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chav1 03-08-2005 20:33

is it me or are they building a road through broadway again...?

yeah i know they are not but the last time i saw the progress it looked as though they were putting kerbs down :-)

SPUGGIE J 03-08-2005 20:49

Re: broadway
Well their doing something not sure what though (bit like the roads department). Rumour has it it was not starting until next month.

WillowTheWhisp 03-08-2005 22:15

Re: broadway

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Well their doing something .

Every time I look nobody seems to be doing anything! It's going to take forever at this rate.

I think those "kerbstones" mark the join between two different "materials" but the reason for it is beyond me.

cashman 03-08-2005 22:49

Re: broadway
had me beat when i saw it at dinner lol

chav1 03-08-2005 23:02

Re: broadway
perhaps they are moving from slippy cobbles to kirbs for the elderly and infirm to fall over :idunno:

Doug 03-08-2005 23:13

Re: broadway
Does anyone have a set of photographs of Broadway through its history, I ask this not just out of interest of seeing the comparisons, but also because if memory serves me right it’s been a constantly changing theme that every couple of generations they devastate the place? I think it’s hey day was the sunken gardens…………..?

chav1 04-08-2005 00:38

Re: broadway
2 Attachment(s)
heres two i repeat heres two becaus i hadnt used enough words to make my post :-)

entwisi 04-08-2005 06:49

Re: broadway
Every time I've walked past there hasn't beenanyone working on it. Why start digging it up if you aren't going to get stuck in?

It just makes teh place look even more unappealing than it did(if that was possible)


chav1 04-08-2005 09:47

Re: broadway
another thing about this whole mess is that there is a hidden expense that we will all probably end up paying for

because of the way they have cordened off broadway it has redirected people away from poundland , music shop and game

HBC will probably have to compensate these shops because of their loss of trade as i know one of the shops has had a severe drop in takings while their rivals across the road where the pedestrians are not diverted away from them have had a huge increase in trade

it will be interesting to see how much of our money gets spent compensating buisnesses if any at all due to their lack of planning

Less 04-08-2005 10:28

Re: broadway
Chav1, is the second of your images an artists impression of how Broadway will look after they've finished this time?

WillowTheWhisp 04-08-2005 10:52

Re: broadway
I can't understand why they had to cut off those shops like that yet thy left a huge gap in the middle.

The sheer lack of action is unbelievable though.

chav1 04-08-2005 11:15

Re: broadway

Originally Posted by Less
Chav1, is the second of your images an artists impression of how Broadway will look after they've finished this time?

its actualy taken from when british builders knew how to construct things and wernt afraid of a days work

but i do see your point lol

garinda 04-08-2005 11:21

Re: broadway

Originally Posted by chav1
its actualy taken from when british builders knew how to construct things and wernt afraid of a days work

but i do see your point lol

Most of them were probably Irish navvies though, backbone of the British Empire.

garinda 04-08-2005 11:30

Re: broadway
Whatever it looks like when they eventually finish, what I hate about Broadway is the horrible 60's blue and white upper frontage above the shops opposite Woolies/ Marks, part of which is council offices still.

It is the worst example of modernism, and is in an appalling state of repair. Even when Broadway is finished this is going to let things down. Even if they just changed the blue for a more neutral colour it would look better, and wouldn't cost that much.

Even stone cladding in this case would be an improvement.

chav1 04-08-2005 13:39

Re: broadway
from what i can tell so far we are going to have a mixture of tarmac , flags and the old cobbles as it seems they are leaving the orange cobbles upto the arndale where they are

i know that part isnt classed as broadway but it will look odd next to the new stuff

maybe those who bought the arndale for 72 million should be told to put their hands a little deeper into their pockets and keep the front of their building in keeping with broadway

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