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Roy 28-08-2003 22:08

New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbooks
User Homepages
Some people where asking for extra information on the profile page, I couldn't decide what was good for that so everyone can decide for themselves, with their very own AccringtonWeb homepage. You can use this page to tell people about yourself. Such as - area in Accy you are from, schools you went to, where you are now, a picture or anything else - your own links to your favourite websites or whatever. It is all done in the same way as formatting these messages using YaBBC tags - Click here for help with YaBBC.  I'll be looking for cazzer to provide a good example for you all (hope your listening cazzer). So just click the Homepage button above to get started.

User Guestbooks
All users now have their own guestbook in their profile view. All users can leave a comment in other guestbooks. Just say hello, or comment on the users homepage, or again whatever.

If there are any problems just leave me a message and if anyone wants to put their picture on the site but doesn't know how just let me know and I will sort it out for you.

Have fun, good night, I am blumin tired!

Caz 28-08-2003 22:47

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo

I'll be looking for cazzer to provide a good example for you all (hope your listening cazzer). So just click the Homepage button above to get started.
Done Roy
;D ;D ;D

Where's yours?

tracey 29-08-2003 05:28

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
nice homepage cazzer  ;D

Caz 29-08-2003 14:26

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Brilliant homepage Harry!!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

tracey 29-08-2003 14:29

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Very funny harry  [smiley=lol.gif]

HarryX 29-08-2003 15:01

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
hehe  Will do summat proper soon... promise :)

adi 29-08-2003 15:13

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
that made me chuckle HarryX.

Cheers for that!!
;D ;D ;D ;D

Dave 29-08-2003 21:55

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Nice one Harry... ;D ;D

lettie 02-09-2003 18:46

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
;D  Love the new homepage Harry,  Do you have a brother, and is he available?? [smiley=evil.gif]

Caz 02-09-2003 19:50

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Cool Home page Harry!  [smiley=lol.gif]

HarryX 02-09-2003 19:59

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
I do have a brother lettie.. he is bald, beer bellied, glasses and mid 40s.. irritating, bad tempered and ugly.  But a nice smile.  Nothing like me at all :)

Mik Dickinson 02-09-2003 20:51

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Waht are you saying? You do not have a nice smile  :P

tracey 03-09-2003 08:36

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
awww harry i bet you are a cutie and have a smile like this ;D

HarryX 03-09-2003 08:46

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
I am sort of half smiling on my picture arnt I :)

ANNE 03-09-2003 11:06

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Just checked home page Harry. Nearly ad an heart attack. Bods like that are a shock to the system at my age. specially when one has just woke up.

tracey 03-09-2003 11:24

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
lol at harry, you kept that quiet harry  [smiley=bootyshake.gif]

HarryX 03-09-2003 12:40

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Well if ya got it flaunt it :)
My wife nearly wet herself laughing when she saw it.  

tracey 03-09-2003 13:02

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
lol,if i was your wife harry you would not get out the door! :P

HarryX 03-09-2003 13:33

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
haha nice one..  If only I hadent drasticly let myself go since that pic was taken last week.. amazing what a week can do.. I look like my brother now :)

ANNE 03-09-2003 19:28

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Balding with a beer belly. Now that sounds more like the fellas I know Harry.

HarryX 03-09-2003 19:29

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Anne ...So I am normal?  Thats a relief :)

lettie 03-09-2003 19:33

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Balding with a beer gut!

Suits me. ;D

ANNE 03-09-2003 20:20

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Me to. Discription fits dear Hubby to a tea. Gives the bald spot a rub now and again. Tee Hee  :D  :D

HarryX 03-09-2003 21:45

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
I started going bald when I was about 20.. seriously.... The women flocked to it :)

Fellas if yer having trouble scoring.... go get a big chunk of yer hair cut out and pretend yer bald.... its a winner :)

tracey 04-09-2003 05:54

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
my hubby going bald too, he keeps saying he looks sexy, but i swear i married phil mitchell just going like him ;D

lettie 04-09-2003 17:08

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
My ex hubby claims that he is not going bald, so he was a bit put out when I told him he had a bloody big parting then! ;D

Emma 04-09-2003 17:53

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
My dad says he hasn't got a slap head it's a solar panel for a sex machine  ???

Caz 04-09-2003 18:10

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
That's a good one Emma! not heard that one before  ;D ;D

ANNE 04-09-2003 19:56

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
My hubby says its with hitting his head against the head board.

tracey 05-09-2003 06:15

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Men eh!  ;D

ANNE 05-09-2003 08:21

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Cant live with em, cant live without em.

tracey 05-09-2003 08:32

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
know what you mean anne!  ;D

HarryX 05-09-2003 08:52

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
All true. I mean life without men. thats silly.. Who would look after you and provide a home for you. who would take charge of finances and give you housekeeping money. Who would protect you and give you a reason to live.

