the intense landscaping that will be carried out.

Robert h foy:)

Tealeaf 03-03-2010 16:10

Re: Spire farm development
Errr......never heard of it. Where is it?

I hope you're not going to stick some wind turbines there, where ever it may be.

Retlaw 03-03-2010 18:19

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 793920)
Good afternoon
as many of you will know spire farm accrington is undergoing a major facelift and will continue to do so over the next 15 months, the project is extremely costly and as to be done very sympatheticly to bring it back to its original position.

On top of this the outside barns and buildings need to be resited and in conjunction with hyndburn planning we want to be as neutral as possible,especially within the curtilage

Robert h foy:)

Restored to what date, when it was High Riley, prior to 1828 ?, the tower which is now part of the barn, which then became known as Spire Farm, once stood on land behind High Riley Cottages. Or how about how it was when Richard de Riley moved there, when he was appointed steward by de Lacy.


Atarah 03-03-2010 21:00

Spire farm
1 Attachment(s)
Here you are Tealeaf.

This photo was taken c1928.
To get to it you used to have to go up the old lane, past the college, at the top of Sandy Lane in Accrington. Quite a nice walk in the summer time, calling at Bluebell Wood on the way.
Now, you can reach it by using the "highway in the sky" - the motor.

Tealeaf 03-03-2010 21:35

Re: Spire farm development I know.The tower certainly looks like a late Georgian/early Victorian folly, but I don't know about the rest.

Retlaw 03-03-2010 21:49

Re: Spire farm

Originally Posted by Atarah (Post 794050)
Here you are Tealeaf.

This photo was taken c1928.
To get to it you used to have to go up the old lane, past the college, at the top of Sandy Lane in Accrington. Quite a nice walk in the summer time, calling at Bluebell Wood on the way.
Now, you can reach it by using the "highway in the sky" - the motor.

Blue Bell Wood were on way to Slate Pits Farm up Plantation St way, just below where the Red Shale used to be.

Atarah 03-03-2010 22:19

Re: Spire farm
Excuse me Retlaw! As I said, we used to go up by the college, eventually take the pathway to the right and call at what WE called Bluebell Woods!!!!!!!! We used to spend hours in that area when kids!!!!!

Retlaw 03-03-2010 22:37

Re: Spire farm

Originally Posted by Atarah (Post 794070)
Excuse me Retlaw! As I said, we used to go up by the college, eventually take the pathway to the right and call at what WE called Bluebell Woods!!!!!!!! We used to spend hours in that area when kids!!!!!

Youv'e got false memory syndrome, go up Sandy Lane, past Broad Oak Fold, first left was Lemmings Pad, carry on up Sandy Lane, the next buildings were New House Farm, the path facing it was Hambledon Lane, which went past Tag Clough to Lower Whithams. Carrying on up Sandy Lane past New House and the next farm was Leafield Barn, then High Riley Cottages, and on your left was Spire farm.
Remember when I was in the Fire Brigade farms, access and water suplies was my speciality.
The only wood that was destroyed was when the
Easterly bypass was built, as it went past Slate Pits.


JEFF 04-03-2010 14:49

Re: Spire farm development
Bluebell Wood that I remember was up the road by the side of Arden Hall then instead of turning towards Coppice or Slate Pits go round to the right and the wood was on the left before you came to Spire Farm.

Retlaw 04-03-2010 16:40

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by JEFF (Post 794203)
Bluebell Wood that I remember was up the road by the side of Arden Hall then instead of turning towards Coppice or Slate Pits go round to the right and the wood was on the left before you came to Spire Farm.

Correct near Brocklehurst Cottages. If I'm not mistaken its correct name was Brocklehurst Wood.


RHFOY 04-03-2010 19:23

Re: Spire farm development
I have read many of your postings re spire and find them informative, 2,3, 0r 400 years ago is not mine or the plannings directive, i meant with the interior being done in traditional furnishings, arched openings back as they were, the french doors on the east wing,removed and the original opening put back the copings on the roof, the removal of the 50m2 building at the back, a new sundial cobbled grounds and more. Any reasonable suggestions wil be considered that help these plans. Sorry and the concrete stairs reopened in the tower that im told was added to the building in the 1800?

