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Smiffy16 10-01-2005 18:08

Whoever it is on this forum who keeps deducting other members karma then at the end of their quote saying it is from me will you please stop being so immature

I have had PM's today and yesterday from members who I personally know asking me why I have deducted them Karma from there posts....

All of this is leading my karma to drop just because some idiot(s) are being childish

Please stop it

Roy 10-01-2005 18:16

Re: Karma
I do believe that this is a good time for me to go and have my enjoyment and find out who it is.....

simon 10-01-2005 18:17

Re: Karma
Lets us know Roy ..... PLEASE......

Fearon1 10-01-2005 18:21

Re: Karma
some people have been doing that to me aswel, because my karma keeps going down and people calling me names

Roy 10-01-2005 19:18

Re: Karma

some people have been doing that to me aswel, because my karma keeps going down and people calling me names
Fearon, I'm afraid nobody has been sending negative karma and pretending it is from you, you are getting negative karma because you are you.

Smiffy16, I can see that someone has been doing this to you and I feel it is well out of order. I hope the people concerned realise that it is not actually you, please refer them to this thread if not.
Let's just say that I am pretty certain that the culprit has never ever been to a stanley away game. :)

If I find that this is happening again then I will enforce a 1 week ban. So stop it!

simon 10-01-2005 22:05

Re: Karma
Roy any chance of the "illegal" karma stealing being refunded ???? :)

Fearon1 10-01-2005 22:31

Re: Karma
its not a shop

Fearon1 10-01-2005 22:32

Re: Karma
Roy - how do you know if i have been to a stanley away game or not, you dont so keep stum

WillowTheWhisp 10-01-2005 23:53

Re: Karma

Originally Posted by Fearon1
Roy - how do you know if i have been to a stanley away game or not, you dont so keep stum

Are you saying that you are the one who deducted Karma in Smiffy's name ??? :confused:

Fearon1 10-01-2005 23:57

Re: Karma
no it wasnt me at all

WillowTheWhisp 11-01-2005 00:00

Re: Karma
Then why make reference to your attendance or otherwise of the relevant Stanley matches? :confused:

Fearon1 11-01-2005 00:02

Re: Karma
i was saying how does he know if i have been to a stanley away game or not

and my point is he doesnt, so why is he sayin something he knows nothing about

WillowTheWhisp 11-01-2005 00:06

Re: Karma
I think if you look at what Roy said it was that he has checked who the person is who was deducting Karma in Smiffy's name and that he is "pretty certain that the culprit has never ever been to a stanley away game." He didn't say whether or not he knows you have been to a Stanley away game. How do you know that he doesn't know the culprit well enough to know that he has never been to an away game? He may know more about them than you think.

luke 11-01-2005 00:09

Re: Karma
Fearon you need to be careful.....................there are people who are very clever on their computers and can deduce many things.. and may be very good friends of smiffy:)

Fearon1 11-01-2005 00:12

Re: Karma
there may also be some others on the forum who are very good friends with smiffy

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