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slinky 02-10-2005 01:59

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp

Yes people do call fat people "beached whales" - some do it behind our backs and others do it to our faces. Some call us far worse than that and think that because we are fat we should just take any insult because our fat ugly shape is our own fault. goes rant time............sorry............. my husband is always calling himself fat, ugly, useless.........BLA BLAAAAAAAAA........and I hate hearing it. He is the most gentle loving man, he thinks himself FAT, I think he's great, he thinks himself useless, I think him great, he thinks he's ugly, I think he's the most wonderful.
I'm slim......yes I know a lot of bigger people would think it ideal to be slim, but we are who we are, no matter what size, how we look........whatever, it really is what we are as people.

I would never, ever, ever, ever, listen to someone call my hubby for being BIG or whatever you call it. He eats far less than me...................FAR less lol.........(I'm a greedy cow) but he is a big lad, would I change him?????????????? NO!!!! because he is the man I married.
Te only thing that gets me down is when he puts himself down.

I also have a friend that See's herself as being BIG............but she is the most honest, fantastic girl you would ever meet, and always talking about dieting...........................yes this really upsets me, when she starts saying how ugly she feels.............she's fantastic, and the most lovely, bubbly person, but it is society that puts her down, and makes her believe she ain't what she should be.........................WHO SHOULD WE BE?? (what should we look like)?? ............................................I think it's more what we should act like that matters!!!!! don't you??

lettie 02-10-2005 08:21

Re: More Government Meddling.
If the government are so concerned about what our children are eating, both in and out of school. If they are so worried abut the potential health problems and how the NHS is going to cope in the future then the answer is very simple......

Taxation on Mc D's, KFC, Burger King, Kebab shops, Fish and Chip shops etc. For every £1 we spend at these shops now the price should be raised to £1.15 and the extra 15p is given in tax. That way people can eat all the junk food they want and still pay for their health care..

Maybe our government could then take it a bit further and add tax to cakes and biscuits, crisps, chocolate and other such junk... Then where will it end...... They may get greedy and start charging tax on the butter, eggs, sugar and flour that goes to make the cakes. That way they can catch out all of the clever people who make their own....

It seems that some leisure activities are too expensive for families to do together. Things like horse riding, a day at the sports centre can cost a fortune, martial arts, football kits, hiking gear all cost a pretty penny. Many schools don't have the facilities that they once did, so maybe some of the tax could fund leisure activities in schools......

Or maybe the government should butt out, stop trying to tell people what to do all of the time, and credit people with some intelligence and let them have some responsibility for their own lifestyles.....:cool:

I am not getting involved in the fat/thin issue on here. It took me years to put on weight from being painfully thin as a teenager.....

Margaret Pilkington 02-10-2005 10:43

Re: More Government Meddling. are Sooooo right time goes by dieting leads to the loss of lean muscle leading to further fat deposits because fat burns need lean muscle to burn calories......the feast and famine thing is what causes all dieter to fail.

There are also some medical causes of a slow metabolism.....and these should be investigated......they are sometimes implicated in a fast metabolism too....Thyroid disease.

shiny gem 02-10-2005 10:52

Re: More Government Meddling.
well just to prove a not fat and in not one of those inbetweeners lol
i went out last night had a great night...i was complimented on how i looked by a few people saying i looked nice etc...a couple of guys gave me some lovely long stares....but the thing that put me in my lace...a guy who id recently been out with that decided i wasnt right for him was out with his new gfriend..who was described as being old and frumpy by most of the people i asked...its not who you are or what you look like...its everyone else lol

Margaret Pilkington 02-10-2005 10:55

Re: More Government Meddling.
GP's should be able to prescribe exercise for people who have problems losing weight......and yes Lettie, the healthy activities should be made more accessible to families.

Parks could have walking tracks marked out so that people could gently increase their walking and actually see the benefits.......I would like to see local communities develop walking clubs...... so that people could walk in groups, this would be especially useful as the nights are drawing in now. I would go for a walk after tea most nights but I feel a bit vulnerable on my own.....even on streets that are well lit.

I do think that the government will have a tough job to make this system work.