RHFOY 04-03-2010 19:30

Re: Spire farm development
Its just past high riley cottages, and no im not going to put wind turbines in a conservation area or spoil it with them.

RHFOY 04-03-2010 19:37

Re: Spire farm development
Retlaw do you know if spire farm was used by monks at one time?
And did cromwell stay there to rest whilst fighting charles 1?

Retlaw 04-03-2010 21:39

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 794278)
Retlaw do you know if spire farm was used by monks at one time?
And did cromwell stay there to rest whilst fighting charles 1?

Robert de Lacy granted the lands of Accrington to the monks of Kirkstall in 1192, overriding a previous grant made by his father to Hugh son of Leofwine the Saxon.
The monks established vacaries (farms) on the newly aquired lands after chucking the people of Accrington out, these vacaries were at High Riley, Friar Hill, Antley, Henheads, Iconhurst, Laund and Fernihalgh.
Never found any documentation to show that Cromwell even knew Accrington existed.
When the monks left in circa 1280, the descendant of the de Lacy's appointed a steward to oversee his holdings, he took the name Riley, so he was Robert de Riley, and lived in the vacary known as High Riley
The additions to the barn when the watch tower was moved from behind High Riley Cottages and built into the barn, occured somtime around 1830, a change is shown in the rateable value from the 1828 one, and another made in 1835.
We once had a fire at Spire Farm in the early 1960's and it took 2 other pumps just to relay water to the site, each machine carries 500 yards of hose, hope your water supply has improved, had to relay it from Hambledon lodge.

Atarah 05-03-2010 11:38

Spire farm development
1 Attachment(s)
This is for RHFoy, bet the asking price makes you "sit up" and smile.

Also, although Retlaw will no doubt criticise this statement, an old newspaper article states" Another interesting bit of information given by the late Mr Whitham is that an old lady named Betty Ingham (hee Ashworth) who died at Gallows Hall Farm in 1856, aged 96 years, used to say she remembered the building of the present tower at the Spire Farm. This bears out the statement of the late Mr Abram, the historian of Blackburn, to the effect that the tower was removed from old High Riley to its present site in 1801"

There was an Old Homesteads series on your property in the Accrington Observer in September 1917. If you want a photocopy Mr RHFoy just let me know.

Retlaw 05-03-2010 12:32

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by Atarah (Post 794403)
Also, although Retlaw will no doubt criticise this statement, an old newspaper article states" Another interesting bit of information given by the late Mr Whitham is that an old lady named Betty Ingham (hee Ashworth) who died at Gallows Hall Farm in 1856, aged 96 years, used to say she remembered the building of the present tower at the Spire Farm. This bears out the statement of the late Mr Abram, the historian of Blackburn, to the effect that the tower was removed from old High Riley to its present site in 1801"

Don't need to critisise, 2nd hand or hearsay info is not accepted in a court of law, and any thing writen by ainsworth is suspect before it even gets off the ground.

RHFOY 05-03-2010 16:04

Re: Spire farm development
Ha ha ha yes it does but believe me the cost for all the renovation and restoration far outways the profit, but its a property of unique status and will be kept as a family heirloom for many many years to come.

RHFOY 05-03-2010 16:09

Re: Spire farm development
Thank you retlaw great facts to read, would you be able to advise were i could get(if any) inteirior photos from early 1900?

RHFOY 05-03-2010 16:18

Re: Spire farm development
Atarah that would be very kind of you if you could get me a copy as im gathering as much history as possible for myself family and future generations.

Retlaw 05-03-2010 18:07

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 794440)
Thank you retlaw great facts to read, would you be able to advise were i could get(if any) inteirior photos from early 1900?

The only place I can suggest is my 2nd home
Accy Library.

Atarah 05-03-2010 18:36

Re: Spire farm development
Mr RHFoy, are you aware of the existence of a local history video, which shows your building and I think footage of a field being ploughed nearby. Cant remember the title, but will look it up for you. Would be of interest to you.

Atarah 06-03-2010 09:55

Re: Spire farm development
Hi, the video I mentioned is called ACCRINGTON, Past and Present featuring local historian Ken Scott. Think it was done around 1996.
The library DID sell copies, dont know if that still applies.

