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Eric 15-11-2011 19:24

The Iron Lady ....
Ok ... I like Meryl Streep ... as Hollywood goes, she ain't all that bad ... but Streep as Thatcher? I know she will probably do a decent job ... trailer don't look all that bad. But were there no British actors able to handle the role? I mean, it's as dumb as having Jeff Chandler as Cochise:eek: Or Edward G. Robinson in "The Ten Commandments:eek::eek: I for one had never realized that Cochise was Jewish:rolleyes: And does anyone trust a yank to do "justice" to the Iron Lady ... I hope we don't get Maggie the heroine, instead of Maggie the Bitch that she was, and probably still is:mad:

cashman 15-11-2011 20:54

Re: The Iron Lady ....
yeh disappointed me mate, i'd hoped wi the thread title she had croaked.

Eric 15-11-2011 21:13

Re: The Iron Lady ....

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 948427)
yeh disappointed me mate, i'd hoped wi the thread title she had croaked.

Nah ... when she croaks the thread will be in the over-18s so that all her fans can deliver obits in forthright language.;) Still think that they should bury her now ... and do it face down so that if she tries to claw her way out, she will end up where she belongs; and I don't mean Australia:alright:

grannyclaret 15-11-2011 21:26

Re: The Iron Lady ....

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 948427)
yeh disappointed me mate, i'd hoped wi the thread title she had croaked.

is she still around,,,there will be plenty of buntin out up north.

Tealeaf 15-11-2011 21:38

Re: The Iron Lady ....
She'll probably croak when she finds out the Tory leader in Hyndburn has seconded a motion supporting terrorist organisations currently involved in killing British troops.

cashman 15-11-2011 21:55

Re: The Iron Lady ....

Originally Posted by Tealeaf (Post 948456)
She'll probably croak when she finds out the Tory leader in Hyndburn has seconded a motion supporting terrorist organisations currently involved in killing British troops.

If that had to occur T,i would change my opinion of the man, n even send him a "Thank You" card.

Tealeaf 15-11-2011 22:18

Re: The Iron Lady ....
I hope she don't croak too soon, Cashy, because it's going to be a state funeral and you wouldn't want to pay for that out of your taxes, would you?

cashman 15-11-2011 22:21

Re: The Iron Lady ....

Originally Posted by Tealeaf (Post 948468)
I hope she don't croak too soon, Cashy, because it's going to be a state funeral and you wouldn't want to pay for that out of your taxes, would you?

Sod me taxes,i'll pay fer it meself.:D

garinda 15-11-2011 22:34

Re: The Iron Lady ....
I think Lindsay Duncan did a good job the other year, in the B.B.C. drama Margaret.

'I loathe Margaret Thatcher,' says actress playing former PM in new BBC drama | Mail Online

Rate Ms. Streep, but will need convincing she'll pull ol' Thatch off.

Though with her skill's as an actor, she probably will indeed convince me.

I detested Thatcher when she was on the throne, and all she stood for.

I've mentioned before, I did meet her the once, about twelve years ago. I was invited to a dinner, upstairs in a private dining room at the Carlton Club. Twelve diners at one table, and I was sat straight facing her.

Much to my suprise, I genuinely found her to be good company. She was interested in what I had to say, she was intelligent, and had a very dry sense of humour. Still hate her politics mind, but I did warm to her as a person. Though with hindsight, you do have to admire her dog's dangly bits, compared to today's weak as dishwater political leaders, especially when dealing with our E.U. 'brothers'.

Odd, when your perceptions are challenged.

Always thought Enoch Powell would be a monster, and he was a quiet, kind, gent. Whereas someone I admired growing up, David Bowie turned out to be a supercilious, vacuous, snob.

I look forward to seeing this film, and hope my preconceptions can be similarly challenged.

Tealeaf 15-11-2011 22:36

Re: The Iron Lady ....
Isn't she still an honourary vice-president of Blackburn Rovers? I wonder if they'll scatter her ashes over Ewood Park, alongside some Venky Fried Chicken bones, with Jaysay performing the ceremony.

susie123 15-11-2011 22:38

Re: The Iron Lady ....

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 948473)
I think Lindsay Duncan did a good job the other year, in the B.B.C. drama Margaret.

I was thinking of that after I read Eric's first post.

garinda 15-11-2011 22:45

Re: The Iron Lady ....

Originally Posted by Tealeaf (Post 948475)
Isn't she still an honourary vice-president of Blackburn Rovers? I wonder if they'll scatter her ashes over Ewood Park, alongside some Venky Fried Chicken bones, with Jaysay performing the ceremony.

She was in the seventies. Don't know about now.

She'd be good in a pickle.

Tealeaf 15-11-2011 22:53

Re: The Iron Lady ....

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 948481)
She was in the seventies. Don't know about now.

She'd be good in a pickle.

Err..wasn't it a case of honourary VP for life?

And wasn't Ted Heath an honourary VP of Burnley FC?

No wonder they couldn't stand the sight of each other...Dingles v Rovers, a dirty war fought out in the dark corridors of Westminster.

garinda 15-11-2011 23:06

Re: The Iron Lady ....

Originally Posted by Tealeaf (Post 948486)
Err..wasn't it a case of honourary VP for life?

And wasn't Ted Heath an honourary VP of Burnley FC?

No wonder they couldn't stand the sight of each other...Dingles v Rovers, a dirty war fought out in the dark corridors of Westminster.

Yup, you're right, seems she's still Honorary Vice President.

If she's not in a pickle, they might set her on fire, and float her down the Ganges instead.

Tealeaf 15-11-2011 23:14

Re: The Iron Lady ....
Or she could end up as a goddess, with eight arms. They could then stick up a statue of her in Whitehall, or maybe outside the Darwin End.

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