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JohnW 21-07-2004 11:57

Limericks - add a line
OK - another thread on which to waste our time......

Let's make up our own Limericks a line at a time. I'm sure you all know but I'll tell you anyway. A Limerick is a five line rhyme. The first two lines rhyme, the third and fourth lines rhyme and the last line rhymes with the first, eg.

There was a young girl of Southbend,
Who had only 'tuppence' to spend,
So what could be nicer,
Than a Pendleton's twicer?
Ice cream, with a lolly each end.

Right I'll start:-

There once was a lady called Janet,

KIPAX 21-07-2004 11:59

Re: Limericks - add a line
There once was a lady called Janet,
Who lived on a far away planet,

JohnW 21-07-2004 12:02

Re: Limericks - add a line
There once was a lady called Janet,
Who lived on a far away planet,
When she landed on Earth,

KIPAX 21-07-2004 12:05

Re: Limericks - add a line
There once was a lady called Janet,
Who lived on a far away planet,
When she landed on Earth,
She wondered was it worth,

JohnW 21-07-2004 12:07

Re: Limericks - add a line
There once was a lady called Janet,
Who lived on a far away planet,
When she landed on Earth,
She wondered was it worth,
All the eating that made her a gannet!

JohnW 21-07-2004 12:07

Re: Limericks - add a line
Go on Kippax, you start the next one.

KIPAX 21-07-2004 12:10

Re: Limericks - add a line
There was on old lady from Accy

JohnW 21-07-2004 12:11

Re: Limericks - add a line
There was on old lady from Accy,
Who partook of the old Wacky Backy,

KIPAX 21-07-2004 12:12

Re: Limericks - add a line
There was on old lady from Accy,
Who partook of the old Wacky Backy,
But it made her feel Ill,

JohnW 21-07-2004 12:13

Re: Limericks - add a line
There was on old lady from Accy,
Who partook of the old Wacky Backy,
But it made her feel Ill,
So she then took a pill,

KIPAX 21-07-2004 12:18

Re: Limericks - add a line
There was on old lady from Accy,
Who partook of the old Wacky Backy,
But it made her feel Ill,
So she then took a pill,
But that only made her feel cacky!

Sorry :)

Someone else?

JohnW 21-07-2004 12:25

Re: Limericks - add a line
Tealeaf, a fella from Church,

KIPAX 21-07-2004 12:27

Re: Limericks - add a line
Who walks with a bit of a Lurch,

JohnW 21-07-2004 12:36

Re: Limericks - add a line
Tealeaf, a fella from Church,
Who walks with a bit of a Lurch,
It's the ale in The Stag,

Doug 21-07-2004 13:30

Re: Limericks - add a line
Tealeaf, a fella from Church,
Who walks with a bit of a Lurch,
It's the ale in The Stag,
That made it all shag

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