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garinda 31-12-2009 00:14

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 773693)
Between you and him you could start a detective agency.

As long as there's scandal, sleeze, and actions verging on the criminal being carried out, it sounds like a jolly good idea.

Though this Miss Marlpe will continue to act independently, and not part of any duo.


jaysay 31-12-2009 09:37

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris (Post 773587)
Then the question must be asked, why didn't someone notice and contact the BBC to get it corrected?

Also, the same excuse can't be used for the pitifully inept captions that are used on the Stanley video on PB's own site. I really, really hope you aren't going to tell me you wrote those, mate! :eek:

Didn't even know he had a website Wyn

jaysay 31-12-2009 09:41

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by g jones (Post 773692)
I was reading in the LT archives about Hugh McNeil back in 1995. Seems a long time ago.

Hugh Mcneil was that Neils long lost Scottish Cousin Graham:D

jaysay 31-12-2009 09:43

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 773665)
No, but when such an ardent, and hard working member of a political party, states as fact the presumption someone won't be voting for them, it makes you wonder if they are indeed worth voting for, and if they truly want people's support.

I'd have thought every single vote that could be garnered, counted.

For those without political blinkers, they might remember when I lambasted a local candidate for not canvassing at homes displaying the Cross of St. George flag, even though there was an international football tournament on at the time.

That candidate wasn't a Conservative, and they subsequently lost.

Every vote does count, and it's only the arrogant that presume, and discount people's support, without a fight.

I'm more than happy to further discuss next year's General Election, but this really isn't the place.

This is a thread about some of our councillors wasting money on an unnecessary calendar...yet again.

Well I've always been a firm believer that its pointless canvasing a house with a Labour poster in the window:rolleyes:

garinda 31-12-2009 10:40

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 773768)
Well I've always been a firm believer that its pointless canvasing a house with a Labour poster in the window:rolleyes:

I've never displayed any political party's poster in my window, just as I've never been a member of any party, nor have I always voted for the same party.

I've honestly no idea who I'll vote for at the next General Election.

It will be a decision arrived at by weighing up the pros and cons of each individual candidate, versus their party's manifestos.

As for not canvassing at houses displaying posters for your opposition, did it never occur to you that there might also be a hen-pecked, or brow beaten spouse, or even adult children, who may not agree with the bullying person who put the poster up?

I think it's exactly those homes I'd be canvassing, not the ones that were already assured votes.

That's the kind of arrogance, such as stating who I won't be voting for, that can mean an election is lost. The difference between winners and losers.

Every vote counts, and if parties really cared about people, they'd be trying to secure those individual votes, not write them off.

Anyway, back on thread.

What are the odds they'll do a calendar in 2011, even with the public outcry against them, here and in the local press?

jaysay 31-12-2009 13:58

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 773788)
I've never displayed any political party's poster in my window, just as I've never been a member of any party, nor have I always voted for the same party.

I've honestly no idea who I'll vote for at the next General Election.

It will be a decision arrived at by weighing up the pros and cons of each individual candidate, versus their party's manifestos.

As for not canvassing at houses displaying posters for your opposition, did it never occur to you that there might also be a hen-pecked, or brow beaten spouse, or even adult children, who may not agree with the bullying person who put the poster up?

I think it's exactly those homes I'd be canvassing, not the ones that were already assured votes.

That's the kind of arrogance, such as stating who I won't be voting for, that can mean an election is lost. The difference between winners and losers.

Every vote counts, and if parties really cared about people, they'd be trying to secure those individual votes, not write them off.

Anyway, back on thread.

What are the odds they'll do a calendar in 2011, even with the public outcry against them, here and in the local press?

even money:D

g jones 31-12-2009 20:04

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
With a fair wind they may be defeated in Mays elections. Labours got a good slate of candidates in all seats.

Our ambitions won't be calendars, dressing up, £700k failed websites or expensive devolution revolutions which don't revolve at all!

