Accrington Web

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Roy 28-08-2003 22:08

New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbooks
User Homepages
Some people where asking for extra information on the profile page, I couldn't decide what was good for that so everyone can decide for themselves, with their very own AccringtonWeb homepage. You can use this page to tell people about yourself. Such as - area in Accy you are from, schools you went to, where you are now, a picture or anything else - your own links to your favourite websites or whatever. It is all done in the same way as formatting these messages using YaBBC tags - Click here for help with YaBBC.  I'll be looking for cazzer to provide a good example for you all (hope your listening cazzer). So just click the Homepage button above to get started.

User Guestbooks
All users now have their own guestbook in their profile view. All users can leave a comment in other guestbooks. Just say hello, or comment on the users homepage, or again whatever.

If there are any problems just leave me a message and if anyone wants to put their picture on the site but doesn't know how just let me know and I will sort it out for you.

Have fun, good night, I am blumin tired!

Caz 28-08-2003 22:47

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo

I'll be looking for cazzer to provide a good example for you all (hope your listening cazzer). So just click the Homepage button above to get started.
Done Roy
;D ;D ;D

Where's yours?

tracey 29-08-2003 05:28

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
nice homepage cazzer  ;D

Caz 29-08-2003 14:26

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Brilliant homepage Harry!!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

tracey 29-08-2003 14:29

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Very funny harry  [smiley=lol.gif]

HarryX 29-08-2003 15:01

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
hehe  Will do summat proper soon... promise :)

adi 29-08-2003 15:13

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
that made me chuckle HarryX.

Cheers for that!!
;D ;D ;D ;D

Dave 29-08-2003 21:55

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Nice one Harry... ;D ;D

lettie 02-09-2003 18:46

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
;D  Love the new homepage Harry,  Do you have a brother, and is he available?? [smiley=evil.gif]

Caz 02-09-2003 19:50

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Cool Home page Harry!  [smiley=lol.gif]

HarryX 02-09-2003 19:59

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
I do have a brother lettie.. he is bald, beer bellied, glasses and mid 40s.. irritating, bad tempered and ugly.  But a nice smile.  Nothing like me at all :)

Mik Dickinson 02-09-2003 20:51

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Waht are you saying? You do not have a nice smile  :P

tracey 03-09-2003 08:36

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
awww harry i bet you are a cutie and have a smile like this ;D

HarryX 03-09-2003 08:46

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
I am sort of half smiling on my picture arnt I :)

ANNE 03-09-2003 11:06

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Just checked home page Harry. Nearly ad an heart attack. Bods like that are a shock to the system at my age. specially when one has just woke up.

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