JEFF 08-03-2010 13:33

Re: Spire farm development
There is one for sale on ebay at the moment

ACCRINGTON PAST AND PRESENT. VHS. on eBay (end time 14-Mar-10 18:28:45 GMT)

rosegrove 09-03-2010 11:44

Re: Spire farm development
hi all spire farm i am sure i used to go to that farm and play with the farmers son is name was arthur it would be 1963 64 time anybody know of him but i remember that tower so i think it was there

RHFOY 09-03-2010 19:14

Re: Spire farm development
again thank you, i will ask the library again and check out ebay as suggested by jeff, ive picked up a copy of old homesteads from the library and now know alot more facts,about the tower especially.

RHFOY 09-03-2010 19:37

Re: Spire farm development
thank you jeff and for the very helpfull link as it didnt come up on ebay, im trying to bid now but ebay have lost my details, if you know the person or there email i will make a good offer for it jeff

RHFOY 09-03-2010 19:53

Re: Spire farm development
thank you retlaw ill go and have a look again

RHFOY 09-03-2010 20:12

Re: Spire farm development
hi rosegrove, the previous owners for many years were the jackson family so may be it was an arthur jackson, is son tom still lives and runs the farm at high riley cottages were the tower used to be before it was demolished and rebuilt at spire farm, which was called high riley farm many years ago

Retlaw 09-03-2010 22:35

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 795660)
hi rosegrove, the previous owners for many years were the jackson family so may be it was an arthur jackson, is son tom still lives and runs the farm at high riley cottages were the tower used to be before it was demolished and rebuilt at spire farm, which was called high riley farm many years ago

Its a long time since Jacksons were at Spire, wasn't the last person there called Strak or something similar.
What farm is there at High Riley Cottages. The land round there was either Spire or West farm.

West Farms lands were bounded by the stream that runs behind the cottages. Now chopped of by the Bypass.

JEFF 10-03-2010 13:15

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 795642)
thank you jeff and for the very helpfull link as it didnt come up on ebay, im trying to bid now but ebay have lost my details, if you know the person or there email i will make a good offer for it jeff

Try the shop at the bottom of Burnley Road, next to the taxi office, across the road from the Broadway pub. They might have a copy.

Dizzy Lizzy 10-03-2010 16:27

Re: Spire farm development
The Hardy family lived at Spire farm in the 60's, the children being Arthur and Jean.

The Strak family lived at the next farm.

RHFOY 11-03-2010 13:12

Re: Spire farm development
i will check my deeds and relay facts back to you

rosegrove 11-03-2010 15:41

Re: Spire farm development
thanks dizzy lizzi that was his name think they moved down south when is father died

RHFOY 11-03-2010 17:25

Re: Spire farm development
the farm retlaw is were mr tom jackson lives with is family in the end cottage,over the years its been turned into a livery yard for horses and i think thats were the term farm comes from.

RHFOY 11-03-2010 19:33

Re: Spire farm development
so you know retlaw the 100 acres that belonged to spire farm as been divided into lots in the 90s, and i assume that this is also a reason as to why farms, vaccaries, livery yards,and equestrian center seem to come under the banner of a working farm??
these days spire farm is 3 seperate homes it was 4 but i bought the bungalow on the east wing, feel free to call up have a natter if you wish, if not just let me know when you want to come up and you can have alook round at your leisure, even bring a friend if you prefer.

katex 11-03-2010 21:28

Re: Spire farm development
So this is you then:

11/09/0505 Full: Erection of stables, manure store and 02/12/2009
detached garage (amendments to previously
approved scheme), erection of stone wall to
court yard (retrospective) including
extension, erection of fence to rear garden
(retrospective) formation of outside winter
paddock (retrospective) proposed compound
area and demolition of unauthorised stables

Spire Farm Sandy Lane
Accrington BB5 2DH
Mr R H Foy

RHFOY 12-03-2010 19:24

Re: Spire farm development
yes thats us

walkinman221 01-04-2010 17:38

Re: Spire farm development
I think that rhfoy needs to quantify what he means by sympathetic redevelopment of an Accrington landmark as all i can see going on up there is vandalism,fly tipping of horse manure in various places, bad workmanship and somebody who seems to have all the gear but no idea!!!!!!

myquin99 12-08-2010 00:21

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 793920)
Good afternoon
as many of you will know spire farm accrington is undergoing a major facelift and will continue to do so over the next 15 months, the project is extremely costly and as to be done very sympatheticly to bring it back to its original position.