Housing, crime, low council tax, devolved first class leisure facilities, civic pride returned with an end to fancy fireworks, cheap certificates and dodgy mayors, civilised constitution that puts residents first and throws off the council those that are cheating the system and behaving like 'clowns'.

SPUGGIE J 31-12-2009 20:50

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Regardless of how the result pans out there has to be change for the sake of the borough. We can argue till we run out of breath but the borough and its populace needs to come first and that makes the calendar argument websites and other well intended follies look microscopic. There will have to be co-operation and even compromise for the sake of all the people of the borough even if it goes against the grain of all sides.

The Borough of Hyndburn first that is all that is needed.

turkishdelight 31-12-2009 20:56

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by g jones (Post 773933)
With a fair wind they may be defeated in Mays elections. Labours got a good slate of candidates in all seats.

Our ambitions won't be calendars, dressing up, £700k failed websites or expensive devolution revolutions which don't revolve at all!

Housing, crime, low council tax, devolved first class leisure facilities, civic pride returned with an end to fancy fireworks, cheap certificates and dodgy mayors, civilised constitution that puts residents first and throws off the council those that are cheating the system and behaving like 'clowns'.

So your objectives are to lower the council tax? By how much and will it be a significant amount, how do you aim to implement this.Could you please explain what is meant by cheap certificates/ dodgy mayors. Who is cheating the system and how.

Neil 01-01-2010 10:18

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by turkishdelight (Post 773942)
So your objectives are to lower the council tax? By how much and will it be a significant amount, how do you aim to implement this.

He did not say lower but low. That could mean no increase.

garinda 01-01-2010 10:20

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
'Coun Peter Britcliffe hit back that the calendars included important police and council contacts produced at a very low cost. He said: “The government are constantly telling us to make contact with the public and this is a great way of doing that.'
Labour councillors snub Hyndburn calendars (From Lancashire Telegraph)

They could have made 'contact' with us via the community website they started, with the wasted £591,00.00 grant from the government, or even via Accy Web, but some councillors seem too afraid to do somthing so sensible, and at no cost to the residents of Hyndburn.

The grasp on finances would almost be funny, if it wasn't so frightening.

'The calendars were delivered through the recycling service and printing costs were very low. In Oswaldtwistle we spent about £400.'

Er..the actual cost was £533.00, which as a percentage increase on the figure Cllr. Britcliffe quoted, is almost as high as the rise some councillors decided to increase their allowances by earlier this year.

Neil 01-01-2010 10:21

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by g jones (Post 773933)
civic pride returned.....

I like the sound of that Graham. I like to think I am a civic minded person doing my bit.

I would be interested to hear more about what you mean by civic pride returned

jaysay 01-01-2010 10:47

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by turkishdelight (Post 773942)
So your objectives are to lower the council tax? By how much and will it be a significant amount, how do you aim to implement this.Could you please explain what is meant by cheap certificates/ dodgy mayors. Who is cheating the system and how.

Think he's on about that dodgy Labour Mayor from somewhere on Merseyside turkishdelight:rolleyes:

Neil 01-01-2010 10:53

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 774045)
Think he's on about that dodgy Labour Mayor from somewhere on Merseyside turkishdelight:rolleyes:

current or past mayor?

garinda 01-01-2010 10:55

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 774045)
Think he's on about that dodgy Labour Mayor from somewhere on Merseyside turkishdelight:rolleyes:

Who's that, or is it a riddle?

How many letters?

I just presumed it was the one from the other year, when there was a banner hanging from the viaduct, amongst other places, on the day of the Mayor making ceremony.

cashman 01-01-2010 10:57

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 774050)
Who's that, or is it a riddle?

How many letters?

I just presumed it was the one from the other year, when there was a banner hanging from the viaduct, amongst other places, on the day of the Mayor making ceremony.

Its called "Moving The Spotlight" rindy.;)

garinda 01-01-2010 11:03

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 774051)
Its called "Moving The Spotlight" rindy.;)

I'll just keep moving it back.

Persistent's my middle name.

