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Gayle 06-02-2009 16:33

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 676559)
Has anyone ever thought that it might be a good idea if national party politics were kept out of local government .... that councillors should represent their Wards and not their pary interests?

It would be a great idea but unfortunately people can't seem to seperate the two.

Eric 06-02-2009 17:14

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Gayle (Post 676564)
It would be a great idea but unfortunately people can't seem to seperate the two.

Pity ... it works here ... not perfectly of course, but it works. Most of those of us who take an interest in municipal govt., don't give a damn about a councillor's politics as long as the city is run well: you know, the streets and sidewalks are plowed, the potholes are filled in, the streets are maintained, the police services meet our needs ... bread and butter stuff. We all know that Councillor Gerretsen is a Liberal ... his dad represents Kingston and the Islands in the Provincial Parliament as a Liberal ... but that doesn't seem to interfere with how he represents the interests of his Ward in council. He doesn't vote along "party lines".

Ah well, different strokes ... ;)

Bernard Dawson 06-02-2009 20:43

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 676460)
My point entirely cashy, I have no problem people coming on here and joining in using a screen name, but when its apparent from the start they have a political agenda, why note be up front about it, after all Cllr Jones and Pritchard use their own names,and its no secret that claytonender is a Labour Councillor, but to enroll and then come across a member of the GP when in fact your a Labour Councillor, sorry that's not on.

Jaysay. I am a member of the general public . You dont cease to be a member of the public simply because you become a councillor. I also pay rates every month, and also a fair amount income tax which I consider entitles me to an opinion as to whether or not those calenders are waste of money.

This notion also that only councillors can have a political agenda is nonsense. I do wonder also whether you would you would saying some of these things if I was a Tory councillor.

garinda 06-02-2009 21:06

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Robert Owen (Post 676624)
Jaysay. I am a member of the general public . You dont cease to be a member of the public simply because you become a councillor. I also pay rates every month, and also a fair amount income tax which I consider entitles me to an opinion as to whether or not those calenders are waste of money.

This notion also that only councillors can have a political agenda is nonsense. I do wonder also whether you would you would saying some of these things if I was a Tory councillor.

There aren't any Conservative councillors on here.

Not that we know of...and certainly none using their real names.

We have to make do with Jaysay, for when someone wants to broadcast information, such as exactly how much was spent by Cllr. Britcliffe on his London grub.

I notice the user name Organ Grinder's Monkey is still available.

Perhaps someone would care to snap it up.

claytonender 06-02-2009 21:08

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 676634)

I notice the user name Organ Grinder's Monkey is still available.

Perhaps someone would care to snap it up.

Nice one Gary

Bernard Dawson 06-02-2009 21:08

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Gayle (Post 676510)
Bizarrely, the reception desk/security point at Calderstones has one hanging up. I'm doing some work over there and when I call in the office to sign in I'm treated to Cllr Britcliffe's smiling face looking down at me from the reception wall.

It seems like Peter's following you around Gayle. Maybe he is paying you back for standing against him the other year.

Neil 06-02-2009 21:38

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Robert Owen (Post 676636)
It seems like Peter's following you around Gayle.

Don't worry Gayle I will keep my eyes on him on Thursday in case I need to defend your honour :D:D:D:D

Next you will be suggesting Graham is Peters love child :rolleyes::eek::D:D

Eric 06-02-2009 21:51

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Robert Owen (Post 676624)
Jaysay. I am a member of the general public . You dont cease to be a member of the public simply because you become a councillor. I also pay rates every month, and also a fair amount income tax which I consider entitles me to an opinion as to whether or not those calenders are waste of money.

This notion also that only councillors can have a political agenda is nonsense. I do wonder also whether you would you would saying some of these things if I was a Tory councillor.

In a very real sense you do cease to be a member of the general public when you are elected ... you become a servant of the public, a guardian of the public weal ... kinda like the Pope (the one in Rome), "servant of the servants of God"; and in many cases and situations you will be called upon to subordinate your personal biases and beliefs to the general good. And if you ignore that call, you should become, once again, a private citizen, a true member of the public.

Bernard Dawson 06-02-2009 22:31

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 676666)
In a very real sense you do cease to be a member of the general public when you are elected ... you become a servant of the public, a guardian of the public weal ... kinda like the Pope (the one in Rome), "servant of the servants of God"; and in many cases and situations you will be called upon to subordinate your personal biases and beliefs to the general good. And if you ignore that call, you should become, once again, a private citizen, a true member of the public.

Eric. A lot of what you say I agree with. There is no question local councillors are there to represent the people who voted for them, and also the ones that didn't.

And that is what the majority of councillors try to do. But people also expect us to spend their money wisely And in my view we have a duty to speak up when we think that it's not being spent all that wisely.

The point I was trying to make about councillors being part of the general public, is that most councillors live in the ward they represent,and as such are part of that community

Royboy39 06-02-2009 22:36

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by claytonender (Post 676635)
Nice one Gary

Nice one Gary my arse...........If anyone should be named as Organ Grinders Monkey it should be Garinda the fence sitter until he grabs someones attention. :rolleyes:

Wynonie Harris 06-02-2009 22:56

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Robert Owen (Post 676689)
And in my view we have a duty to speak up when we think that it's not being spent all that wisely.

...whilst hiding behind a cloak of anonymity because you don't have the courage of your convictions.

Bernard Dawson 06-02-2009 23:49

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris (Post 676718)
...whilst hiding behind a cloak of anonymity because you don't have the courage of your convictions.

It's not a cloak of anonymity at all. It would appear that most people on Accy Web dont use their real name. Why should this be any different for local councillors than any other person on Accy Web?

Our you saying that everybody that doesn't use their real name on Accy Web haven't the courage of their convictions?

Wynonie Harris 06-02-2009 23:53

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Robert Owen (Post 676752)
It's not a cloak of anonymity at all. It would appear that most people on Accy Web dont use their real name. Why should this be any different for local councillors than any other person on Accy Web?

Our you saying that everybody that doesn't use their real name on Accy Web haven't the courage of their convictions?

No, what I am saying is that you're cynically using Accyweb as a propaganda tool for your own ends...but I suppose time will tell.

Bernard Dawson 07-02-2009 00:05

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris (Post 676753)
No, what I am saying is that you're cynically using Accyweb as a propaganda tool for your own ends...but I suppose time will tell.

What ends are them? All I thought I was doing was joining in the debate on various issues. Whether people know my real name is not a big issue for me.

All I ask is that others do the same.

garinda 07-02-2009 00:09

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris (Post 676753)
No, what I am saying is that you're cynically using Accyweb as a propaganda tool for your own ends...but I suppose time will tell.

Everyone has that opportunity.

No forum rules are being broken.

Every councillor has the right to post here.

Sadly it seems that only one party has the courage to join the debate.

I'd love some of the other parties to have the balls to use this local forum to discuss issues that are important to people, rather than hearing their thoughts second hand through one of their friends.

It wouldn't matter a fig to me what they called themselves.

I'd be more interested in hearing what they said, than the name they'd chosen to be known by.

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