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shiny gem 02-10-2005 11:57

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by accymel
errrrr opppppssss been caught:o i cant help cudlling them all....big hugs anyone ??? :D [oh gee ive done that before in public - free hugs on my birthday in fact - hey i got a lot of hugs that nite:)]

ooh whens national hugging day??? there must be one!!! theres one for everything else!!

accymel 02-10-2005 12:03

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by shiny gem
ooh whens national hugging day??? there must be one!!! theres one for everything else!!

Ooooh great idea !!! put it to poll......though think the men would call for it anytime after 5 pints LOL:D

WillowTheWhisp 02-10-2005 12:40

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
GP's should be able to prescribe exercise for people who have problems losing weight......

I have a feeling there is something like this already - called "Fitness for Life" - I'm not sure if there is a charge for it but then again there's a charge for prescriptions and I think it works in the same way for people who don't pay prescription charges. I think it's a great idea and perhaps more people need to be made aware of it. Unfortunately for people who have physical problems excercise isn't always a viable option.


I would like to see local communities develop walking clubs...... so that people could walk in groups, this would be especially useful as the nights are drawing in now. I would go for a walk after tea most nights but I feel a bit vulnerable on my own.....even on streets that are well lit.
Ah well now here I can add a bit of info because in Hyndburn we have got them! They are known as "Stepping Out" and they are led by a walk leader. I don't think there are any after tea ones. The ones I know about take place in the mornings. People gather at a specific starting off point at 10am (I think - I'll check up on that) and off they go. The walks are repeated obviously because there aren't that many different places to go but there is a bit of variety and sometimes they are done in the opposite direction.

This was one of the subjects which was featured at Accy Town Hall last Thursday but unfortunately as was pointed out in that thread there really wasn't enough publicity to let the general public know what was going on. It was a bit like preaching to the converted because those of us who were there already knew about the different things.

So it looks like part of the problem is that people are just not aware of what is going on out there.

Margaret Pilkington 02-10-2005 14:44

Re: More Government Meddling.
Morning ones would not be any good for me, because I have childminding duties at least 3 morning per week......the other mornings are when I catch up on the house stuff.

I had heard of the Fitness for Life......but I may have got this wrong, but I thought it was just for 10 weeks......and I know that exercise is not everyones cup of tea......whatever activity needs to be one that doesn't feel like a chore......and for some people their general level of fitness means that they are very limited to what they can actually do......I have a stepper and an exercise bike...... but painful knees mean that these are not much use to me.

SPUGGIE J 02-10-2005 18:14

Re: More Government Meddling.
Dont know about fitness for life but I enjoy cycling with my daughter and that works a treat. Well that and all the running around I do at work.

accymel 02-10-2005 18:17

Re: More Government Meddling.
doing housework & running round after kids is quite energetic enough:sleep:

SPUGGIE J 02-10-2005 18:22

Re: More Government Meddling.
Kids cannot live with them nor without them.

WillowTheWhisp 02-10-2005 19:23

Re: More Government Meddling.
I'm not sure if the "Fitness for Life" thing exists in Hyndburn. There's info about it in Blackburn HERE and a phone number.

Of course those daytime walks are no good to someone who is working either (I think we already established that not all overweight people sit around doing nothing all day) and it is hard to find time to fit something in when your life is full of housework and other work. Like I said, I found it much easier to do all that sort of stuff when I was young and single with no responsibilities.

I've got the same problem as you Margaret when it comes to not being able to do some things because of knees. However, when I can get organised I'd love to find time for tai chi as it looks so serene and peaceful.

accymel 02-10-2005 19:30

Re: More Government Meddling.
They do yoga & simular gentle exercises at the new era which were popular:)

WillowTheWhisp 02-10-2005 19:41

Re: More Government Meddling.
Can't do yoga cos I can't bend me knees. I'm going to the Healthy Heart Team one when I can get sorted out.

Margaret Pilkington 03-10-2005 20:03

Re: More Government Meddling.
Well, what a turn up for the books. The governement has announced today that it is going to re-introduce cookery lessons, food hygiene, basic nutrition...... they are also going to start building school kitchens to provide hot food at lunchtime.

They are looking at providing children with two portions of fruit and two portions of vegetables daily.

Is that a start......?

SPUGGIE J 03-10-2005 21:19

Re: More Government Meddling.
Hope they employ decent cooks for starters.

pendy 04-10-2005 14:12

Re: More Government Meddling.

As Willow will know by now, I didn't even think of her when posting. I DON'T think she is ugly, what I was saying seems to be a general view, when you look at all the magazine articles on losing weight, etc.

The point I was trying to make (but obviously very badly) is that for the MAJORITY of us, the answer is in our own hands, and that we should take responsibility for ourselves and not expect the Government or someone else to do it for us.

I apologise unreservedly to anyone I upset - and particularly to Willow. I am a generous size 16, hardly supermodel material, and with a lot of baggy and saggy bits.

Do forgive me for the post.

slinky 04-10-2005 14:18

Re: More Government Meddling.

Originally Posted by pendy

As Willow will know by now, I didn't even think of her when posting. I DON'T think she is ugly, what I was saying seems to be a general view, when you look at all the magazine articles on losing weight, etc.

The point I was trying to make (but obviously very badly) is that for the MAJORITY of us, the answer is in our own hands, and that we should take responsibility for ourselves and not expect the Government or someone else to do it for us.

I apologise unreservedly to anyone I upset - and particularly to Willow. I am a generous size 16, hardly supermodel material, and with a lot of baggy and saggy bits.

Do forgive me for the post.

Well pendy it took a lot of guts to apologize, and I suspect people will forgive you. It seems that maybe people may assumed this is what you meant, instead it sounds like you meant something else. Its hard to express how you feel on a computer screen sometimes, people cant see facial expressions. What is sometimes meant as a BIT OF FUN, can turn quite serious, because like I said people cant see your expressions.

Nice one pendy!!!!!!!! not everyone would be like you.

accymel 04-10-2005 14:22

Re: More Government Meddling.
I agree about it taking guts & Slinky is right about computer missing the other communication signals that help us interpret meaning but i think you have to express your meaning well or it will get misconstruded & it happens to the best of us:)

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