Though it will get a little trying if I'm still persistently calling the calendars a waste of tax payer's money in 2011, 2112, 2113...

jaysay 01-01-2010 11:32

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 774048)
current or past mayor?

I think he's in jail Neil, was highlighted on BBC Northwest earlier this year, think it was Knowsley, seeming this poor chap had told the DHSS that he couldn't walk more than 10 yards and needed a walking stick at all times, yet they filmed him, refereeing a footy match and walking 3 miles in his mayoral robes, the ting is how did he think he'd get away with it:rolleyes:

garinda 01-01-2010 12:24

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 774065)
I think he's in jail Neil, was highlighted on BBC Northwest earlier this year, think it was Knowsley, seeming this poor chap had told the DHSS that he couldn't walk more than 10 yards and needed a walking stick at all times, yet they filmed him, refereeing a footy match and walking 3 miles in his mayoral robes, the ting is how did he think he'd get away with it:rolleyes:

What's this got to do with Hyndburn, or wasting our money on unnecessary calendars?

Just as we saw with the expenses scandals, abuse seems to be a cross party issue, or can't you see all frauds if they aren't Labour, because of your blinkers?

David Marsh mayor of Wincanton benefits fraud|Western Gazette| This is Somerset

jaysay 01-01-2010 12:39

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 774093)
What's this got to do with Hyndburn, or wasting our money on unnecessary calendars?

Just as we saw with the expenses scandals, abuse seems to be a cross party issue, or can't you see all frauds if they aren't Labour, because of your blinkers?

David Marsh mayor of Wincanton benefits fraud|Western Gazette| This is Somerset

Jones started it not me :thefinger

garinda 01-01-2010 12:43

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 774099)
Jones started it not me :thefinger

I pesume he was referring to a Mayor in Hyndburn, unlike yourself, who decided to rattle on about some bent Scouser, with no ties to Hynburn, or the wasteful calendars.

BERNADETTE 01-01-2010 12:48

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
I would be intrigued to know who the dodgy mayor/s are. Won't be surprised if we never find out but would be nice to know what makes them "dodgy"

garinda 01-01-2010 12:59

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE (Post 774106)
I would be intrigued to know who the dodgy mayor/s are. Won't be surprised if we never find out but would be nice to know what makes them "dodgy"

It might be him?

Ex-Mayor in charity fund storm - News - Accrington Observer

It was his Mayor making ceremony that was marred by protests too.

Just a guess.

cashman 01-01-2010 13:02

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 774111)
It might be him?

Ex-Mayor in charity fund storm - News - Accrington Observer

It was his Mayor making ceremony that was marred by protests too.

Just a guess.

funny how was No comment about that, yet comment about one in scouseland, i wonder why?:rolleyes:

turkishdelight 01-01-2010 13:16

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Its obvious who he is making reference too. Just wanted it confirming. It doesnt take Rocket science to understand and realise the reason behind it?

Neil 01-01-2010 13:23

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 774101)
I pesume he was referring to a Mayor in Hyndburn

So did I.
I am sure Graham will clear this up when he comes back on.

cashman 01-01-2010 13:24

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Dont take rocket science to realise were yer coming from either.:D

BERNADETTE 01-01-2010 13:33

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 774111)
It might be him?

Ex-Mayor in charity fund storm - News - Accrington Observer

It was his Mayor making ceremony that was marred by protests too.

Just a guess.

Figures he is a conservative:rolleyes:

garinda 01-01-2010 13:33

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by turkishdelight (Post 774116)
Its obvious who he is making reference too. Just wanted it confirming. It doesnt take Rocket science to understand and realise the reason behind it?

Blimey, it doesn't seem two minutes ago that you were pleading that you didn't know who your own councillors were, now at the mention of a 'dodgy Mayor' you seem to know for certain who was being referred to.

Mine was only a wild guess, so I bow to your superior knowledge, as to knowing who the dodgy chain wearer is.

turkishdelight 01-01-2010 13:39

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 774123)
Blimey, it doesn't seem two minutes ago that you were pleading that you didn't know who your own councillors were, now at the mention of a 'dodgy Mayor' you seem to know for certain who was being referred to.

