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andrewb 05-10-2005 18:44

Conservative Party Conference
My money is on David Cameron becoming the new leader, as long as he gets in to the final two the mass membership are bound to vote for him in overwhelming numbers over Davis..
He appeals to voters of all ages, intelligent, charismatic... I really think he can put a new face to the Conservative party and get them back in to power :)

SPUGGIE J 05-10-2005 19:07

Re: Conservative Party Conference
Is this realy going to help them or us as to who wins the leadership? Could end up with a Maggie Thatcher type person.

andrewb 05-10-2005 19:12

Re: Conservative Party Conference
Thatcher ruled ;)
But yes.. it could make or break the party for the next election. The last three were pretty crap and didn't really do much.. as opposed to someone like Tony Blair who reformed the Labour party..

SPUGGIE J 05-10-2005 19:18

Re: Conservative Party Conference
They have to have the strongest leader possible to oppose Tony Blair. Without a strong oposition then democrecy faulters and dies. There is no real way to bring Tony down to earth unless someone can match him in a verbal punch up and win. At present he has too much of his own way through the lack of strong opposition.

grannyclaret 05-10-2005 20:19

Re: Conservative Party Conference
i am not a tory ,but i have a lot of time for kenneth clarke...

garinda 05-10-2005 22:39

Re: Conservative Party Conference
The Conservatives are having a party?

Good luck to them.

They'll need it.

Neil 06-10-2005 05:50

Re: Conservative Party Conference

Originally Posted by garinda
The Conservatives are having a party?

Good luck to them.

They'll need it.

I bet you are going rindy just in case they have PB on as a stripper :D

andrewb 06-10-2005 16:58

Re: Conservative Party Conference
I love when New Labour supporters try and flame Conservatives ;)
Since Blair stole all the good ideologys of the right and could well be described as centre-right himself :p

SPUGGIE J 06-10-2005 19:09

Re: Conservative Party Conference
They steal bits off each other which makes it great to whatch them argue over them. :)

andrewb 06-10-2005 19:15

Re: Conservative Party Conference
Indeed, both cover the same ground at the moment, and they'll both still be around the centre unless someone like Liam Fox gets in :D

SPUGGIE J 06-10-2005 19:51

Re: Conservative Party Conference
For Liam Fox to get in the party would need to be united but there are still a few cracks there that might stop him.

Kilin_Joke 09-10-2005 05:30

Re: Conservative Party Conference
I think a bet on Cameron is safe.. he will win. its the same old message... scale down goverment (put thousands of people out of work).. cut taxes ( a couple of quid a week to most people, but £100's or £1000's to the tory paymasters ) freedom of the induvidual ( I'm alright jack ,sort yourself out ) with private health care ( if you've got 3 grand we'll put 2 grand towards your operation... if not stuff you)... exellent stuff, Cameron,Davis,Fox,Clarke... the 4 horsemen

andrewb 09-10-2005 10:21

Re: Conservative Party Conference
Scaling down government is a good thing... you can't build a good economy when theres so much state sector..
Help with private health care... you're still going to get NHS if you dont want to go private, so it's hardly 'stuff you'

The labour party changed and theres no reason why the Conservatives can't either. Before the Labour reforms, they were a very socialist party which wasn't liked by many, (hence they wernt the natural party of government), Neil Kinnock and Blair changed that image by pushing through reforms and taking on Conservative ideologies.

Liam fox won't win an election, you can't win when one party is so centre ground and you go over to the right, it just won't work. Cameron/Clarke want to fight on the centre ground which is where 'modern' politics is going to take place

Oh and.. who cares if it knocks £100/£1000 (I dont know the figrues im just quoting yours) off the tax of rich people? If they've worked hard and earnt it surly they have the right to keep it..

garinda 09-10-2005 10:28

Re: Conservative Party Conference

Originally Posted by Cyfr
Thatcher ruled ;)

l had the misfortune to attend a private dinner with the old trout and she was just as patronising as she was when she was PM.

New Labour stole all your ideas? Awwwwww:(
Pinch them back and show some innitiative, they are ideas that the voting public apparently want.;)

garinda 09-10-2005 10:33

Re: Conservative Party Conference
I've hust read your profile and realised you were only three when the Tories booted out your lovely Mrs Thatcher, perhaps you have a different memory of her then than those who lived under her caring sharing policies. Three million unemployed, industries closing left right and centre, poll taxes which even got the staid English up in arms and rioting on the streets.:)

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