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Jenoffee 22-10-2016 00:05

What is the last film you watched?
My latest film I watched was Pretty Woman last night, with the classy Julia Roberts. Its been over 10 years since I saw this but its a brilliant time-less movie.

Retlaw 22-10-2016 12:22

Re: What is the last film you watched?

Originally Posted by Jenoffee (Post 1179545)
My latest film I watched was Pretty Woman last night, with the classy Julia Roberts. Its been over 10 years since I saw this but its a brilliant time-less movie.

Captain & Commander, has some of the best old cannon clearing, loading & firing sequences I've ever seen, and some of the fighting scenes are the most aunthentic on films to date. That film is based on the real life of a British Sea Captain, who also had several more adventures than the one shown on film.

Eric 02-11-2016 23:47

Re: What is the last film you watched?
The Secret Path.

Gremlin 04-11-2016 15:19

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Gravity, before that Soldier Blue about 1982.

cashman 08-11-2016 18:36

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Tombstone with Val Kilmer @ Kurt Russell brilliant film.watched this afternoon.

Shurm 09-11-2016 05:48

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Toy Story 1,2 & 3 on Sunday Afternoon !!!

RainbowSix 09-11-2016 12:31

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Jumper, a film about a young lad who has the ability to teleport to a place he has pictured in his mind.

It was on late the other night, I'm thankful that Schindlers list was not on or I'd be up until the wee small hours watching it again. :)

cashman 09-11-2016 13:06

Re: What is the last film you watched?

Originally Posted by RainbowSix (Post 1181010)
Jumper, a film about a young lad who has the ability to teleport to a place he has pictured in his mind.

It was on late the other night, I'm thankful that Schindlers list was not on or I'd be up until the wee small hours watching it again. :)

Ah we record em n watch when it suits us, also can skip the adverts if on certain channels.;)

kestrelx 10-11-2016 17:39

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Funny Man was last one I watched all the way through... cult comedy Horror film from 1994 I never heard of it till it was shown on TV last week...

You can watch it on You Tube in it's entirety...

cashman 18-11-2016 13:12

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Crap weather so watched the "Imitation Game" story of Alan Turings contribution to winning WW2, top rate film well worth a sneck if yeh aint seen it imho.

Michael1954 18-11-2016 15:01

Re: What is the last film you watched?

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1181568)
Crap weather so watched the "Imitation Game" story of Alan Turings contribution to winning WW2, top rate film well worth a sneck if yeh aint seen it imho.

Totally agree! We have it recorded and have watched it several times since it was shown on TV. Well acted and well put together. I prefer this to the Kate Winslett film Enigma, although that's pretty good too.

MrPastry 23-11-2016 13:17

Re: What is the last film you watched?
A Christmas Carol 1951
About this time my obsession with Crimbo films rears its head and I dig deep into the archive to watch seasonal movies into the new you do.

MrPastry 30-11-2016 10:01

Re: What is the last film you watched?
The Incredible Melting Man 1977

Takes you back a bit watching that again.

monkey hanger 03-12-2016 10:18

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Alias John Preston a 1950,s B movie that has christopher lee in it before his eye teath got bigger. well worth a watch if youre into 40/50s british films.

MrPastry 05-12-2016 10:34

Re: What is the last film you watched?
I'll keep an eye out for that as well.

PAUL TEMPLE RETURNS 1952 which also has Chris Lee in and proper champion.

gpick24 08-12-2016 21:54

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Just watched Sulley, true story of Chesley Sullenburger landing his passenger jet on the Hudson River in 2009, cracking film, well worth an hour and a half of your time.
Sully: Miracle on the Hudson (2016) - IMDb

MrPastry 15-12-2016 08:34

Re: What is the last film you watched?
The Night Before Christmas 1905

MrPastry 21-12-2016 13:36

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Scrooge 1935 Working my way through the Christmas films.

kestrelx 28-12-2016 13:00

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Just watched "The Alamo" with Denis Quaid and Billy Bob Thornton - Remember the Alamo! Jim Bowie as well where David Jones who became Bowie - took his name from.

AccyMad 28-12-2016 16:56

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Just watched 'Pride' after recording it a couple of nights ago - really good film & brilliant 80's soundtrack to boot

Michael1954 28-12-2016 21:26

Re: What is the last film you watched?

Originally Posted by AccyMad (Post 1183888)
Just watched 'Pride' after recording it a couple of nights ago - really good film & brilliant 80's soundtrack to boot

The film was based on real events. The Mike Jackson character in the film went to Accrington Grammar School in the 1960s.

AccyMad 29-12-2016 07:16

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Yes, i think being based on a true story made it all the better & Accrington got a couple of mentions :)

kestrelx 29-12-2016 17:44

Re: What is the last film you watched?