Mine was only a wild guess, so I bow to your superior knowledge, as to knowing who the dodgy chain wearer is.

Gary, Your the fountain of knowledge on here surprised you dont know and only guessing. Anyway Happy New Year.

garinda 01-01-2010 13:48

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by turkishdelight (Post 774125)
Gary, Your the fountain of knowledge on here surprised you dont know and only guessing. Anyway Happy New Year.

Er...happy new year.

Though we'd better get back on to the subject of the thread, before a moderator starts getting angry.

Anyone put up their new 2010 council calendar yet?

You'll have these six staring at you until July, so not long to go before you can turn over.

Neil 01-01-2010 14:32

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 774126)
Anyone put up their new 2010 council calendar yet?

I put it somewhere ;)

g jones 01-01-2010 16:44

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Clr Dobson did court controversy. Wyn Frankland was another who dismissed controversy to be mayor.

Many in my view have been given the mayorality as a conserative payola - rather than deserving.

The once only Mayor policy, the gerrymandering of who and the reduction to 35 councillors has resulted in bottom of the barrel selections from the controlling group.

Apart from Clr Dobson, the last 4 conservative mayors have been a thorn in the leaderships side. The 4 most problematic Tories. Next year it has been promised to Malcolm Pritchard for his Conservative support, not because he is the best candidate.

This gerrymadering has resulted in two longstanding honourable labour councillors have had to retire without being Mayor.

The problem is everyone knows it and no one raises it but beneath the surface people are dismayed at the loss of pride and respectability.

Less 01-01-2010 17:12

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by g jones (Post 774171)

has resulted in bottom of the barrel selections

That's not fair, I'm looking at the barrel from the bottom inwards, when is it going to be my turn?

andrewb 01-01-2010 18:41

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by g jones (Post 773933)
With a fair wind they may be defeated in Mays elections. Labours got a good slate of candidates in all seats.

Our ambitions won't be calendars, dressing up, £700k failed websites or expensive devolution revolutions which don't revolve at all!

Housing, crime, low council tax, devolved first class leisure facilities, civic pride returned with an end to fancy fireworks, cheap certificates and dodgy mayors, civilised constitution that puts residents first and throws off the council those that are cheating the system and behaving like 'clowns'.

I'm glad to see you socialists have finally reformed and want to steer towards low council tax. It's just for the last 8/10 years Labour in Hyndburn have proposed higher increases than the Conservative ones. Adding to that significantly higher increase in tax at the hands of Labour LCC over 10 years compared with Conservative controlled Hyndburn. Nice to see you've turned over a new leaf though.

As for 'corrupt mayors' will you be backing this up or just casually mentioning names and attributing controversy to corruption without actually accusing anybody with any evidence?

garinda 01-01-2010 18:55

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 774232)
I'm glad to see you socialists have finally reformed and want to steer towards low council tax. It's just for the last 8/10 years Labour in Hyndburn have proposed higher increases than the Conservative ones. Adding to that significantly higher increase in tax at the hands of Labour LCC over 10 years compared with Conservative controlled Hyndburn. Nice to see you've turned over a new leaf though.

As for 'corrupt mayors' will you be backing this up or just casually mentioning names and attributing controversy to corruption without actually accusing anybody with any evidence?

Unless you are stating that these wasteful calendars are one of the reasons Hyndburn has a high council tax, please could we refain from too much wandering from the original subject please?

There are plenty of theads about the high cost of council tax here in Hyndburn.

Just use the search facility, and type 'Daily Telegraph labels Hyndburn with highest council tax in country', to throw up a few relating to that subject.

Eric 01-01-2010 19:05

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Hey guys ... I got a political calender the other day ... from John Gerretsen MPP (Member of the Provincial Parliament) for Kingston and the Islands. Nice one. Black and white on recycled paper .... no partisan bs .... lots of good info about municipal, provincial, and federal services available in Kingston ... available in French on request ... don't know how much it cost to produce, but as my provincial tax went down last year, it doesn't seem to be putting a strain on the budget. Didn't get one from the city tho'.

