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garinda 30-09-2005 12:19

Re: More Government Meddling.
Good post Willow. Generalisations are always bad.

I hope your threat not to come to a meeting again was as tounge in cheek as Pendy's comment.

When I was at school we had a cooked well balanced lunch, we were also also not allowed to leave the school premises, thus we couldn't spend money on sweets. An idea I think should be brought back. I don't go to my local shops at lunchtime when schools out, as I'm sick of being pushed and having to listen to their foul mouthed language.

WillowTheWhisp 30-09-2005 18:29

Re: More Government Meddling.
I find it hard to believe that this was said tongue in cheek Garinda, but at least now I know what Pendy thinks of me.


Originally Posted by pendy

Whatever happened to willpower? You can shut down as many fast food chains as you like, the problem lies with those who eat too many of their products. Perhaps we have been too pussy-footed - we mustn't hurt anybody's feelings, but we can shut down burger chains and throw thousands of people out of business, just because no-one wants to say -

"You are fat. Fat is not only bad for your health, it is very ugly. You are therefore ugly. You are ugly because you eat the wrong food, and too much of it. If you don't want to be ugly, change the way you eat."

Yep - I'm sure a lot of kids (and adults) would be very hurt indeed, but it is TRUE.

Perhaps it's time to try the truth, rather than kindness and respect for some esoteric notion of "Human Rights".

Willpower? Well if it were possible to go "cold turkey" never eat again and lose weight and stay healthy I'd do it. It isn't that easy and believe me I've tried. I used to be slim, I used to go to a gym 3 times a week when I was young free and single - but then I got married and had less free time with a home to run, but the rot really set in when I had an injury and inactivity led to a little weight gain.

I tried dieting and that was my downfall. I didn't know at the time that those diet drinks which I thought were a good thing were actually doing me more harm. The more I tried to diet the more weight I actually gained. I walked to work every day from Accrington to Church, Clayton le Moors or Rishton (and home again) You may choose not to believe it because it doesn't fit in with your image of a fat lazy person but I actually ate less than my thin friends too. I worked with someone who ate sweets all day long. She had a half pound bag of something or other under her till every day.

One of the lads could eat a 12" pizza and follow it up with fish and chips for his dinner so why was he a lanky beanpole when I was eating salad sandwiches and having an apple instead of sweets?

The older I get the more I have problems with my knee injuries and the less I am able to do which doesn't help so to have someone say how ugly I am for being fat when I would dearly love to be anything but really hurts, just as much as it hurts physically when I try to excercise, which I do still try to do. I'm not a defeatist but it isn't easy. Eating less just doesn't seem to be making much difference so in desperation in coming months it will have to be a case of kill or cure. (There have been times when I'd have settled for "kill" too.)

I could say the same sort of thing about smokers.

"Smoking is not only bad for your health it is ugly. You are therefore ugly. You are ugly because you stick rolled up leaves into your mouths and set fire to them. If you don't want to be ugly stop puffing on the disgusting things."

But actually if you want to kill yourselves with the dreaded weed then go ahead. It really isn't any of my business. I just don't like passive smoking that's all. If I choose to be somewhere where people are smoking and have to breathe in the second hand polution that's my choice. I do prefer places where I don't have to but if I want to be somewhere and I know there is smoke in the air I weigh up the odds and make a choice.

As I shan't be attending AccyWeb meetings in future in order not to offend any of you with the uglyness of my appearance that's one less place for me to have to worry about.

I actually felt terrible posti
"Smoking is not only bad for your health it is ugly. You are therefore ugly. You are ugly because you stick rolled up leaves into your mouths and set fire to them. If you don't want to be ugly stop puffing on the disgusting things."

.....and wouldn't have done so but for a wish to show the smokers on here what it felt like to me reading what Pendy wrote.

Acrylic-bob 30-09-2005 19:27

Re: More Government Meddling.
Sweeping generalisations are always wrong and should be avoided. Thanks for correcting me, Willow.

Margaret Pilkington 30-09-2005 19:51

Re: More Government Meddling.
Willow, wouldn't it be a dull world if everyone was the same stick thin shape....? And isn't it a very shallow person who will judge you on what you look like......Every single person has a right to feel valid......and these comments that were made can only make you feel LESS valid if you take notice of them. There is much danger in trying to artificially regulate what children eat.....the next news we will be reading will be about teenage girls and eating disorders......and the governemnt will then start to put their brains...well, the few they have....into trying to legislate against that problem too.

When I said about playing fields having disappeared.....well, Moorhead is one of the lucky schools to still have theirs.....lots of schools have lost their playing fields. Few schools still have kitchens.....although that shouldn't be a drawback to hot, healthy cooked meals. These could be done in a central kitchen and transported in Temperature controlled environments....that is how it was done when I was at school.

Like you, when I was at school, because I was from a large(poor) family we got free school meals. I have to say I enjoyed the school dinners, as during the week it was often the only hot meal I received. There was only one choice of school either ate it or went hungry. We got water to drink, both at home and in school. In winter we got cocoa before we went to bed.

I also enjoyed the Cookery lessons at school.....and although it wasn't saddled with the fancy name of 'Food Technology' we did learn the basic facts about a good balanced diet.

I do believe it was easier to eat healthily when we were younger.....there wasn't the same choice of fast food.....and fish and chips from the chippy were a rarity.

I did however, have a 4d bag of scraps from the chippy after I had been to Accy baths....very good they were too!

