Studio25 |
31-10-2008 15:56 |
Victoria quiz
OK this is to give a couple of members the "flavour" for the Wednesday pub quiz at The Victoria Hotel (Butcher Brig) in Great Harwood. it's partly been done in response to the PMs I've had from the post I made promoting the weekly event.
There appear to be established quiz rules on Accyweb, but I can't find them, such as one answer per person until you've had one confirmed right, no googling etc. If anyone can post a link to such rules, I'd be grateful.
As soon as all the questions have been answered, I'll post the answers to the picture round, which I've reproduced at the bottom of this post as it doesn't seem to work at the above link...
(The first four categories are always taken from the suggestions of the four lowest-scoring teams of the previous week - so don't blame me if they're a bit weird)
The Wild West
- Which organisation operated for just 19 months in 1860 and 1861, was a huge financial failure, yet it racked up a total of more than 650,000 miles and delivered almost 35,000 items of mail, and lost just one mail sack?
- Which company manufactured “the gun that won the west”?
- Samuel Clemens, struck by silver fever, tried his hand at prospecting in the town of Unionville, Nevada in 1862. Having more luck in trading mining claims than actually producing silver, he ended up leaving the area. What happened next?
- Where did Custer’s Last Stand take place, on June 25 1876
- Which town had brothels from the days of the Wild West, when 90% of its female population were prostitutes, right up until October 1980, when its last brothel closed?
Kids TV – Worth noting that if you get any of these right, you’re doing well. My nine-year-old son Sam didn’t get any.
- What is the name of the tortoise in Bill & Ben
- Which children’s TV program celebrated its 50th birthday in October?
- On whose program can you occasionally see rock star Lennie Lazenby, voiced by dumpy ginger supertw*t Chris Evans?
- Who is driven by Edwin Jones, and had a dream to sing with Grumbley and District Choral Society?
- What is the name of the title character that lives in a shop that is owned by a little girl called Emily, a shop that doesn’t sell anything, it is just full of broken and lost items in the hope that one day the owners will come and collect them?
Computer games
- What computer game gets its name from the scientific term for the rate of radioactive decay?
- Alison Carroll is the latest human model for which video game character?
- Which arcade game features characters with the nicknames Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde?
- Alexey Pajitnov developed which game in 1985, but got no royalties because he did it while working for the Computing Centre of the Soviet Academy of Sciences? The game was a bestseller available for nearly every video game console and computer operating system, as well as on devices such as graphing calculators, mobile phones, portable media players, PDAs and even as a bonus on non-media products like oscilloscopes and has even been played using lights in the windows of high-rise buildings?
- Claude Speed, Tommy Vercetti, Carl CJ Johnson, Tony Cipriani, Victor Vance and Nico Bellic are all the main, playable characters from which controversial console and computer game series?
Carry On Films
- Who directed all 31 Carry On films?
- Carry on Camping and Carry on up the Khyber were the highest and second-highest grossing films in the UK in which year?
- Which were the first and last Carry On films? One point for each
- What was the name of the Frankenstein character in Carry On Screaming? For a bonus point, which of his body parts was used to produce a smaller Frankenstein clone called “Junior”?
- How were the Khasi’s soldiers finally routed by the Third Foot and Mouth Regiment in Carry On Up The Khyber?
British Literature
- In JRR Tolkien’s “The Hobbit” – who killed Smaug the dragon?
- Where would you find Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor?
- The seven children’s spy novels featuring Alex Rider were written by which author? Stormbreaker, Point Blanc, Skeleton Key, Eagle Strike, Scorpia, Ark Angel and Snakehead
- Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?
- Which author, disgraced in virtually every activity he has undertaken except his writing, wrote a bestseller revolving around the feud between Abel Rosnovski and William Lowell Kane?
- I have a 30’ by 40’ lawn, so the shortest distance I have to walk to get from one corner to the opposite corner without walking on the grass is 70’. What’s the shortest distance if I do walk on the grass?
- Which series of numbers gets its name from the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, where the third and subsequent numbers in the series are just the sum of the preceding two numbers in the series?
- What two-letter word describes the constant ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter?
- In theoretical mathematics, what letter is used to identify the impossible number, the square root of minus one?
- Be cautious whenever anyone says “better than average”, because there are three types of average. The mean average, the most common, is simply the sum total of a series of numbers divided by how many numbers there are. The median average is the number that appears at the midpoint of a sorted list of numbers. What’s the name given to the average which is described by the most commonly occurring number in a list of numbers?
Current stuff (this quiz was first "broadcast" two months ago)
- How many gold medals did Great Britain win at Beijing 2008? If you think about it there are two possible answers to this: The number of events we came first at, and the physical number of gold medals that came home (it's more than one for a non-solo event like the relay). A point for the first, a bonus point for the second.
- Hasbro and Mattel have deprived facebook users of a clone of which popular board game? You get a bonus point if you can tell me what its facebook clone was called.
- Whose image, composed of the paint prints from children’s hands, has provoked outrage and revulsion at its fleeting inclusion in the London 2012 promotional video?
- Three arrests in Manchester and Accy, then one in Blackburn, then another yesterday in Derby – All the result of an alleged plot to kill the PM. How many British PMs have been assassinated?
- Which bank has just discovered that one of the old PCs belonging to a subsidiary bank was sold on eBay for £35, still with a hard drive containing a million customers’ credit card applications, including account details and in some cases customers' signatures, mobile phone numbers and mothers' maiden names.
Random cr*p
- Who played a beaurocrat-nutting scouser, an egg-tossing, steak-loving husband, a seemingly-incompetent cruise liner captain and a mesmerised fantasy king of middle earth?
- If you look hard enough, you can find Groomlake, Area 51 and Roswell in which US state?
- Where, exactly, are Kopi Luwak coffee beans harvested? (Hint: I’m not looking for a country.)
- What’s the name given to a machine designed to remove waste products from blood outside the body, before returning cleaned blood to the circulatory system?
- Sam’s question: What word describes an unusually powerful gun cartridge, a type of frozen confectionery, and a fictional TV private detective?
Good luck