Wynonie Harris 01-01-2010 20:13

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Calendars serve two purposes. Firstly, to impart practical information. Secondly, to be decorative, because the said calendar displays images that reflect someone's interests or because they are generally enjoyable to look at.

Could someone please explain how this calendar is pleasing to look at and will anyone (even a diehard Tory) be displaying it on their kitchen noticeboard?

Neil 01-01-2010 20:21

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris (Post 774258)
Calendars serve two purposes. Firstly, to impart practical information. Secondly, to be decorative, because the said calendar displays images that reflect someone's interests or because they are generally enjoyable to look at.

Could someone please explain how this calendar is pleasing to look at and will anyone (even a diehard Tory) be displaying it on their kitchen noticeboard?

Good point. The calendar would have been better if it had the whole year on one side and all the Council info and pictures on the other. I think the pictures showing the Councillors are ok in case you have never met them.

shillelagh 01-01-2010 20:26

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
im just glad our councillors havent took note of what hyndburns councillors have done ...:D:D:D can quite honestly say if i had a calendar of my councillors ... id be having nightmares ....:D:D:D

Bernard Dawson 01-01-2010 20:39

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 774265)
im just glad our councillors havent took note of what hyndburns councillors have done ...:D:D:D can quite honestly say if i had a calendar of my councillors ... id be having nightmares ....:D:D:D

You could always do what a woman up Ossy told me she did with last years calendar. She said she put in the garden, and it worked a treat in scaring the cats away.

shillelagh 01-01-2010 21:03

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
id need 2 calendars bernard ... one for the back garden one for the front garden .... mind you might scare visitors away ....ok who's going to give me their calendars .. :D:D:D

shillelagh 01-01-2010 21:10

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
do you know something ... ive just thought of something else ... putting the calendars in the garden might come in handy when its election time .... i wont have anyone knocking on my door .... so there you go folks .. stick your calendars in the garden .. and you wont have anyone knocking on your door asking who you going to vote for ...:D:D:D

Neil 01-01-2010 21:29

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 774285)
...ok who's going to give me their calendars .. :D:D:D

If you want mine you will have to let me know before Tuesday morning :rolleyes:

shillelagh 01-01-2010 22:23

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 774289)
If you want mine you will have to let me know before Tuesday morning :rolleyes:

why is that recycling day .. :D:D:D

shillelagh 01-01-2010 22:34

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
just thinking though ...again .. yes i know its dangerous ... but could you imagine it ... a little picture of hyndburns councillors in the front garden border ...and further on up my big posters for the labour party ... should be interesting ...

ok neil i'll have the calendar .. might as well have some fun come election time ... by the way if it dont work keeping cats away ... bernard i'll be after you .... anyone got a laminator ... i can stick it through? :D:D:D

g jones 01-01-2010 22:53


Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 774232)
It's just for the last 8/10 years Labour in Hyndburn have proposed higher increases than the Conservative ones. controlled Hyndburn.

I have been on since 2002 and we have set lower council tax than Conservatives in every year except maybe 2003 IIRC.

I'm 2003 in opposition PB set it at 0% and Doug Heyes (Con Ossy) shot him down in flames for 'cheap fag packet politics'.

Neil 01-01-2010 23:24

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 774306)
ok neil i'll have the calendar .. might as well have some fun come election time ... by the way if it dont work keeping cats away ... bernard i'll be after you .... anyone got a laminator ... i can stick it through? :D:D:D

I will have to see if it is still in my sack, I have a laminator as well :rolleyes::D:D

shillelagh 01-01-2010 23:30

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
oh you are a sweetie pie neil ....:D:D:D

Neil 01-01-2010 23:34

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 774315)
oh you are a sweetie pie neil ....:D:D:D

Funnily enough, you are not the first person to tell me that :rolleyes::D

shillelagh 01-01-2010 23:36

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 774317)
Funnily enough, you are not the first person to tell me that :rolleyes::D

rhonda dont count shes married to you .... chav definately dont count!!!! hes banned ....:D:D:D

andrewb 02-01-2010 00:11

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by g jones (Post 774312)
I have been on since 2002 and we have set lower council tax than Conservatives in every year except maybe 2003 IIRC.

