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garinda 29-11-2005 16:37

Dear Santa.
Even though I'm loathed to admit it, because of the snow, it does feel like Christmas is coming.

What have you asked Santa to slip into your stocking this year, that if you are good between now and then, he might bring you?

I've been really hard work this year. I have no idea what I want when people have asked me. I just hope that my anticipated suprises aren't just empty boxes. Normally there are loads of things I'd like.

The only thing I have asked for is Gimme Gimme Gimme series 2 & 3 on DVD. I bought myself the first series the other week, and though I've watched it umpteen times already, it's made me howl the last couple of weeks.

So what's hot or not for you on your Christmas list?

Less 29-11-2005 16:42

Re: Dear Santa.
Oh, moan, groan Me, me, me. When are you going to change? stop being selfish and thinking about you and what you will get! Start thinking about me,
And what I deserve!

Bad-Wolf 29-11-2005 16:42

Re: Dear Santa.
I have quite no idea what I would like this year, though if last year and the years before are anything to go by then I very much doubt it will be anything worth talking about!

Though since the question is what would I like, then I would have to say a Motorbike, preferably a Royal Endfield or a Triumph.

However, the odds are remote!

Bad-Wolf 29-11-2005 16:44

Re: Dear Santa.

Originally Posted by Less
Oh, moan, groan Me, me, me. When are you going to change stop being selfish and thinking about you and what you will get! Start thinking about me,

And what I deserve!

You want what you deserve?

That being the case I suggest you watch your back!

We know where you are!

garinda 29-11-2005 16:47

Re: Dear Santa.
Less, you had more than a treat on your birthday, when I stopped at your house.

Christmas gifts should be cancelled for you this year in case you get too giddy.

Rindies are for life, not just for birthdays/Christmas, delete were appropriate.

Bad-Wolf 29-11-2005 16:50

Re: Dear Santa.
I think someone has an ego!

garinda 29-11-2005 16:51

Re: Dear Santa.

Originally Posted by Bad-Wolf
I think someone has an ego!

Is that like lego?:D

Bad-Wolf 29-11-2005 16:51

Re: Dear Santa.
Very much so...... it is easily knocked down!

Less 29-11-2005 16:51

Re: Dear Santa.

Originally Posted by Bad-Wolf
You want what you deserve?

That being the case I suggest you watch your back!

We know where you are!

I see, so now we get to the truth of it, I notice that you claim to be based in Lancaster and now the threats start to come out! Can I ask when did the warden give you the key to your cell so you can carry out this threat? Or are you on leave at the moment because of some sort of family miss-hap?

garinda 29-11-2005 16:53

Re: Dear Santa.

Originally Posted by Bad-Wolf
Very much so...... it is easily knocked down!

I'm more like a Weeble, because Weebles wobble but won't fall down.:)

Bad-Wolf 29-11-2005 16:54

Re: Dear Santa.
Cell? Locked up?

You over estimate the so called authorities!

shakermaker 29-11-2005 16:54

Re: Dear Santa.
I'd love the 'Shameless' series box set, i was absolutely hooked when it was on tele!
cant think of anything else...must do some window shopping!! :D

Bad-Wolf 29-11-2005 16:55

Re: Dear Santa.

Originally Posted by garinda
I'm more like a Weeble, because Weebles wobble but won't fall down.:)

You have obviously never dropped one from a great height!

Pardon the expression there!

garinda 29-11-2005 16:55

Re: Dear Santa.
Keep to the thread.

Chattering = smacked botties from the mods, and no visit from Santa.;)

Bad-Wolf 29-11-2005 16:56

Re: Dear Santa.
hmmmm, smacked botties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I have one of those for Christmas?

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