On top of this the outside barns and buildings need to be resited and in conjunction with hyndburn planning we want to be as neutral as possible,especially within the curtilage

as many other accrington folk sHow an interest in spire and its ongoing development i am very pleased to answer any concerns or questions you have,or even ideas on the intense landscaping that will be carried out.

Robert h foy:)

I am looking for information on Brocklehurst farm and a painter T Duckworth who did a painting of the house in 1863. Do you know where I might go to get this information.
btw this is my first posting ever.

myquin99 12-08-2010 00:40

Re: Spire farm development
Hi again:
Forget my question on Brocklhurst farm as I have found reference to it on the historic site. I guess I should have looked there first. It would seem that another of my relatives is also searching and has been successful.
Sorry to bother you.
Good luck with your project.

RHFOY 13-09-2010 15:36

Re: Spire farm development
thank you for your comments although they are from someone who as never seen a building site in their life, the land for your information were the manure currently is is my land so you must have made up your flytipping point, we have a bigger problem with diseased dog mess all over my land and lane, and our animals being killed and attacked and the usual idiots not doing what the law states. vandalism is another shallow quote with no substance in this remark, all the gear with no idea, again limited knowledge but i suppose you are jack of all trades and master of non, but claim you are.... please feel free to call and see me for a tour of our great historical home and you never know you might give me some fantastic ideas, and being a working class man done well for himself, i have a great ability to listen and learn.!!!!!!!!!!!!

walkinman221 24-09-2010 21:36

Re: Spire farm development
rhfoy seems to have made rather a lot of assumptions about my experience and worthiness to pass comment on his refurb of his historic home,the vandalism comment for one was passed about his destruction of various traditional dry stone walls which ran adjacent to the lane, and the removal of the original footpath which is now in the field ,also when passing doubt on other peoples credentials would an experienced man such as rhfoy implies HE is,be applying for retrospective planning permission for works already carried out.The destroyed walls mentioned above have been replaced by a shonky wooden fence which even I as a master of no trades as he puts it, can see is of poor quality.As for the fly tipping remark it was to highlight the fact that rhfoy has tipped several tons of horse manure all around the curtalige of what is i must admit his land,this said it is tipped next to a water course which may become contaminated with run off from the manure. Which as a experienced man rhfoy should know.In fact the manure should be contained in a suitable enclosed middin with drainage suitable to take what is in effect contaminated waste.As for the dog mess and usual idiots comment, is this why rhfoy has employed a security guard to intimidate dog walkers and horse riders using the path through his yard otherwise known as plantation rd which local people have been using quite lawfully before rhfoy even knew where spire farm was.And just for the record i am a time served plasterer who has worked in the building trade for over 20 years.In which time i have i think worked on one or two building sites.;)

cashman 24-09-2010 22:18

Re: Spire farm development
summat else fer the record- Folk aren't Blind.:rolleyes:

Bernard Holden 25-09-2010 12:42

Re: Spire farm development
If, as stated, the tower was removed from Hight Riley, how does all the stonework of the tower match the courses of the rest of the building?

Retlaw 25-09-2010 14:37

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by Bernard Holden (Post 847433)
If, as stated, the tower was removed from Hight Riley, how does all the stonework of the tower match the courses of the rest of the building?

The tower originally stood behind High Riley Cottages, some time around 1830 it was taken down & rebuilt into what is now called Spire Farm, the rate assessment for 1828 & 1835 shows the valuation change.
Why should the courses not line up.
Take the present East Gate for example, how many can remember it as Pitt Street, looks like its always been like that.

walkinman221 25-09-2010 14:54

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 847359)
summat else fer the record- Folk aren't Blind.:rolleyes:

I take it you have seen for yourself the state of the spire and its land at the moment?

cashman 25-09-2010 15:02

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by walkinman221 (Post 847484)
I take it you have seen for yourself the state of the spire and its land at the moment?