I'm 2003 in opposition PB set it at 0% and Doug Heyes (Con Ossy) shot him down in flames for 'cheap fag packet politics'.

Perhaps your memory is failing you.

1999 - Labour council tax proposal higher than Conservative
2000 - Both Same
2001 - Labour's proposal n/a
2002 - Labour council tax proposal higher than Conservative
2003 - Labour council tax proposal higher than Conservative
2004 - Labour council tax proposal higher than Conservative
2005 - Labour's proposal n/a
2006 - Conservative council tax proposal higher than Labour
2007 - Labour's proposal n/a
2008 - Conservative council tax proposal higher than Labour
2009 - Conservative council tax proposal higher than Labour

2007 no costed Labour budget was proposed and 2005/2001 there is no record of them doing so either.

That makes 3 occasions in the last 11 years where Labour have proposed a lower rise in council tax than the Conservative group.

cashman 02-01-2010 00:22

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
if ya read his post correctly andrew he was not refering to last 11 yrs, glad ya posted those figures cos they show 3 occasions in the LAST 4 yrs that conservatives have proposed higher, n we don't really know the other do we?:D

garinda 02-01-2010 01:15

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by g jones (Post 774312)
cheap fag

Talk about friendly fire!

It makes Peter Britcliffe calling another councillor a silly cow, seem rather tame in comparison.

garinda 02-01-2010 01:27

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 774323)
Perhaps your memory is failing you.

1999 - Labour council tax proposal higher than Conservative
2000 - Both Same
2001 - Labour's proposal n/a
2002 - Labour council tax proposal higher than Conservative
2003 - Labour council tax proposal higher than Conservative
2004 - Labour council tax proposal higher than Conservative
2005 - Labour's proposal n/a
2006 - Conservative council tax proposal higher than Labour
2007 - Labour's proposal n/a
2008 - Conservative council tax proposal higher than Labour
2009 - Conservative council tax proposal higher than Labour

2007 no costed Labour budget was proposed and 2005/2001 there is no record of them doing so either.

That makes 3 occasions in the last 11 years where Labour have proposed a lower rise in council tax than the Conservative group.

As I politely reminded you earlier, this thread isn't about the council tax per se, but the wasting of hard working resident's money on useless calendars...yet again.

As you know it is against forum rules to veer off the subject of a thread too much, and posts have indeed been deleted in the past for doing so.

Since you've ignored my advice I've kindly put the words 'Daily Telegraph' and 'council tax' in the search facility, and below have linked some of the relevant threads found, for you to further your discussion.

garinda 02-01-2010 01:38

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by turkishdelight (Post 774125)
Gary, Your the fountain of knowledge on here

That's awfully sweet, but far from the truth.

In my own little way I just try to quell some of the local political hot-heads we seem to have an abundance of.

Less 02-01-2010 01:46

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by turkishdelight (Post 774125)
Gary, Your the fountain of knowledge on here surprised you dont know and only guessing. Anyway Happy New Year.

I think the term is actually 'font' or 'fount' of all knowledge, I only remember this because 'fount' rhymes with 'count' and that is only one letter away from what he is generally called by those who most respect him!

jaysay 02-01-2010 10:22

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 774337)
That's awfully sweet, but far from the truth.

In my own little way I just try to quell some of the local political hot-heads we seem to have an abundance of.

Its a pity you didn't take up a career in the Navy, no doubt you'd have made Petty Officer:p

cashman 02-01-2010 10:29

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
if were talking Hypothetically mate, pity you weren't russian, you would have been Ivan The Terrible.:D

garinda 02-01-2010 10:56

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 774391)
Its a pity you didn't take up a career in the Navy, no doubt you'd have made Petty Officer:p

It's quite sad really, that you think people's hard earned cash being wasted on totally unnecessary calendars, when one's already been produced for the residents of Hyndburn, is petty.

