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Guinness 18-12-2015 22:16

Star Wars
So..over the last week or so the phenomena that is Star Wars has been dissected to death…

Poncey, southern nancy, film critics spouting gobbledegook platitudes, newspapers running silly season fillers and pullouts..

Tell you what, way back in 1977 when I watched it wide eyed..

I was used to watching science fiction, usually ‘b’ movies (the thing, quatermass, the invaders etc..) that were more comedy than sci-fi. Wobbly sets, poor dialogue laced with nonsensical scientific terms, actors in silly uniforms, obvious rubber costumed bad guys that you rarely saw until the last 10 minutes of the film.

Along comes Star Wars….basically cowboys and indians in space.

Instead of the bad guy in a black hat and mask…erm…a bad guy in a black hat and mask combination.

Instead of a covered wagon crossing the space of monument valley…a spaceship crossing…erm…the monumental vastness of space.

Instead of the guy in a white hat rescuing the settlers from the baddies…erm..a guy in a white twinset rescuing a princess from the baddies.

What set this film apart for me…were the special effects, (these were the days when people were blown away by pong and tank commander consoles in pubs), the fact that you saw the bad guys from the outset, and, most importantly for me, how George Lucas managed to get me to suspend belief for 2 hours and accept that despite the fact there was a galactic empire with hundreds of massive spaceships and lasers, a guy with a sword who spoke to a ghost kicked the crud out of them.

gpick24 18-12-2015 22:30

Re: Star Wars
You seen it yet Guinness?

Guinness 18-12-2015 22:50

Re: Star Wars

Originally Posted by gpick24 (Post 1156966)
You seen it yet Guinness?

Nope...there is no way that it can live up to modern day hype....I'll watch it when the furore has died down and hopefully it will suspend my belief once again and I can enjoy it as the escapism it's meant to be

MargaretR 19-12-2015 01:16

Re: Star Wars
I never saw any of the original star wars films and I doubt if I will bother with this one.
Blade Runner is my sort of sci-fi

gpick24 19-12-2015 08:29

Star Wars
As a sequel I thought the writers had been lazy, not enough original story and some things just don't fit with the characters (hard to explain without spoilers) still enjoyed it though.

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