Whats that got to wi the large writing?:rolleyes:

walkinman221 25-09-2010 15:14

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 847488)
Whats that got to wi the large writing?:rolleyes:

How do you mean large writing ? Do you mean size of font or amount written?

cashman 25-09-2010 15:22

Re: Spire farm development
the size, like i said folk aint blind. unless ya think your stuff is more important than anyone else.

walkinman221 25-09-2010 17:38

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 847492)
the size, like i said folk aint blind. unless ya think your stuff is more important than anyone else.


cashman 25-09-2010 20:54

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by walkinman221 (Post 847536)

No word police just think yer pig ignorant. n you have just demonstrated it.:rolleyes:

MargaretR 25-09-2010 21:03

Re: Spire farm development
Large font and/or block capitals are shouting.
Doing that turns off the reader.
I understand that you are aggrieved because a public right of way appears to be under threat. You could have said that without shouting.

walkinman221 25-09-2010 21:40

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 847580)
Large font and/or block capitals are shouting.
Doing that turns off the reader.
I understand that you are aggrieved because a public right of way appears to be under threat. You could have said that without shouting.

I am sorry didnt realise caps lock was on and if expressing my opinion is pig ignorant than so be it.Also i am new to this and wasnt aware that writing more than a couple of lines was frowned upon cashman could have told me that without putting it that i thought my views were more important than any others, once again sorry for any offence caused to other webbers.:o

cashman 25-09-2010 22:59

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by walkinman221 (Post 847353)
rhfoy seems to have made rather a lot of assumptions about my experience and worthiness to pass comment on his refurb of his historic home,the vandalism comment for one was passed about his destruction of various traditional dry stone walls which ran adjacent to the lane, and the removal of the original footpath which is now in the field ,also when passing doubt on other peoples credentials would an experienced man such as rhfoy implies HE is,be applying for retrospective planning permission for works already carried out.The destroyed walls mentioned above have been replaced by a shonky wooden fence which even I as a master of no trades as he puts it, can see is of poor quality.As for the fly tipping remark it was to highlight the fact that rhfoy has tipped several tons of horse manure all around the curtalige of what is i must admit his land,this said it is tipped next to a water course which may become contaminated with run off from the manure. Which as a experienced man rhfoy should know.In fact the manure should be contained in a suitable enclosed middin with drainage suitable to take what is in effect contaminated waste.As for the dog mess and usual idiots comment, is this why rhfoy has employed a security guard to intimidate dog walkers and horse riders using the path through his yard otherwise known as plantation rd which local people have been using quite lawfully before rhfoy even knew where spire farm was.And just for the record i am a time served plasterer who has worked in the building trade for over 20 years.In which time i have i think worked on one or two building sites.;)

nowt wrong wi writing more than a couple of lines, n sorry this aint caps lock on.

walkinman221 26-09-2010 08:49

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 847591)
nowt wrong wi writing more than a couple of lines, n sorry this aint caps lock on.

dont understand wat you mean but once again sorry for any offence

cashman 26-09-2010 09:16

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by walkinman221 (Post 847638)
dont understand wat you mean but once again sorry for any offence

yer only speaking yer mind its what i do, nowt wrong wi that, apologies aint needed.

walkinman221 26-09-2010 15:56

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 847649)
yer only speaking yer mind its what i do, nowt wrong wi that, apologies aint needed.

ok fair enough now i know about the font size and caps lock thing should be ok

RHFOY 17-11-2010 14:17

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 847591)
nowt wrong wi writing more than a couple of lines, n sorry this aint caps lock on.


RHFOY 17-11-2010 14:38

Re: Spire farm development
1, your half empty answer with regards a security guard to intimidate is nothing short of pathetic, let me now tell you in simple terms, for those of you who continue to constantly break the law will 1, have action taken against them because from a certain date you will be recorded walking through mr/mrs foys grounds.
2, if this fails to stop you you will be barred!!!!! from walking through our grounds.