As I said earlier, I was brought up to 'look after the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves'.

A lesson some of our councillors would be wise to learn from, especially when dealing with other people's money.

jaysay 02-01-2010 11:06

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 774426)
It's quite sad really, that you think people's hard earned cash being wasted on totally unnecessary calendars, when one's already been produced for the residents of Hyndburn, is petty.

As I said earlier, I was brought up to 'look after the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves'.

A lesson some of our councillors would be wise to learn from, especially when dealing with other people's money.

Its a pity you weren't around in the nineties, you'd have loved it, or there again maybe not, Quack Quack:rolleyes:

garinda 02-01-2010 11:22

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 774434)
Its a pity you weren't around in the nineties, you'd have loved it, or there again maybe not, Quack Quack:rolleyes:

Another thing my parents taught me is that two wrongs don't make a right, and it's scraping the barrel when that's used as some sort of defence.

Although I was living in London in the nineties, I did come 'home' every month or so, and Accrington was relatively thriving then, much more so than it is today, with many more shops and a busy market for instance. Partly due to some of the costly planning decisions taken by the numpties we have in charge now.

garinda 02-01-2010 11:37

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 774434)
Its a pity you weren't around in the nineties, you'd have loved it, or there again maybe not, Quack Quack:rolleyes:

...and talking of the nineteen nineties, and to try and show you I'll continue to be critical of poor political decisions, and praise good ones, at the begining of that decade I was living in Labour controlled Lambeth.

Lambeth had the honour of having the highest local (poll) tax in the country, and the services provided were truly appalling.

I bought a flat in neighbouring Wandsworth, and lived there until I left. We had the lowest poll/council tax in the country, and the service and amenities were excellent.

Wandswoth was run and controlled by the Conservatives, and there were no complaints at all from me.

Can you see where I'm going with this yet, even with your blinkers on?

Any criticism from me is based on actions and results, regardless of which political party those politicans happen to belong to, who make those decisions.

g jones 02-01-2010 20:37


Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 774323)
Perhaps your memory is failing you.

1999 - Labour council tax proposal higher than Conservative
2000 - Both Same
2001 - Labour's proposal n/a
2002 - Labour council tax proposal higher than Conservative
2003 - Labour council tax proposal higher than Conservative
2004 - Labour council tax proposal higher than Conservative
2005 - Labour's proposal n/a
2006 - Conservative council tax proposal higher than Labour
2007 - Labour's proposal n/a
2008 - Conservative council tax proposal higher than Labour
2009 - Conservative council tax proposal higher than Labour

2007 no costed Labour budget was proposed and 2005/2001 there is no record of them doing so either.

That makes 3 occasions in the last 11 years where Labour have proposed a lower rise in council tax than the Conservative group.

Thankyou for that. I accept that in 2004 plus previously acknowleged 2003 Labour were higher. My first two years. I have had leadership control over the last 4, all lower which reaffirms my point.

However the council has £millions in bills in the bottom drawer.

andrewb 02-01-2010 21:05

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by g jones (Post 774682)
Thankyou for that. I accept that in 2004 plus previously acknowleged 2003 Labour were higher. My first two years. I have had leadership control over the last 4, all lower which reaffirms my point.

However the council has £millions in bills in the bottom drawer.

Like I say I'm glad. It can only be a good thing for the borough if you've finally dropped your belief in socialism and the high taxes that result from it.

g jones 04-01-2010 21:43

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
the 2001 election details according to Google cache was as below - it's not now. Why would it be changed following now 8 years after the fact?

Candidate Peter Britcliffe

Elected in 2001? No

Personal details
Gaby (Wife) 2 sons 1 daughter
Accriwoton Grammar School 1961-67
Chorely College of Education 1976
Non-political career
Special Needs Teacher, Hywdburn School For Past 20 Years
Political career
Previously Contested Hynburn (Westminster) 1997

Neil 04-01-2010 23:08

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by g jones (Post 775370)
Why would it be changed following now 8 years after the fact?