A. Man..
Name and address witheld.

tracey 05-09-2003 08:58

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
mmmm to A.Men, me thats who would look after myself and me who would provide a home and reason to live my boys, as for looking after me, guess what, i can do that now dont be shocked harry! ;D

HarryX 05-09-2003 09:04

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
hehehehe just thought I would put the cat amongst the pidgeons...  Just hope my wife doesn't read it or I am dead :)

tracey 05-09-2003 09:07

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
think you better hide harry, once the females of this forum read that! :o

ANNE 05-09-2003 09:27

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
[smiley=smile.gif] [smiley=smile.gif] [smiley=lol.gif] [smiley=lol.gif].
Well, Harry you have a world record!!!!!!!!!
Making me lol at this time of morning not once but twice in one week.
" Your the man "
Watch this one girls. Hee Hee

tracey 05-09-2003 09:30

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
i agree with you anne!  [smiley=lol.gif]

HarryX 05-09-2003 09:35

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Oh stop it :)  yer only saying that cus I upped both yer ratings this morning :)

tracey 05-09-2003 09:40

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
HARRY  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

lettie 05-09-2003 09:43

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo

Harry, you've just given me a hell of a laugh. I think I'd better find one of these men thingies, as I obviously need one to sort out my housekeeping money and give me something to live for. ;D

ANNE 05-09-2003 13:53

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  Cheers Harry mi owd mate.  :-* :-*

Sara 05-09-2003 17:30

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Harry can't find your pic, and i am curious what everyone is on about.

lettie 17-09-2003 18:59

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
[smiley=lol.gif] [smiley=lol.gif]

 Harry X, Once again your homepage has given me a laugh, might start telling people I'm 21 and 168 months. ;D

HarryX 17-09-2003 19:18

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
My dad used to put around 15 years on his age whenever anyone asked... he said its better when people say you look well for your age rather than your looking old :)

lettie 17-09-2003 19:24

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo

That's actually not a bad idea, my dad tells everyone he's still 30 and prematurely grey!!!!  Have no idea where his 35 year old daughter came from then. Will have to ask my mum about that one. ;D

Caz 01-10-2003 22:59

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Harry's homepage, revised edition - out now!!!
;D ;D

Jo 06-10-2003 10:20

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
How can I add a picture to my homepage?

HarryX 06-10-2003 11:00

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
The picture has to be on the WWW and not on your computer. you then use the add picture icon and enter the address where the picture is stored

For example if you RIGHT CLICK on the accringtoweb logo at the top of this page and select PROPERTIES it shows you the address of the picture ie .. Simply cut and paste that.

If your picture isn't on the WWW and is on your computer then thats a whole differnt kettle of fish which requires a lot more explaining :)

Jo 06-10-2003 11:38

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Oh dear, the picture is on my PC.  :'(
Can you help me out ir is it too hard to explain?

HarryX 06-10-2003 11:49

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Well step one. You have to find space on the WWW somewhere to palce the picture. Most ISP give you webspace when you sign up for your internet account. Its usually allocated by default. Have a lok at your account and see if you ahve webspace.

If you dont have your own webspace then you could sign up for free webspace somewhere. Or you could sign up for a fotopic account.. but it seems a little overkill for one picture:)

No point even starting to explain how to upload until you have a space somewhere to place the picture.

However if you go for a fotopic account.. you can use there control panel to upload your picture :0

Jo 06-10-2003 11:59

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
hmmm..... what do you mean a lot of work for one picture? Depends on the picture!!! Maybe I  wanted to put MY picture on, and maybe I'm drop dead gorgeous for all you know!  ;D ;D
Anyhow, I'll try the webspace thing - I need to learn a bit more about that sort of thing so it'll be good practice!
Thanks Harry! If you don't mind I may drop yopu a line again if I need a hand!  :)

HarryX 06-10-2003 12:57

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Wadda ya mean MAYBE yur drop dead gorgeous?? Dont go ruining my dreams now.. You are drop dead gorgeous arn't you?  I know I am  :)

Tealeaf 06-10-2003 13:09

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Hey Harry - I've seen her piccy - she is!

Jo 06-10-2003 13:24

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Cheers tealeaf, that's sweet of you!!
Actually it's Mario's piccy I wanted to post - he's far cuter than me!! ;D
ps. sure you're not getting mixed up between my photo and the one of the gorgeous Megan Gale I sent you?? :D

Tealeaf 06-10-2003 13:32

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Well, I'm certainly not getting confused between you and your husband....!

Jo 06-10-2003 13:34

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Saying he's not cute????

Sorry, we're getting carried away here - answers on a postcard please in the "anthing goes section" thread - who is cuter, Jo or her husband?!
he he!  ;D

Tealeaf 06-10-2003 13:37

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Put it this way - I don't think I would have one of those dreams about your husband!

Jo 06-10-2003 13:39

Re: New Features - User Homepages and User Guestbo
Hey I'm getting paranoid - please click into anything goes, I'm scared of Roy.... can't stay on this thread too long!

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