3, the public right of way WILL BE moved less than one meter to were it is now,
4, the fence that i agree is an eye sore is there to support a landscape banking
5, the enviroment have been to see me re the manure mound, and unlike you are very relaxed with it, as the small stream is leads to no where.
6, capitals are used in names and places and to emphasise a point, remember what your english teacher taught you??? its only since the introduction of a pc that new "yuppie" language/reasons are used.

with regards your flippant comment "i wouldnt know were spire farm is" i suggest you come and meet me as you have know idea that my group of companies started in humble surroundings in the old foundry on charter/fairfield street accrington, if you dont know were that is? its were they used to hold the fairground, therefore may i suggest you do your dur-diligence before you open your brain and start typing utter nonsense.

R.H.FOY uosw

RHFOY 17-11-2010 14:52

Re: Spire farm development
may i also suggest that if your not happy there is a totally free security company that looks after us??, there called the POLICE.
furthermore you could also ring the public rights of way department in preston(you will find there number by dialing 118118) there very nice people who do a very difficult job, especially when folk ring up and moan about nothing, or ring the dog warden at hyndburn council and see what they have to say, there very nice people to.
or even try the enviroment department at hyndburn council and there very nice people to.
or finally as ive said come and see mr rhfoy hes a very nice person to, all these actions will remove the stress of this situation from your life, ill be up there saturday around 2pm, i will be handing out notices myself so say" hello"

RHFOY 17-11-2010 16:35

Re: Spire farm development
and i see you conveniently forgot to mention the death of 2 of my ANIMALS, and a serious leg injury to one of our stallions, you are quite clearly a me, myself and i type of person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RHFOY 17-11-2010 16:43

Re: Spire farm development
and another one for your information, it is a public right of way on foot only and not a bridle way, so again always check ones facts before engaging ones brain, they use it at their own risk.

RHFOY 17-11-2010 16:51

Re: Spire farm development
a question do you know who knocked the dry stone wall down??? of course you dont!!!, if you want the details of my lawyer please ask and i will forward them to you, then when the court case is dated ill pass it onto you and you can sit in the gallery of the court and learn the facts.

RHFOY 17-11-2010 16:54

Re: Spire farm development
the landscape banking should of read, "when i get around to doing it"if it hurts your eyes dont walk past it, simple.

lindsay ormerod 17-11-2010 21:23

Re: Spire farm development
Mr Foy,here's a thought, if you calmed down and engaged your brain before typing maybe you could have put all your points/posts in one easy to understand, maybe even grammatically correct chunk, instead of random words that simply put people off reading it. ;)

RHFOY 18-11-2010 12:24

Re: Spire farm development
Mr Ormerod, here's a fact: your grammar is unsound. At no cost to yourself, here is the correction: ' Mr Foy, here's a thought: if you calmed down and engaged your brain before typing, maybe you could have put all your points, or posts, in one easy-to-understand, even grammatically correct passage, instead of random words that simply put people off reading it.'
' Cover up those dogs', Mr Ormerod, their waste product is inflaming the children's eyes!'

MargaretR 18-11-2010 12:44

Re: Spire farm development
RHFOY - you sound very stressed - is the Spire farm development a bit more than you can chew right now? - best take a break if you can, to regain your composure.

RHFOY 18-11-2010 12:46

Re: Spire farm development
p.s. i have taken on board your advice though, Mr Ormerod

RHFOY 18-11-2010 13:05

Re: Spire farm development
fully appreciate your comments Margaret.. the development is a passion of mine, the stress derives from people who have no respect for the law or my grounds, 90 percent of accy folk are a pleasure to chat with, the other 10 percent are the ongoing problem, who have no respect for our animals or other walkers animals.

Neil 18-11-2010 14:03

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 862180)
5, the enviroment have been to see me re the manure mound, and unlike you are very relaxed with it, as the small stream is leads to no where.

How can a stream lead to nowhere?

Less 18-11-2010 15:39

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 862432)
How can a stream lead to nowhere?

A very good question.

cashman 18-11-2010 19:39

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 862417)
p.s. i have taken on board your advice though, Mr Ormerod

mr ormerod happens to be female, unless linds aint tellin us summat.:D

Alan Varrechia 18-11-2010 21:04

Re: Spire farm development
Oh and it's their not there.