Originally Posted by AccyMad (Post 1183888)
Just watched 'Pride' after recording it a couple of nights ago - really good film & brilliant 80's soundtrack to boot

Captain Phillips was on the other side so missed it, also based on true story about a container boat hi-jacked by Somalian Pirates.

Michael1954 29-12-2016 20:25

Re: What is the last film you watched?

Originally Posted by kestrelx (Post 1183946)
Captain Phillips was on the other side so missed it, also based on true story about a container boat hi-jacked by Somalian Pirates.

I watched it too. It was a riveting film.

taddy 30-12-2016 19:19

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Through rain and wind and weather, keep them all together; soon we'le be living high and wide?

Clint Eastwoods first acting role on television I believe, now being rereleased.
I don't normally watch the box during the day but I make an exception for
R------ ?

Michael1954 30-12-2016 20:49

Re: What is the last film you watched?

Originally Posted by taddy (Post 1184015)
Through rain and wind and weather, keep them all together; soon we'le be living high and wide?

Clint Eastwoods first acting role on television I believe, now being rereleased.
I don't normally watch the box during the day but I make an exception for
R------ ?

Rowdy Yates in Rawhide... yahoo!

KiTChener 31-12-2016 04:47

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Was down with daughter & family over C'mas, don't watch many films, but we watched DVD of Eddie the Eagle.... really enjoyed it, & the guy who played Eddie had him off to a 'T'

Also, grandson had box set of Game of Thrones, & we watched first couple of episodes.....
a bit gory, but wouldn't mind watching rest sometime, when I have another 58 hours or so to kill!

redgeek 20-02-2017 23:27

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Just watched The Arrival last weekend, it is one of the best science fiction films but the is a bit tricky to understand

Less 21-02-2017 09:19

Re: What is the last film you watched?

Originally Posted by redgeek (Post 1188039)
Just watched The Arrival last weekend, it is one of the best science fiction films but the is a bit tricky to understand

Oh now that is a shame, why not do what the rest of us do when we find words we don't know?

Look it up in a dictionary there are plenty online:-

Here I'll help you with this, just once, in future do it yourself.


[stressed th ee; unstressed before a consonant th uh; unstressed before a vowel th ee]

definite article
(used, especially before a noun, with a specifying or particularizing effect, as opposed to the indefinite or generalizing force of the indefinite article a or an):
the book you gave me; Come into the house.
(used to mark a proper noun, natural phenomenon, ship, building, time, point of the compass, branch of endeavor, or field of study as something well-known or unique):
the sun; the Alps; theQueen Elizabeth; the past; the West.
(used with or as part of a title):
the Duke of Wellington; the Reverend John Smith.
(used to mark a noun as indicating the best-known, most approved, most important, most satisfying, etc.):
the skiing center of the U.S.; If you're going to work hard, now is the time.
(used to mark a noun as being used generically):
The dog is a quadruped.
(used in place of a possessive pronoun, to note a part of the body or a personal belonging):
He won't be able to play football until the leg mends.
(used before adjectives that are used substantively, to note an individual, a class or number of individuals, or an abstract idea):
to visit the sick; from the sublime to the ridiculous.

redgeek 11-04-2017 13:53

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Yesterday we saw Beauty and the Beast, it was nice :)

Lord Love Rocket 11-04-2017 15:14

Re: What is the last film you watched?

Richard Burton, Roger Moore, Hardy Kruger, Richard Harris....

I normally watch it several times per week sometimes more than that

What a film

kestrelx 03-05-2017 15:27

Re: What is the last film you watched?
"Saving Mr Banks" at the weekend. The 2nd film Tom Hanks has been in with "Saving" in the title... now I know who Mr Banks was!

accyman 15-05-2017 15:41

Re: What is the last film you watched?
lets just say mommy blows best wasnt the demolition video i was expecting and will not be sitting alongside my Fred Dibnah DVD's

cashman 15-05-2017 18:26

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Double Jeopardy with tommy lee jones watched last night.

Michael1954 17-05-2017 06:19

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Can I recommend Brassed Off which is being screened on Film4 at 9pm Monday 22 May. It's not been on television for a number of years and is well worth watching.

cashman 30-12-2017 15:56

Re: What is the last film you watched?
The African Queen this afternoon seen it loads but still enjoy it.

hilleluk 30-12-2017 16:20

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Great film yesterday, The Accountant...worth a watch,

cashman 02-01-2018 15:36

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Watched the new James Bond film last night Spectre at least new to telly lol

hilleluk 03-01-2018 12:54

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Dunkirk yesterday...good

hilleluk 04-01-2018 08:19

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Fury...another one to watch

accytom18 09-01-2018 22:35

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Star Wars: The Last Jedi but ‘twas ****e

Rowlf 10-01-2018 20:54

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Grandad's Great Escape with my grandson. Very funny

cashman 25-01-2018 19:08

Re: What is the last film you watched?
The Tourist, Johnny Depp, @ Angelina Jolie, bit slow at start but not bad at all when it gets going.

