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andrewb 09-10-2005 10:50

Re: Conservative Party Conference
Of course I never lived through it, i've only read about it..
The poll tax wasn't a good idea, because well.. not everyone could afford it could they.. I can't comment on unemployment as i've not read about it.

What I do know, is she got voted in three times, the second time she was voted in she got something like an extra 50 majority making a majority of 400. Some of what she did was obviously liked. Although of course she had her bad points ;)

Oh and.. well yes of course many of the ideologies that New Labour took from the Conservatives were liked, thats the whole point of Labours reform.. i'm just trying to say that politics of today has now turned to the centre ground so somebody like Liam Fox who's rightwing wouldnt win an election right now..

garinda 09-10-2005 10:55

Re: Conservative Party Conference

Originally Posted by Cyfr
Of course I never lived through it, i've only read about it..
The poll tax wasn't a good idea, because well.. not everyone could afford it could they.. I can't comment on unemployment as i've not read about it.

I'd read a bit more then before you start eulogising about her.:)

andrewb 09-10-2005 11:01

Re: Conservative Party Conference
Her economy was initally bad with large scale unemployment as you say, but this was also due to global resession. Her economy soon recovered however with sustained growth..

If it wasn't for her i'm sure the Labour party you see today wouldn't be New Labour at all, it would still be the socialist party of old in which trade unions had all the power.

garinda 09-10-2005 11:11

Re: Conservative Party Conference

Originally Posted by Cyfr
Her economy was initally bad with large scale unemployment as you say, but this was also due to global resession. Her economy soon recovered however with sustained growth..

If it wasn't for her i'm sure the Labour party you see today wouldn't be New Labour at all, it would still be the socialist party of old in which trade unions had all the power.

As you can probably tell I'm more likely to chop off a limb than vote Conservative, though without being at all patronising, I think it's great someone so youthful has a passion for politics.

Your only hope is that like Labour in the 80's, the Tories now seem unelectable, but like the fickle British public things do change, although I'll fight to my last breath to keep the Tories out. They preached Victorian values, a patriarchal society run on hypocritical lines, which totally backfired when it was revealed there was more sleeze than in the back streets of Soho.

andrewb 09-10-2005 11:14

Re: Conservative Party Conference
Complements... aww :( Now I have nothing to argue against :p

Argueing when nobody is right.. is so much fun :p

garinda 09-10-2005 12:14

Re: Conservative Party Conference
Seeing as you were only nine the last time we had a tory government, I'm hoping like acne you'll grow out of conservatism.;)

Acrylic-bob 09-10-2005 12:36

Re: Conservative Party Conference
I wasn't nine the last time we had a Conservative government. I also remember quite well the governments formed by Wilson and Callaghan at the culmination of which the British public found out the true cost of Labour's single policy version of politics; tax and spend. Which had people with money to invest fleeing the country en masse rather than pay income tax at 90%.

I remember rubbish piling up in the streets and the dead queueing up to be buried because the unions had dragged public sector workers out on strike after strike. I remember the antics of people Like Dereck Hatton in Liverpool and Margaret Hodge in Islington. The era of Champaign Socialism was also the era that allowed in the scourge of Political Correctness.

Margaret Thatcher may not have got everything right, nobody is perfect. She may not have been as diplomatic in her speech as some might have wished but, when she took office she told the nation quite bluntly that the medicine the country needed to get back on its feet would not be pleasant, and for many it was decidedly unpleasant. At least, unlike the present incumbent, she did not lie to the country and to parliament. And before anyone starts bleating about the "Belgrano" that is a different issue.

andrewb 09-10-2005 12:48

Re: Conservative Party Conference

Originally Posted by garinda
Seeing as you were only nine the last time we had a tory government, I'm hoping like acne you'll grow out of conservatism.;)

I was pulled in to being a Conservative much earlier :p

Back somewhere just before John Major got in to power I was in the newspapers for shaking his hand when he came to Accrington .. I must have been like.. 2 :D

It's all his fault ;)

SPUGGIE J 09-10-2005 13:51

Re: Conservative Party Conference
Well if its a british trait to back the underdog then the conservatives could return to power at the next election. Think of it this way if in the past hyndburn has had tory councils and tory mp then its not improble that it can happen.

garinda 09-10-2005 19:06

Re: Conservative Party Conference

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
for many it was decidedly unpleasant.

Yes like being a manufacturing nation, instead of being a service/call centre nation who are now even loosing those jobs to countries with a more populus and cheaper work force like India.

garinda 09-10-2005 19:11

Re: Conservative Party Conference

Originally Posted by Cyfr
I was pulled in to being a Conservative much earlier :p

Back somewhere just before John Major got in to power I was in the newspapers for shaking his hand when he came to Accrington .. I must have been like.. 2 :D

It's all his fault ;)

Like I posted earlier I was invited to a private dinner at the Carlton club, along with the other eleven diner guests was Thatcher. Luckily I didn't have the pleasure of shaking her hand or anything else of hers, otherwise I would have been in the papers but for more serious reasons.;)

garinda 09-10-2005 19:13

Re: Conservative Party Conference

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
Margaret Thatcher may not have got everything right, nobody is perfect.

Supporter of Clause 28 were you A-b?

Acrylic-bob 09-10-2005 19:28

Re: Conservative Party Conference
No, I was not, anymore than you were a supporter of the British involvement in Iraq.

Incidentally, I don't keep track of these things too closely, has Clause 28 been repealed yet?

garinda 09-10-2005 20:01

Re: Conservative Party Conference

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
No, I was not, anymore than you were a supporter of the British involvement in Iraq.

Incidentally, I don't keep track of these things too closely, has Clause 28 been repealed yet?

No, but the government keep trying, sadly it keeps coming up against those idiots in the Lords.

SPUGGIE J 09-10-2005 20:29

Re: Conservative Party Conference

Originally Posted by garinda
No, but the government keep trying, sadly it keeps coming up against those idiots in the Lords.

No brains or commen sense in that chamber. You can get more sense from kids. Maybe they have had their time and the upper house should be elected. How that would go down with the conservatives is a possible can of worms.

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