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Eric 05-02-2009 20:33

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 676226)
Lol, though before you joined Accy Web lot's of people thought you were a member called Purplelass, because that was the only person who was defending the Pant.....oh, we can't mention that word.

I still think everyone has the right to anonymity on here, if they so wish.

Nothing in the rules about it, and the majority of us don't post under our real names.

Purple Ass:confused: The mind boggles.

Neil 05-02-2009 20:39

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Gayle (Post 676253)
It was right - Gayle Bernadette - good guess. :D

You don't really think I guessed that do you? Have you finished the first bottle yet :p

claytonender 05-02-2009 21:12

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 676235)
Thankyou for that, the scan is okay its still pretty clear. I presume these are A5 size? Are the council calendars also this size, or are they big calendars?

I still don't understand what you're trying to argue though. Surely it is a democratic councils responsibility to let people know how their councillor can be contacted and who they are? Why should councillors have to pay out of their pocket to inform them?

Instead what has happened is Labour have refused to have their pictures on, despite having photographs taken. They have then gone and spent their own money on duplicating the information.

The card I delivered in Church ward was A5 however I have not seen any of the area council calendars so don't know what size they were.

I do wish you would get your facts straight, Labour councillors delivered cards last year (2007) at their own expense and decided in early 2008 to do the same for Christmas 2008.

Your 'almighty' leader obviously decided that the cards had been well received in the wards in which they were delivered and so wanted Area Council calendars (paid for by the council tax payer) to further his election campaign.

In Church and Milnshaw Area Council (of which, I am sure you are aware I am a member), the councillors decided that calendars were an inappropriate use of council tax payers money and declined to have a calendar. No - I repeat - No photographs were taken.

As well as the printing and distribution costs involved in producing and delivering the calendars, there is also the extra expense in council officer's time. Because whilst they are sorting out the calendars they were not doing more important and pressing work for the residents of Hyndburn.

As for critising the Labour councillors for spending their own money - what would be your response if I asked you to justify what you spend your money on?

andrewb 05-02-2009 21:31

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by claytonender (Post 676288)
The card I delivered in Church ward was A5 however I have not seen any of the area council calendars so don't know what size they were.

I do wish you would get your facts straight, Labour councillors delivered cards last year (2007) at their own expense and decided in early 2008 to do the same for Christmas 2008.

Your 'almighty' leader obviously decided that the cards had been well received in the wards in which they were delivered and so wanted Area Council calendars (paid for by the council tax payer) to further his election campaign.

In Church and Milnshaw Area Council (of which, I am sure you are aware I am a member), the councillors decided that calendars were an inappropriate use of council tax payers money and declined to have a calendar. No - I repeat - No photographs were taken.

As well as the printing and distribution costs involved in producing and delivering the calendars, there is also the extra expense in council officer's time. Because whilst they are sorting out the calendars they were not doing more important and pressing work for the residents of Hyndburn.

As for critising the Labour councillors for spending their own money - what would be your response if I asked you to justify what you spend your money on?

I suppose this is the problem with Labour. Attack the Conservatives comes before anything else. It was hardly to further his election campaign when you and every other Labour councillor was eligible to be on it! You'll use anything - anything you can concoct, to be negative towards Britcliffe.

Labour councillors can spend their own money on what they wish, perhaps you can even spend it on dishonest council tax propaganda again. However you cannot tell the people of Hyndburn, that they can not be informed about who their councillors are, or how to contact them if they have issues. I am in shock. You put christmas cards out, so you think its important that people know who their councillors are, so why is it not a function of council to do so?

Gayle 05-02-2009 21:35

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Andrew, do you honestly believe that people don't know how to find their councillor unless they get a calendar? Come on! If you want to find a councillor you phone the council and not wait for a calendar to pop through your door.

Wynonie Harris 05-02-2009 22:23

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Well, I always thought that Accywebbers just used "pen names" for a bit of fun and as far as I'm concerned, people should have the bottle to stand up and be counted...including this "Robert Owen" bloke.

garinda 05-02-2009 22:27

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 676295)
I suppose this is the problem with Labour. Attack the Conservatives comes before anything else. It was hardly to further his election campaign when you and every other Labour councillor was eligible to be on it! You'll use anything - anything you can concoct, to be negative towards Britcliffe.

Labour councillors can spend their own money on what they wish, perhaps you can even spend it on dishonest council tax propaganda again. However you cannot tell the people of Hyndburn, that they can not be informed about who their councillors are, or how to contact them if they have issues. I am in shock. You put christmas cards out, so you think its important that people know who their councillors are, so why is it not a function of council to do so?

As far as I see it some councillors chose to send the people in their ward a calendar, and some chose to send a Christmas card.

The only differece was that one set of councillors paid for it themselves, whilst the others funded it from the public purse.