RHFOY 19-11-2010 12:27

Re: Spire farm development
whats the way they speak got to do with facts and education, queens english or vernacular look the word up you will educate yourself!!!

RHFOY 19-11-2010 12:29

Re: Spire farm development
and computers and telephones are the bravest items in the world, quite differant when you here them face to face. keep them coming children

RHFOY 19-11-2010 12:30

Re: Spire farm development
please forward your corrections to my grammer for your next lesson

RHFOY 19-11-2010 12:35

Re: Spire farm development
it started as a friendly information forum to let the community know whats going on around spire farm i make note of what you say re the forums guidelines, so i think its best for all if i remove myself from this forum!!! and i will leave you with one famous quote from a great man!!!" ill fight them on the beaches" to ensure, they conform or they suffer the consequences.

RHFOY 19-11-2010 12:38

Re: Spire farm development
and sum people speak correctly but are as numb as some people in ?? work it out krypton.

RHFOY 19-11-2010 12:41

Re: Spire farm development
it goes underground einstein, ring the enviroment people and they will explain, another doubting thomas

RHFOY 19-11-2010 13:03

Re: Spire farm development
i know that now retlaw told me she must be finnish with a name of linds??????????

cashman 19-11-2010 13:25

Re: Spire farm development
thought ya were going?:D

Spider61 19-11-2010 13:26

Re: Spire farm development
Well thats 3 extra post since you left us.

Kitkat 19-11-2010 14:45

Re: Spire farm development
Well how childish and embarrasing that post has been, goodness knows what Mr Foy must think Accy Webbers - some have been so rude, he invited you up to look around and speak to him, and you threw it back in his face - I'm ashamed

steve2qec 19-11-2010 14:59

Re: Spire farm development
I think some of you are being a bit hard on RHFOY. We must bear in mind that Spire Farm is not public property it's a family home and Mr Foy is trying to improve it as he sees fit. Also, the footpath along-side it is in my opinion one of the better maintained ones in the Coppice/Plantation area. Refering back to the original post that started the thread it seems to me that RHFOY was doing us a courtesy by attempting to keep us informed of goings on at SF.
I realise that Spire Farm is an Accrington landmark and evokes strong feelings in some people but I think we should give Mr Foy a bit of slack and let him get on with his improvements.
.....There rests the case for the defence.....

RHFOY 19-11-2010 16:43

Re: Spire farm development
yes your right spider man now its 4, ive changed my mind, webs catch flies, dog poo blinds people and is inconsiderate to all other users of my grounds, and thank you kitkat it was right on the facts with your remarks and again to steve2qec, for his comments re the new road ive spent alot of money on that new road to make the transition very smooth We all have the famous saying in our vocabulary, "well why didnt they just tell us then we knew" etc i have done this so the real genuine interested folk of accy are in the know, to the clowns, carry on with your circus act but please be carefull as acting and drinking are not reccomended. ill be on the lane tomorrow from 2pm to answer any questions you want answering.rob

RHFOY 19-11-2010 16:46

Re: Spire farm development

RHFOY 19-11-2010 16:49

Re: Spire farm development
thats why i play cricket, have a look at church cc when your walking and see what a lovely ground that now is, i wonder who donated thousands to make that the place it is now, all for the community of church accy and ossy.

RHFOY 19-11-2010 16:54

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by Spider61 (Post 862654)
Well thats 3 extra post since you left us.


Originally Posted by cashman (Post 862506)
mr ormerod happens to be female, unless linds aint tellin us summat.:D

you havnt answered my question is she from finland?? cashman? tax dodger?? or coffin dodger?? hmmm the treasury could do with a few more pounds, then they could pour money into east lancs for us all to enjoy

Less 19-11-2010 17:12

Could somebody with some sense please interpret this thread?

I'm getting bored.

