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accytom101 10-05-2014 18:53

Metallica Headline Glastonbury
Metallica will headline Glastonbury 2014, they are the first heavy metal band appear at the festival.

Boeing Guy 11-05-2014 11:22

Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury
No.........why don't you get a life?

accytom101 11-05-2014 11:53

Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury
:eek:I accidently put in the wrong topic, but please man just chill out.

Margaret Pilkington 11-05-2014 12:27

Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury
YOU started this thread so how can it be accidental.
If all you can talk about is music films and video games then this is not the right site for you.......I am sure there are sites out there which would meet your requirements better than this one.

Boeing Guy 11-05-2014 12:28

Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury
I am, however Metallica are not the first heavy metal band to appear at Glastonbury

accytom101 11-05-2014 12:29

Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury
Who where the first?

Boeing Guy 11-05-2014 12:33

Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury
Why don't you have a look.
They are however the first Heavy Metal band to headline Glastonbury

accytom101 11-05-2014 12:40

Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury
the first heavy metal group to ever headline the festival is Metallica that's what the BBC says.

Boeing Guy 11-05-2014 12:41

Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury
Re read post 5 and 7

Margaret Pilkington 11-05-2014 12:44

Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury

Originally Posted by accytom101 (Post 1105782)
Metallica will headline Glastonbury 2014, they are the first heavy metal band appear at the festival.

The relevant point is that they are NOT the first heavy metal band to appear at Glasto...which is what you said.......the are the first heavy metal band to HEADLINE...there is a difference...subtle, but a difference nevertheless.

DaveinGermany 11-05-2014 13:00

Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury

Originally Posted by accytom101 (Post 1105877)
that's what the BBC says.

Ah, that oracle of omniscience the Beeb! Right up there with the "Sun" & the "Daily fail". :laugh8:

Restless 15-05-2014 06:42

Re: Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1105869)
If all you can talk about is music films and video games then this is not the right site for you.......

Actually Margaret that is a bit unfair. Outright harsh. There are people that use the site just to talk about football (my least favourite subject) and well shall we remove the music and video games part of the forum?

Now the Flip side.

Tom. Stop making loads of threads, Its irritating and unacceptable on any forum.

Restless 15-05-2014 07:11

Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury
Starting to wish I could take that back :P

accytom101 16-05-2014 20:14

Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury
I ain't offended....:rolleyes:

Margaret Pilkington 16-05-2014 20:31

Re: Metallica Headline Glastonbury

Originally Posted by Restless (Post 1106179)
Actually Margaret that is a bit unfair. Outright harsh. There are people that use the site just to talk about football (my least favourite subject) and well shall we remove the music and video games part of the forum?

Now the Flip side.

Tom. Stop making loads of threads, Its irritating and unacceptable on any forum.

Rob, I really thought it was a fair and considered opinion.
The proliferation of this type of thread keeps people away.....mainly because the questions being asked are so objective and thoroughly irrelevant to what is going on in most peoples lives.
Very juvenile(and I mean that in a respectful and non insulting way).

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