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AccyVicar 20-08-2014 13:02

New Vicar for central Accrington
Hi everyone. I am the new vicar for St James in the town centre and St Paul's on Plantation Street. I am here with my wife and youngest child. We have known and visited Accrington for a long time but only just moved here from (most recently) Warwick. We have been missionaries in East Africa and I have previously been a vicar in Kelsall, Cheshire.

Fiona teaches Pilates and is trained as a physiotherapist. Our son is about to start A levels. We have a daughter at York University, another daughter currently working on cruise ships around Australia and New Zealand, and our oldest daughter is married, lives in Cheshire, and works in her local bank.

I enjoy running, local history and fixing things that are broken.

If you see me around do say hello.


Margaret Pilkington 20-08-2014 13:32

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Welcome to the forum . A comprehensive introduction.
Happy posting.

DaveinGermany 20-08-2014 13:33

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Alright Rev? Enjoy the site for what it is & let us worry about our own immortal souls & you'll get a pleasant enough welcome. ;)

Less 20-08-2014 13:50

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Pilates? Are they the albino Brazilian street waifs we've heard so much about? Won't be an overcrowded class will it?
Welcome anyway.😊

cashman 20-08-2014 15:02

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Welcome to the forum, listen to DinG n yeh won't go far wrong, hes pretty intellegent fer a scouser.:D

Barrie Yates 20-08-2014 15:05

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1114069)
Welcome to the forum, listen to DinG n yeh won't go far wrong, hes pretty intellegent fer a scouser.:D

I will accept your assesment that he is "Pretty":D

maxthecollie 20-08-2014 16:07

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Welcome to the nuthouse,Ian.

US Angel 27-08-2014 20:00

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Welcome to the group, I use to sing in the choir at St James many moons ago

davemac 27-08-2014 21:03

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
ow do, and welcome.

Accyexplorer 28-08-2014 11:39

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Welcome to the forum Ian my names Jason.
I was wondering what the chances of arranging a visit to St James's was?
I'd like to take a few pictures from the roof area of the belfry as well as the other area's of the church.
If you was willing to allow such a visit it would be greatly appreciated.

JCB 28-08-2014 13:55

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington

Originally Posted by AccyVicar (Post 1114041)

I enjoy running, local history and fixing things that are broken.


Welcome brother Ian . :)

Beware of the history .

As the Blessed John Henry Newman said : “To be deep in history, is to cease to be Protestant.” :cool:

Michael1954 28-08-2014 16:12

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Greetings and felicitations.

ossy kid 29-08-2014 04:19

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Hello and welcome, was a boy "sprout" at St Pauls many moons ago.

Mog 29-08-2014 06:54

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Hello and welcome Ian. Run Fast, Keep Low and stay safe. Trifle thee not as thy time is short.

Bob Dobson 29-08-2014 19:06

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
I wouldn't mind betting that Ian is our first 'man of the cloth'. Am I the first 'tall man dressed in blue' ?

Gordon Booth 29-08-2014 19:53

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington

Originally Posted by Bob Dobson (Post 1115056)
Am I the first 'tall man dressed in blue' ?

That's not what we called you at AGS, Bob!

cashman 29-08-2014 20:50

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington

Originally Posted by Bob Dobson (Post 1115056)
I wouldn't mind betting that Ian is our first 'man of the cloth'.

I wouldn't mind betting yeh would lose yer bet Bob. If yeh had said our first sane man of the cloth, yeh may have stood a chance.;)

Wynonie Harris 29-08-2014 22:11

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Welcome, Reverend. New vicar for central Accy eh? Good luck with that...can't see you picking up many converts down there. ;)

Barrie Yates 30-08-2014 15:39

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington

Originally Posted by Bob Dobson (Post 1115056)
I wouldn't mind betting that Ian is our first 'man of the cloth'. Am I the first 'tall man dressed in blue' ?

As I remember you were a "little squirt" - being 2 years behind. However I can confirm your fixation on the colour blue, but thought that was actually the fixation on a particular item of clothing the Hyndburn Park girls displayed during netball practice:alright:

westendlass 30-08-2014 16:13

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Welcome Reverend Ian, I think you will really enjoy the discussions and debates on Accy Web !:o:):o

Eric 01-09-2014 19:55

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Tabernac' ... a man of the cloth.

Welcome/Bienvenue to AccyWeb International.

joaner3 04-09-2014 02:43

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Hi Ian welcome from Montreal, Canada.

putsinker 04-09-2014 04:54

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
Welcome Vicar, Yer a brave man comin on ere, keep yer ed down and dodge the flack.

Accyexplorer 05-09-2014 19:06

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
It was a pleasure to meet you Ian :).

Tasos 17-03-2022 13:52

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
[post deleted by user]

taddy 18-04-2022 10:04

Re: New Vicar for central Accrington
What Again ?

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