Michael1954 28-01-2018 12:23

Re: What is the last film you watched?
The Jackal starring Bruce Willis, Richard Gere and Sidney Poitier. It's OK but not a patch on the original Day Of The Jackal.

Big Joe 09-02-2018 22:18

Re: What is the last film you watched?
The Darkest Hours. Excellent. Gary Oldman and Kirsten Scott Thomas at their best. One to watch. Its a Ten from Len.

DaveinGermany 18-02-2018 13:40

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Ted 2, last night, juvenile, offensive, explicit, full of bad language & totally un pc ...... thoroughly enjoyed it. :D

Not one to watch with your Nan really, mind you it depends on your Nan I suppose.

hilleluk 18-02-2018 15:42

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Last night was Schindlers List...I have a cold and was feeling down...after watching this film again I felt an awful lot better

kestrelx 20-02-2018 16:37

Re: What is the last film you watched?

Originally Posted by hilleluk (Post 1209033)
Last night was Schindlers List...I have a cold and was feeling down...after watching this film again I felt an awful lot better

Apparently before he became friend of the Jews he was actually a Nazi sympathizer...

One of best films I've seen in last few years that stands out is "Ex Machina" about some genius A.I. guy who creates robots who sets up this student in a test to see how he gets on with a female robot and it all goes very wrong.

hilleluk 20-02-2018 17:13

Re: What is the last film you watched?
I will look out for this film

MrPastry 18-03-2018 14:23

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Went to see Peter Rabbit at the flicks pleasantly surprised despite the critics shredding it.
Kids in really having fun watching it.

hilleluk 19-03-2018 12:22

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Brooklyn last night on BBC1...Thoroughly enjoyed it, but I would say it was a Women's film

MrPastry 20-03-2018 06:43

Re: What is the last film you watched?
CON AIR Bit like walking though Accrington on weekend night including dive bombing Pidgeon's!

kestrelx 09-04-2018 15:39

Re: What is the last film you watched?
42 Cloverfield Lane

DaveinGermany 16-08-2021 18:37

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Being tucked up in my cabin last night on the ferry (being a good lad & avoiding the bar), channel flitting I came across "Eaten by Lions", it can only be a British production & more so coming out of the North West of our fair Isle.

In the vein of "East is East", but more up to date being released & filmed in 2019 as opposed to being set in the 70's.Typically British take on our society & its evermore continued blurring of accepted norms & the expansion of multi racial families as standard.

Still all that apart, quite a pleasant & amusing diversion for about an hour or so, I'd happily recommend it as a watch. :)

taddy 17-08-2021 16:46

Re: What is the last film you watched?
With me being a bit of a Luddite it could well have been stage coach which made John Wayne a household name long, long ago.

Less 17-08-2021 17:37

Re: What is the last film you watched?

Originally Posted by taddy (Post 1256444)
With me being a bit of a Luddite it could well have been stage coach which made John Wayne a household name long, long ago.

So working on that theory...

Roy Rogers triggered his career on a G string?
And there was me thinking he only played his guitar as he headed into the sunset, not when he rode into town and shot up the sheriff!

taddy 18-08-2021 10:55

Re: What is the last film you watched?
[QUOTE=Less;1256451]So working on that theory...

Roy Rogers triggered his career on a G string?
And there was me thinking he only played his guitar as he headed into the sunset, not when he rode into town and shot up the sheriff!

Is it my mind or are we venturing into soft porn here?

Less 21-08-2021 15:45

Re: What is the last film you watched?
Just watching the 2007 version of 30,000 leagues under the sea, sex discrimination raised it's head within the first ten minutes two officers one male the other the 'weaker' sex, identical uniforms except...

He had his shirt buttoned all the way up apart from the collar showing just a hint of his white T shirt beneath.

She shirt unbuttoned to half way down showing no T shirt but instead an ample bosom.

All I can conclude is that service men are obviously more sensitive to the cold needing the extra layer for comfort and service woman are not only made of sterner stuff but need their clothes half off to disperse the extra heat they generate.

Or she's some sort of flashing perv and should not be in a responsible position if she can't control herself.

By the way wasn't the original story by Jules Verne 20,000 leagues under the seas?

DaveinGermany 21-08-2021 15:56

Re: What is the last film you watched?

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1256685)
service woman are not only made of sterner stuff but need their clothes half off to disperse the extra heat they generate.

Bit of a novelty that, they're usually going on about being cold all the time, unless they're in the middle of their mentalpause! :rolleyes:

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