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accymel 01-10-2005 15:58

Re: More Government Meddling.
Best way to get back at these small minded people aka like bullys is to carry on being you willow - do things cos you want to not what others tell you. I know these people are hurtful but they need to know that they wont beat ya Willow, they are showing themselves what cowards they are & that they are the one with the problem - not you.

WillowTheWhisp 01-10-2005 16:10

Re: More Government Meddling.
I have no idea where people choose to draw the line, accymel. It's scandalous if a 10 year old child is made to feel insecure by not conforming to what people decide should be "the norm". If you look at an ideal weight chart the range of "normal" covers quite a big area.

I know that I am overweight and that it would be far better for my health if there was less of me, much, much less of me. I also wish that something I could do would have an effect on that but nothing really seems to. Some of that is down to medical problems and water retention which NOTHING shifts no matter what I try. (That's the reason for the dandelion coffee by the way cashman and actually if you like mild coffee it's a very pleasant drink.) and some of it is down to the fact that I can't excersise as much due to injury problems.

In the early posts of this thread the emphasis was on healthy eating and the point being made in the news that a lot of the food provided by schools these days is junk and the government is trying to do something about it - a move which I applaud because I would prefer to see healthier food being supplied than the options my children get at present. If they have the healthier options there then they can make a choice but if the only options they have are unhealthy ones it isn't good.

Well there you have another example - cashman is a "fry up" person but I do my cooking in the "Rosemary Connelly" (that's a feminine version of a George Forman) and all the fat drains off. I actually hate fatty food and cut the fat off meat because to me it's disgusting. Yes, some people are lucky and it seems to have no effect on them at all. I also can't stand sugar and if anyone ever makes me a drink and puts sugar in I can't drink it. It just tastes revolting to me. Incidentally although I'm very much overweight my colesterol level is at the bottom end of the "ideal" range - "Go figure" as my American cousin would say.

accymel 01-10-2005 16:14

Re: More Government Meddling.
I know willow i was upset about it but ive put her straight, i do agree about healthy living & im a good girl im sat here munching sundried raisons mmmmmmm morish has same effect as popcorn once you start you cant stop - so proud its healthy but it wasn't the reason im eating them i just had a big craving for some maybe my body is telling me somnething lol:confused:

WillowTheWhisp 01-10-2005 16:21

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle

EDIT: Pendy may also be upset herself when she reads this thread to see how much her comments you have taken personally and have hurt your feelings Willow :( Well I'm hoping she will

Perhaps, Tinkerbelle, perhaps. But she did say:

Yep - I'm sure a lot of kids (and adults) would be very hurt indeed, but it is TRUE.

Perhaps it's time to try the truth, rather than kindness and respect for some esoteric notion of "Human Rights".

which really doesn't sound like it.

Perhaps in a way it's good to know the truth and to know what she really thinks of fat people like me. I'd been under a false impression up to now and yes it is very hurtful but probably better to have it out in the open than to have the thoughts hidden behind a polite smile which gives the impression that the person behind the smile actually likes me when in fact they despise me for no better reason than my size and shape.

accymel 01-10-2005 16:22

Re: More Government Meddling.
But what does it matter what people think? what about what you think or does that bear the influence?

accymel 01-10-2005 16:25

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by accymel
I know willow i was upset about it but ive put her straight, i do agree about healthy living & im a good girl im sat here munching sundried raisons mmmmmmm morish has same effect as popcorn once you start you cant stop - so proud its healthy but it wasn't the reason im eating them i just had a big craving for some maybe my body is telling me somnething lol:confused:

someone tell me to stop eating em now im feeling sick i ate that much lol:s_sick:

Gayle 01-10-2005 16:26

Re: More Government Meddling.
Weight is such an emotive issue for women - and it is mostly women that have been posting on this thread.

No one seems to be entirely happy with the way they look but what's important is coming to terms with it and being comfortable at whatever is the right weight for you.

WillowTheWhisp 01-10-2005 16:27

Re: More Government Meddling.
Well what I think is that I would love to have a solution to all my health problems, weight being one of them and I wish it was as easy as not eating. Like I said earlier if it were possible to go "cold turkey" and just give up eating altogether and get healthy I'd do it!

I wish I could get my kids to like dried fruit. They can't imagine anything appealing at all in a raisin and have even gone so far as to pick them out of cakes! We had to have a whole tier of wedding cake made with no currants or raisins so they would get some that they liked!

accymel 01-10-2005 16:29

Re: More Government Meddling.
Thing is if you do go cold turkey it would send your body into shock plus wouldnt be healthy either.

Gayle 01-10-2005 16:29

Re: More Government Meddling.
Perhaps you took it a bit too personally, Willow. The only people's opinions that matter are your own and possibly your husband's and as you're a newly wed I'm guessing that he loves you just the way you are.

garinda 01-10-2005 16:47

Re: More Government Meddling.
Just a note Pendy is in Ossy this weekend and I don't think they have internet access up here. I hope her comments will be explained more fully when she realises how offensive her comments about fat being ugly are. She's quite entitled to her views about the health aspect of being overweight, but her observation that fat= ugly is wrong.

I could write a long, and probably very boring essay, on the ideals of beauty throughout the ages, and from differing cultures. Suffice to say it was only in the 1920's that the body type that women are supposed to aspire to is that of a prepubescent a boy.

Gayle 01-10-2005 17:16

Re: More Government Meddling.
That's right, and you only have to look at a few Reubens and Titians to know that they prefered their women fuller figured.

garinda 01-10-2005 17:22

Re: More Government Meddling.
It is mostly women that have posted in this thread, but anorexia and bulemia is on the increase amongst teenage boys as well.

Gayle 01-10-2005 17:24

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by garinda
It is mostly women that have posted in this thread, but anorexia and bulemia is on the increase amongst teenage boys as well.

It's a good job Pendy is a healthy person who keeps to the recomended alchol intake for women, and of course is so beautiful that she is allowed to comment on the ugliness of others.;)

Now you're going to have two unhappy women on this thread. Perhaps we should all leave it alone.

garinda 01-10-2005 17:31

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by Gayle
Now you're going to have two unhappy women on this thread. Perhaps we should all leave it alone.

No I like Pendy. What I don't like is people saying what seems to be intentionally hurtfull to other people. People in glass houses..... stones and all that.

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