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Tinkerbelle 01-10-2005 17:36

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by garinda
No I like Pendy. What I don't like is people saying what seems to be intentionally hurtfull to other people. People in glass houses..... stones and all that.

Oh Rind :( Pendy might not have meant it to be intentionally hurtful, let's give her the chance to explain first before we judge.

Gayle 01-10-2005 17:38

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by garinda
No I like Pendy. What I don't like is people saying what seems to be intentionally hurtfull to other people. People in glass houses..... stones and all that.

I agree but I don't think Pendy's remark was meant personally at Willow. So I don't think we should start personally attacking Pendy now.

garinda 01-10-2005 17:39

Re: More Government Meddling.
Point taken.

As I earlier posted I hope she was trying to be funny. If she comes rattling my letter box tonight to have a cigarette I'll demand an explanation.:)

WillowTheWhisp 01-10-2005 17:45

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by accymel
Thing is if you do go cold turkey it would send your body into shock plus wouldnt be healthy either.

Yes I know, that was the point I was trying to make. I do eat what I consider to be a fairly healthy diet (could probably do with a bit more fruit) but the result isn't what one would expect. If it was really just a simple case of willpower and avoiding some things and eating less than other people I ought to be as thin as a rake (no offence meant towards any garden implements)


Originally Posted by Gayle
Perhaps you took it a bit too personally, Willow. The only people's opinions that matter are your own and possibly your husband's and as you're a newly wed I'm guessing that he loves you just the way you are.

Yes I suppose I did take it personally but that was because it was aimed at people like me and I do take your point that you consider it to be nobody's business but my own and my close family - which has been the prevailing attitude of society up to now really but it was suggested that it should now cease to be so, in favour of telling all people like me how ugly we are as if that is going to shock us into being thin. Sheesh if only it could do I'd line up for a few more insults.

I really do think that a lot of fat people would dearly love to be thin but a history of failed diets has lead us to gain more weight. Have you noticed that many "slimmer of the year" winners later bemoan how they have gained even more than they lost and subsequently find it even harder to lose?

Please, please do not do this to children. Introducing them to healthy food and a balanced diet is far far better than insulting them and thinking that will lead to them losing weight. It could lead to more problems if focussed on in that way. Just let them be children, encourage them to eat better food and provide better food in schools - which is what the thread was meant to be about. Yes there will still be McDonalds, but a McDonalds once a week with a healthy diet at school isn't going to be as bad as McDonalds style food being provided by the school with no healthy alternatives. (btw I think McD's have introduced some healthier alternatives too now.)

Neil 01-10-2005 17:56

Re: More Government Meddling.
I think we need chill pills all round. Beer sounds like a better idea.

Gayle 01-10-2005 18:02

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by Neil
I think we need chill pills all round. Beer sounds like a better idea.

As long as it's a diat pils!!!!!

Tinkerbelle 01-10-2005 18:02

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by Neil
I think we need chill pills all round. Beer sounds like a better idea.

Your round I think Neil ;) Make mine a low 'C' please

How ironic in a thread like this, low 'C' is a low calorie beer and my prefered drink because I was none to impressed with the weight gain from drinking other beers :rolleyes:

accymel 01-10-2005 18:07

Re: More Government Meddling.
Me i will have a tia maria & coke dont make it diet i need me cals LOL:)

Neil 01-10-2005 18:25

Re: More Government Meddling.
Where are we going then ladies?

accymel 01-10-2005 18:28

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by Neil
Where are we going then ladies?

Oooo u taking us all out then Neil ????:D Drinks are on Neil everyone!!!!! :thepint: :drunk: :cheers:

Margaret Pilkington 01-10-2005 20:17

Re: More Government Meddling.
Like Willow, I rarely go out for meals because I am very conscious of the temptation of the calorie laden stuff that is served. I drink very little alcohol...maybe a glass of wine with Sunday meals are served on a 7" that I don't overdo the portion size. I haven't taken sugar in my drinks for more than 30 years.....yet as I have got older my size has gone up from a petite size 12 to a matronly size 16......I haven't really dieted, but have always kept an eye on what I eat. As we get older our metabolic rate.....the rate at which our body burns calories effectively, slows we get older it becomes more difficult to exercise.....arthritis in the knees makes even walking a bit of a pain sometimes. So when you look at us lumpy jumpers......don't think we sit there every evening guzzling biscuits and is just the way we are.

harwood red 01-10-2005 22:38

Re: More Government Meddling.
Well thats me really ugly cos I smoke and am well overweight!!! :eek: but then I'm not too bothered what others think apart from those close to home and myself of course and those who know me off here will know the battle I have with myself on that score!!!

Willow judging by what you listed you had eaten I actually do think you maybe don't eat enough to boost your metabolism. I am also a light eater but a lot of the wrong things sometimes. But when I stuff my face with the right things I lose weight!!! Go figure eh...

I would take being overweight every day of the week than live like a friend of mine does with a constant battle of keeping weight on... she eats some serious food but remains really thin. She has recently had a stomach bug and lost half a stone in 4 days, now this is weight she really could not afford to lose. she has to eat so much junk to increase her calorie intake and hi energy drinks which are doing her health no good at all. She's aware of any exercise she takes as she's afraid she may drop even more weight.... imagine living like that every day???? Not me... She's a higher risk of heart disease than I probably ever will be!!!!

WillowTheWhisp 01-10-2005 22:48

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by harwood red

I would take being overweight every day of the week than live like a friend of mine does with a constant battle of keeping weight on... she eats some serious food but remains really thin. She has recently had a stomach bug and lost half a stone in 4 days, now this is weight she really could not afford to lose. she has to eat so much junk to increase her calorie intake and hi energy drinks which are doing her health no good at all. She's aware of any exercise she takes as she's afraid she may drop even more weight.... imagine living like that every day???? Not me... She's a higher risk of heart disease than I probably ever will be!!!!

Funny you should say that because when a friend of mine was on the heart ward in Blackburn there wasn't one fat person in there. If anything they were either underweight or "normal".

Now it's funny that you reckon I should eat more - you aren't the only one to have said that but that is in stark contrast to the opinion expressed that fat = lack of willpower. I know I should eat more fruit and should have bought some today but it's been a funny day.

harwood red 01-10-2005 23:07

Re: More Government Meddling.
yeah well a big prob mine does happen to be lack of willpower especially when you get trouble makers like gayle starting threads about fave chocolate... how dare she... :rolleyes:

It is definately true that by eating more of the right things does boost your metabolism. But we are very good at doing the "feast and famine" bit... Eat loads, feel guilty and cut back big time and then back to eating loads again... Prob with that is your body doesn't know what the hell is going on so when you eat loads it stores the fat and when you eat next to nothing it is more likely to attack your muscle rather than the extra fat....

with all this knowledge I should be thin...alas not :rolleyes:

cashman 01-10-2005 23:27

Re: More Government Meddling.
red= if your really ugly,me and paris are BLIND. pmsl.

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