What everyone should also realise is that there are 3 body types Endomorphs, Ectomorphs and Mesomorphs and your body type will be one of the factors that decides whether you will tend to be fat or whether you will be destined to be slim......and that factor you cannot influence. Lettie and must have the body type that is destined to be slim, whatever you eat.

At the end of the day.......a bad cliche, what we are as people, how we conduct ourselves, our personalities are FAR more important than what we look like.

I think this thread has done a wide wander from the original intent.

shiny gem 02-10-2005 10:57

Re: More Government Meddling.
i agree hun...the world has gone mad!!! and were still trying to be sane!!! i think we should just give in to the madness and live a little!!!

Margaret Pilkington 02-10-2005 11:01

Re: More Government Meddling.
Yes, shiny... there are lots of folk in the local cemeteries who would love to have a cuddly warm bum......Now, I hope I don't offend anyone with that is said tongue in cheek!

This is NOT a dress is real life.

shiny gem 02-10-2005 11:04

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Yes, shiny... there are lots of folk in the local cemeteries who would love to have a cuddly warm bum......Now, I hope I don't offend anyone with that is said tongue in cheek!

This is NOT a dress is real life.

lol...yes hun i agree...why spend every day looking in the mirror thinking..hmm i wish that bit wasnt there...ive done it we all have...ive now started the little red riding hood mirror chant!!! ooh shiny what big eyes you have!!! ooh shiny what nice teeth you have....lmao!! :D

Margaret Pilkington 02-10-2005 11:07

Re: More Government Meddling.
And anyway the lumpy bits don't matter to those that love us just as we are.......!

shiny gem 02-10-2005 11:09

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
And anyway the lumpy bits don't matter to those that love us just as we are.......!

very true!!! hmm now just to find people who love

accymel 02-10-2005 11:35

Re: More Government Meddling.
Im a inbetweeny too :) quite a hard place to be cos you can get 50% opinion split but i stick to what i think of me & sod the critics.

Have a look at my avatar.......thats my favourite character & im getting quite a collection of garfield teds now ....why you ask?.... i love cuddles & garfields a big guy with a lovely big tum to snuggle to:) & i aint having a joke!! But i would really cry if Garfield went on a diet :( he's the best & more loveable the way he is thanks:)

shiny gem 02-10-2005 11:38

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by accymel
Im a inbetweeny too :) quite a hard place to be cos you can get 50% opinion split but i stick to what i think of me & sod the critics.

Have a look at my avatar.......thats my favourite character & im getting quite a collection of garfield teds now ....why you ask?.... i love cuddles & garfields a big guy with a lovely big tum to snuggle to:) & i aint having a joke!! But i would really cry if Garfield went on a diet :( he's the best & more loveable the way he is thanks:)

i sooo agree...i love a man whose cuddly!!! please could all the single cuddly men form an orderly queue in front of me and mel please!!!! lol

accymel 02-10-2005 11:45

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by shiny gem
i sooo agree...i love a man whose cuddly!!! please could all the single cuddly men form an orderly queue in front of me and mel please!!!! lol

PMSL wayheyyy:)

My X boyfriend was a big boy ;) i think i went into getting my teds after we split i misssed the cuddly tum:D LOL Tho ive had slim & even muscley i prefer a cuddly man:D .

shiny gem 02-10-2005 11:47

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by accymel
PMSL wayheyyy:)

My X boyfriend was a big boy ;) i think i went into getting my teds after we split i misssed the cuddly tum:D LOL Tho ive had slim & even muscley i prefer a cuddly man:D .

def...there is nothing nicer than cuddling up on the sofa watching a film with a big cuddly bloke!! hey whys the queue bigger at your side??? are you giving out free kisses or something???

accymel 02-10-2005 11:50

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by shiny gem
def...there is nothing nicer than cuddling up on the sofa watching a film with a big cuddly bloke!! hey whys the queue bigger at your side??? are you giving out free kisses or something???

errrrr opppppssss been caught:o i cant help cudlling them all....big hugs anyone ??? :D [oh gee ive done that before in public - free hugs on my birthday in fact - hey i got a lot of hugs that nite:)]

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