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Acrylic-bob 17-08-2005 05:51

forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!
Shortly after the recent bombings in London, it was announced that armed police had shot dead a man they suspected of being a member of the gang who carried out the attacks.

I, in my usual bullish way, applauded the swift decisiveness of the police action, even to the extent of continuing my support for their action after it became clear that a terrible mistake had been made and that an innocent man had been shot dead. My reasoning was that the real responsibility for this mans unecessary death was just one more to be laid at the door of Islamofacist murderers. Like most of us, I felt myself to be diminished by this man's death but, was content that the Police had acted in consideration of the greater good.

Until this morning.

What I have just read in this morning's newspaper has made me feel sick. Sick to think that an innocent man lost his life at the hands of bumbling half-wits. Sick to realise that our safety and the safety of our children, our homes, our businesses and our way of life is placed in the hands of people who appear intent on raising incompetence to the level of a minor art form.

The report below hands the terrorists a victory far greater than any they could possibly have wrested by their own meagre efforts - I have lost ALL confidence in the police.,00.html

Ber999T 17-08-2005 06:26

Re: forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!
OMG Acrylic what have they done if the paper is correct!!!!

honeymonster 17-08-2005 06:44

Re: forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!
Don,t Believe All You Read The Police Do A Great Job And At The End Of The Day If He Had't Have Run He Wouldn't Be Dead

entwisi 17-08-2005 07:51

Re: forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!
So as a generally law abiding person who has done nothing wrong and doesn't suspect he was being followed by gun wielding police can't run to catch a train anymore? The article says thet after investigation he didn't vault the ticket machines in fact he used his season pass and picked up a free paper on the way. He only started to run when he saw his train pulling into the station. Something I reckon thousands of Londoners do every day.Not exactly the sort of behaviour someone about to blow themselves to smithereens.

Debbie J 17-08-2005 07:57

Re: forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!
I think it was a terrible mistake but given what had been happening in the capital was just about understandable. It's the lads family I feel sorry for.

Neil 17-08-2005 08:44

Re: forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!
I always said running was bad for you.
On a serious note I am always a little suspicious about these TV/newspaper reports. I don't believe the police would shoot someone 'just for the hell of it'. I think that we might not hear the full story for a long time. I also think that we should not be told the whole truth in matters such as national security. What we know so do those that take pleasure in bombing us.

Doug 17-08-2005 08:54

Re: forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!
Regrettably this is without doubt an own goal for the Met which may result in the prosecution of one or more officers if the actual “independent investigation which forms correct legal practice and not the popular press” and I include those idiots at ITV News in this statement, concludes that those offices acted without regard for public safety.

These documents where linked by an individual or individuals who acted without regard for justice, the due process of law or regard for the feelings and welfare of the mans immediate family. This is sensationalised journalism at its worse. The release of these documents constitutes a fraction of the evidence that will be available to the investigation and will only muddy the water further in respect of the truth.

It was known within hours that this man was not a terrorist, it was known that many of those purporting to have witnessed events where lying or had sensationalised there stories in the heat of the moment. Not all of the descriptions of events had come from the police; TV reporters and the so called gentlemen of the press had generated a picture of events from snippets of information from unqualified sources and made incorrect assumptions as to what actually happened.

Undoubtedly mistakes where made and someone will pay. But at least recognise that an official enquiry is under way and the Independent Investigation will only report when all the evidence is collated and read before you condemn.

My respects and heart felt sympathies go out to this mans family……….

Tealeaf 17-08-2005 09:17

Re: forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!
Oh Dear. I see everyone is speculating on an ITN news investigation (an organisation not quite as biast as the BBC, but still not exactly impartial). Why don't we wait until the full details of the official enquiry are complete and placed in the public domain rather than rely on leaks and half-truths?

Anyway, as someone who rides the tube every day, I am more than happy to see the occaisional illegal firmly dealt with by the local constabulary, if it is the cost of bringing a halt to terrorist carnage.

cashman 17-08-2005 17:11

Re: forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!
got to agree with a-b on this one, the statement quoted from the met in the london alert thread said the man was not a terrorist- but his clothing and behaviour increased suspision, it certainly worries me the fact that when they knew the truth,they told blatant lies. my confidence in them is at an all time low.

Doug 17-08-2005 17:43

Re: forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!
Mistakes were made, no question about that. However, forgive me but when the hue and cry as died away I prey that none of those who have lost their faith in the Met are on the transport system when an armed officer refuses to drew his weapon for fear of manslaughter or murder charges or when an officer fears another mistake and fails to act prior to the detonation of another terrorist device.

One point I would like to make irrespective of what this unfortunate gentleman was wearing on the day of his unfortunate death; many Middle Eastern terrorists have infiltrated Israeli buses wearing thin clothing as worn be many Arab Nationals as well as lightweight shirts or baggy ‘T’ Shirts, let alone a Denim Jacket. Yes the description of what this chap was wearing may possibly have differed greatly from the truth, but a number of decisions were taken under extreme circumstances. What would you have done in similar circumstances?

I started this post by saying mistakes were made, and there’s no doubt about that in the light of statements from the authorities themselves, however, even if this turns out to be an act of execution at the hands of one or more individuals there is no reason to dismiss the officers of the met and declare your lack of faith across the board, every tree gives succour to a bad apple, but we don’t go and cut down the tree…………………do we?

SPUGGIE J 17-08-2005 18:05

They are getting gun ho and shoot first ask questions later. When some innocent dude gets his brains used for decorating public transport then somethings wrong. If it had been a genuine threat then fair does but they need some guption occasionally.

Doug 17-08-2005 18:10

Re: forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!
Here we go, it just had to happen……but why as this idiot chosen this thread to take a swipe, no wonder people feel they can’t express themselves. For gods sake who ever you are gets a life because you’re just a sad reflection of about what worse on this very credible site….

Karma Deduction - 2 Points in the forget the terrorists, Tread........ 17-08-2005 19:04 womaniser and crude......

Doug 17-08-2005 18:21

Re: forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
They are getting gun ho and shoot first ask questions later. When some innocent dude gets his brains used for decorating public transport then somethings wrong. If it had been a genuine threat then fair does but they need some guption occasionally.

I don’t have any problem with your views Spuggie, but just ask yourself if anyone who died on the 7th July knew that the person that blew them to pieces was anything other than an innocent dude?

SPUGGIE J 17-08-2005 18:54

Re: forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!
Doug I am trying not to condone the killing of the Brazillian dude if innocent but again all the facts are as clear as mud. 7/7 shocked me along with the attempts 14 days later. What worries me is there will be innocent people caught up if the police start a chase again of failed bombers. When caught they go on about human rights dispite no regards for they innocents they could have killed. Now them yes shoot em the forfitted their human rights with what they tried.

grannyclaret 17-08-2005 19:07

Re: forget the terrorists, this is worse - much worse!
if he was an illegal imigrant .thats probably why he diddent stop when told to .

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