I know which set of councillors seem more economically attractive, especially in the week that the next Council Tax bills have been made public.

garinda 05-02-2009 22:33

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris (Post 676315)
Well, I always thought that Accywebbers just used "pen names" for a bit of fun and as far as I'm concerned, people should have the bottle to stand up and be counted...including this "Robert Owen" bloke.


I've had the pleasure of meeting you, and happen to know your real name, but that doesn't make the slightest difference to my opinion of you, or to what you post. I respect you just the same as I did before I became privy to your real name.

I'd say 99% of people on here wouldn't know my real name, and why should they?

Does it diminish someone's posts if we don't know their full name, age, date of birth, addrees and National Insurance number?

I say a resounding no.

andrewb 05-02-2009 22:35

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Actually. The calendars were a waste of money. I take it all back.

Wynonie Harris 05-02-2009 22:48

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 676322)

I've had the pleasure of meeting you, and happen to know your real name, but that doesn't make the slightest difference to my opinion of you, or to what you post. I respect you just the same as I did before I became privy to your real name.

I'd say 99% of people on here wouldn't know my real name, and why should they?

Does it diminish someone's posts if we don't know their full name, age, date of birth, addrees and National Insurance number?

I say a resounding no.

Hard to put into words, really, but I always pay more regard to those who put their names to letters in newspapers than to those who sign themselves "anon". Perhaps it doesn't matter for a lot of general stuff on here, but when it comes to local politics and especially as this person seems to occupy some sort of position in the political hierarchy, I reckon he should come out and declare his interests.

claytonender 05-02-2009 23:02

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 676295)
I suppose this is the problem with Labour. Attack the Conservatives comes before anything else. It was hardly to further his election campaign when you and every other Labour councillor was eligible to be on it! You'll use anything - anything you can concoct, to be negative towards Britcliffe.

Labour councillors can spend their own money on what they wish, perhaps you can even spend it on dishonest council tax propaganda again. However you cannot tell the people of Hyndburn, that they can not be informed about who their councillors are, or how to contact them if they have issues. I am in shock. You put christmas cards out, so you think its important that people know who their councillors are, so why is it not a function of council to do so?

I am not saying it is not the function of the Council, however the full details of all councillors (complete with names addresses and telephone numbers) was circulated in the Beacon newspaper (produced by HBC). which was delivered to every household.

You really are blinkered aren't you - and St Peter can do no wrong (not to mention St David). By our decision not to take part in Area Council Calendars the Labour Group have saved the Council Tax Payers money. As you are no doubt aware there are 9 Area Councils in Hyndburn, but only 3 choose to send out calendars. If you consider that is was approx £450 per Area Council, that means that multiplied by 6= £2700 saved. The Area Councils that did not have calendars were
Rishton (which has 2 Tories and 1 Labour member)
Clayton and Altham (which has 2 Tories 1 Labour and 1 Independent member)
Baxenden (which has 2 Tories)
Huncoat (which has 1 Labour and 1 Independent)
Church and Milnshaw (which has 3 Labour and 1 Independent)
Spring Hill and Central (which has 3 Labour and 1 Tory)

How do you explain why some of the Area Councils which have a majority of Tory members choose not to send out calendars - maybe they also felt that it was an inappropriate use of council tax payers money.

I would have thought that rather than being critical of the Area Councils that did not send out calendars, you would have congratulated them on saving the Council Tax Payer of Hyndburn money.

Hope to see you on Budget night (in the Town Hall Gallery) with your calculator double checking all the figures are correct.

claytonender 05-02-2009 23:06

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 676324)
Actually. The calendars were a waste of money. I take it all back.

Andrew do you feel well?
Have you had a change of heart and realised that the only party to belong too is the Labour Party, maybe you will be singing 'The Red Flag' next. I can teach you the words and it is very good tune, just don't get the words mixed up and sing about Christmas Trees instead.

andrewb 05-02-2009 23:15

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by claytonender (Post 676348)
Andrew do you feel well?
Have you had a change of heart and realised that the only party to belong too is the Labour Party, maybe you will be singing 'The Red Flag' next. I can teach you the words and it is very good tune, just don't get the words mixed up and sing about Christmas Trees instead.

No don't fear, I won't be joining your ranks. Wouldn't wish to do a Hestletine over the red flag song. I will criticise the side that I vote for if they do wrong though.

claytonender 05-02-2009 23:16

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 676362)
No don't fear, I won't be joining your ranks. Wouldn't wish to do a Hestletine over the red flag song. I will criticise the side that I vote for if they do wrong though.

I will hold you to that.

cashman 05-02-2009 23:28

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 676362)
No don't fear, I won't be joining your ranks. Wouldn't wish to do a Hestletine over the red flag song. I will criticise the side that I vote for if they do wrong though.

very creditable if ya mean it, which i suspect ya do. it also means ya will get nowhere in the political field, suggest ya reconsider that comment if ya want to get on, Thatcher would have crucified ya.

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