Neil 30-09-2005 21:03

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
As I shan't be attending AccyWeb meetings in future in order not to offend any of you with the uglyness of my appearance that's one less place for me to have to worry about.

I do hope you will change your mind about that. I hope you won't let the comments of narrow minded people influence your decision not to attend any more meetings.

park381 30-09-2005 21:18

Re: More Government Meddling.
In reply to willows post, you are what you are, smoker or slightly over weight, should not matter, what's inside is the thing that matters. It would not work if every one was the same, the world's not made like that.

cashman 30-09-2005 22:14

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by park381
In reply to willows post, you are what you are, smoker or slightly over weight, should not matter, what's inside is the thing that matters. It would not work if every one was the same, the world's not made like that.

that sounds about right park381 i personally don't give a monkeys wether a persons fat,thin,ugly,their religion or colour,its the person that counts not the appearance. ;)

garinda 30-09-2005 22:52

Re: More Government Meddling.
Oh Willow, please don't take any notice of what Pendy wrote, I for one hope she was being ironic.:(

I've been hurt by what people have wrote on here, and I suspect I've probably hurt people as well, but I've decided that people are quite entitled to think what they like.

I like me, and people whose judgement I respect seem to like me too.

Please reconsider, a lot of people would miss you.

garinda 01-10-2005 00:32

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by pendy
This Government seems to think it can legislate for everything, which is pure cr*p.

Whatever happened to willpower? You can shut down as many fast food chains as you like, the problem lies with those who eat too many of their products. Perhaps we have been too pussy-footed - we mustn't hurt anybody's feelings, but we can shut down burger chains and throw thousands of people out of business, just because no-one wants to say -

"You are fat. Fat is not only bad for your health, it is very ugly. You are therefore ugly. You are ugly because you eat the wrong food, and too much of it. If you don't want to be ugly, change the way you eat."

Yep - I'm sure a lot of kids (and adults) would be very hurt indeed, but it is TRUE.

Perhaps it's time to try the truth, rather than kindness and respect for some esoteric notion of "Human Rights".

Pendy if this isn't tongue in cheek it's really offensive. What is the definition of ugly? Who is going to decide. If so, although I take people as I find them, I can also be Queen bitch, and would like nothing more than to proclaim what I find ugly in people, namely prejudice.

Dawn French or Victoria Beckham? No contest about who is the nicer, more fun, and in my opinion the more attractive person.:)

shiny gem 01-10-2005 00:53

Re: More Government Meddling.
[QUOTE=Neil]Lets apply that logic to smokers

Smoking causes many medical conditions. You should be excluded from the NHS and not be allowed into any private medical care. If you become ill you can die - its your fault becasue you choose to smoke.
Smoking makes you smell disgusting. I find this offensive so you should not be allowing in any public places.
You should not be allowed to smoke anywhere except your own house incase you polute the air of any non smokers.

i sooo agree!!! i dont mind smokers..i know a lot but cmon smoke a little less around me please...i hate smelling of smoke, and coughing up half my lung after a night out!!

accymel 01-10-2005 12:08

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by park381
In reply to willows post, you are what you are, smoker or slightly over weight, should not matter, what's inside is the thing that matters. It would not work if every one was the same, the world's not made like that.

Here Here :thumbsup: :D

slinky 01-10-2005 12:42

Re: More Government Meddling.
Willow, wouldn't it be a dull world if everyone was the same stick thin shape....?

This is quoted from you Margaret. I'm STICK thin shape, who says I like to be called STICK thin shape??
I wouldn't say to someone fat " oh wouldn't it be a horrible world if we were all "beach whale shape"??

What I'm saying is, just because you are slim, doesn't mean you have a fantastic life, and you are adored by everyone!!!!..........

I have always been very slim, and would do anything to gain a little weight, but I eat like a horse, much more than I should (I LOVE FOOD) but can never but weight on.

Do you see in magazines, does it ever say "1001 ways to gain weight"?? ..........NO!! it doesn't. It's always about bigger people, how to lose weight. So I think there is more help available for people to lose weight than to put it on.

Then you get people asking if you have a problem. My doctor when I was pregnant was always making comments that I was anorexic, which ginger thought was absolutely Hilarius, judging on the amount of food I eat.

So..........see us STICK thin people may not like it either!!!!!!!!!!!

accymel 01-10-2005 12:49

Re: More Government Meddling.
I learnt the true happiness is to be happy from within you & you can change this & that on the outside & still not be happy, ive known people have gone through addictions to change their apprearance & yet was still not happy!! I think the money spent on councelling therapy would of been more worth while. You are happy within what you are outside shines out too without drastric measures. Tho as with owt in life theres no quick fix & demands commitment.

Margaret Pilkington 01-10-2005 14:25

Re: More Government Meddling.
Slinky......I apologise unreservedly if I offended you by mentioning 'Stick' thin may cause you great anguish to be slim......however, I am sure you are comfortable in your own skin from the comments you have made in other threads.....people who are obese.....fat whatever you want to call it are exploited, they are made fun of, they are castigated for being the weight they are.....Whatever you say, fat poeple know they are fat..... and while you may not know it many are trying desperately to change the way they live, and with very little success. The media today portrays fat people as lazy and greedy........Slinky, they will never level that comment at you.

Margaret Pilkington 01-10-2005 14:28

Re: More Government Meddling.
Maybe I SHOULD have said...wouldn't it be boring if we were all the same shape, colour, and personality. I stand corrected.

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