RHFOY 19-11-2010 17:15

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 862690)
you havnt answered my question is she from finland?? cashman? tax dodger?? or coffin dodger?? hmmm the treasury could do with a few more pounds, then they could pour money into east lancs for us all to enjoy

east lancs area of accy i meant

RHFOY 19-11-2010 17:21

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by Spider61 (Post 862654)
Well thats 3 extra post since you left us.

the church cc comment relates to this thread

Less 19-11-2010 18:50

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 862698)
the church cc comment relates to this thread

Why? is this thread anonymous as well?

Will someone with sense do a synopsis?

DaveinGermany 19-11-2010 18:56

Re: Spire farm development
I'd assume he's not right chuffed, this Spire farm is obviously his & the land surrounding it too, over the years folk have been using it as they please as it was just derelict. Now RHF has come along & done the place up & reclaimed it as a private property, but at the same time allowed access & a new thoroughfare, but people are still using the area as a piece of waste ground & this is making him rather dischuffed ! As to the Cricket I assume he's donated land/done the work/ given money for repair -upkeep, or something in that vein.

Still I'm an outsider & as such don't know the lay of the land or the ancestral rights & rulings referring to said area. Perhaps lack of understanding & communication from all parties is therefore leading to this animosity & quarreling, now if only people would talk & not be so cryptic ;) The situation could be alleviated & smoothed over. :)

Just the views of a Donkey looking over the fence ! :D

Has this helped ? Or have I just pished on the proverbial bonfire ?

Less 19-11-2010 19:03

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany (Post 862729)
I'd assume he's not right chuffed, this Spire farm is obviously his & the land surrounding it too, over the years folk have been using it as they please as it was just derelict. Now RHF has come along & done the place up & reclaimed it as a private property, but at the same time allowed access & a new thoroughfare, but people are still using the area as a piece of waste ground & this is making him rather dischuffed ! As to the Cricket I assume he's donated land/done the work/ given money for repair -upkeep, or something in that vein.

Still I'm an outsider & as such don't know the lay of the land or the ancestral rights & rulings referring to said area. Perhaps lack of understanding & communication from all parties is therefore leading to this animosity & quarreling, now if only people would talk & not be so cryptic ;) The situation could be alleviated & smoothed over. :)

Just the views of a Donkey looking over the fence ! :D

Has this helped ? Or have I just pished on the proverbial bonfire ?

It's helped me, now I just don't know whats going on, before this post, I didn't know why it was going on.

Somehow I get the feeling that the Lord and master of this vast expanse of land is upset, but for some reason he and many other contributors would rather discuss the English language and not talk in plain language to each other.

Like the strange stream mentioned in an earlier post, this thread is going nowhere.

RHFOY 21-11-2010 11:57

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by Less (Post 862694)
Could somebody with some sense please interpret this thread?

I'm getting bored.

hi less sorry for assuming everyone new about people abusing the right of way through my grounds, all im asking is that people respect our home when enjoying their walks, and dog walkers (especially with those dangerous dog types) to put them on a lead to protect my animals and local folk that are on the lane to,Rob

Neil 21-11-2010 13:12

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 863202)
and dog walkers (especially with those dangerous dog types) to put them on a lead to protect my animals and local folk that are on the lane to,Rob

Is it still acceptable to shoot dogs bothering your animals?

cashman 21-11-2010 13:20

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 863232)
Is it still acceptable to shoot dogs bothering your animals?

dunno but i sure as hell would.;)

***Mr D*** 21-11-2010 13:23

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 863202)
(especially with those dangerous dog types)


Or them nasty Jack Russles?

cashman 21-11-2010 13:27

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** (Post 863240)

Or them nasty Jack Russles?

Dont matter what breed, any dog that worries sheep,animals etc is dangerous, or is that beyond yer comprehension?:rolleyes:

Less 21-11-2010 13:36

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 863202)
hi less sorry for assuming everyone new about people abusing the right of way through my grounds,

They can't be abusing the right of way as badly as you abuse English, took 5 minutes to work out that new in the above meant 'KNEW'.


all im asking is that people respect our home when enjoying their walks, and dog walkers (especially with those dangerous dog types) to put them on a lead to protect my animals and local folk that are on the lane to,Rob
If I was using the right of way and 'KNEW', that there are local folk on there to Rob, I too, (notice, not to, but too), would walk with a dangerous dog to keep myself safe.

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