My guess - someone pointed out to the BBC that they had made the mistakes, so it was corrected

cashman 04-01-2010 23:10

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 775403)
My guess - someone pointed out to the BBC that they had made the mistakes, so it was corrected

if thats the case, musta been a labour man, cos in 8 years the torys aint realised.:D

Neil 04-01-2010 23:14

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 775404)
if thats the case, musta been a labour man, cos in 8 years the torys aint realised.:D

It's been mentioned on here by Rindy recently

garinda 05-01-2010 00:27

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 775405)
It's been mentioned on here by Rindy recently

Rindy says my bin's not been emptied.

The bin's emptied, as if by magic.

Rindy (again) points out Britcliffe's c.v. on the B.B.C. is full of hilarous mistakes.

They get rectified. Nine mirth filled years later, but rectified all the same.

Rindy has his now annual rant against public funded calendars, in addition to the one already produced by H.B.C.

We'll wait and see if the magic of Accy Web works on this one.


cashman 05-01-2010 00:45

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
hope so but aint holding me breath.

garinda 05-01-2010 00:59

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 775427)
hope so but aint holding me breath.

We can only live in hope.

People power seemed to have some effect when they tried to waste another load of tax payer's money, changing the name of the borough, for no discernible benefit, other than as some costly ego trip.

As long as there's daft ideas, there'll always be some who come along to dampen them.

garinda 05-01-2010 01:04

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 775423)
Rindy says my bin's not been emptied.

The bin's emptied, as if by magic.

Rindy (again) points out Britcliffe's c.v. on the B.B.C. is full of hilarous mistakes.

They get rectified. Nine mirth filled years later, but rectified all the same.

Rindy has his now annual rant against public funded calendars, in addition to the one already produced by H.B.C.

We'll wait and see if the magic of Accy Web works on this one.


By the way, I'm not making any claims to get things changed.

The power seems to be with the new media we have....Accy Web.

Why contact the organ grinder direct, when you have a problem?

One of the monkeys will do it for you, after reading about it on here?

jaysay 05-01-2010 10:04

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 775423)
Rindy says my bin's not been emptied.

The bin's emptied, as if by magic.

Rindy (again) points out Britcliffe's c.v. on the B.B.C. is full of hilarous mistakes.

They get rectified. Nine mirth filled years later, but rectified all the same.

Rindy has his now annual rant against public funded calendars, in addition to the one already produced by H.B.C.

We'll wait and see if the magic of Accy Web works on this one.


It won't:D

garinda 05-01-2010 11:40

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 775488)
It won't:D

That's rather dissapointing to hear.

That some councillors plan to waste yet more local tax payer's hard earned money on unnecesarry calenders next year too.

Thank you for passing on this information to the residents of Hyndburn Bubbles.

garinda 05-01-2010 12:07

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 775488)
It won't:D

If as you say Hyndburn resident's money is to be wasted next year too, could I put in a request?

If we are to have another calender forced upon us, could we at least have one with another funny photograph, similar to the Toby jug one?

This one would fit the bill, and might even double as an audition entry for Britain's Got Talent.

Councillor Peter Britcliffe - Peter Britcliffe

If a break-dancing, benefit cheat pensioner can make the grade, there might be a good chance for a balancing act.

I'd be more than happy to design any costumes, and think feathers would look fabulous.

Less 06-01-2010 12:40

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Breaking News! Councillor Britcliffe inspects the trap Door in the New Hyndburn Council Tax Defaulters Gallows.
"No Need to worry Mr. Pierrepoint, if the cold weather causes it to stick we'll get some salt from the front of the Town Hall".

Ken Moss 03-09-2010 23:39

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Not to rain on Garinda's parade by resurrecting this thread on his behalf but the fate of this illustrious publication rests on the meeting of the full council on 14th September.

I am moving to have them abolished. Monstrous I know, particularly in view of the pleasure we've all had in taking the mickey, but several thousand pounds of public money is at stake in order to duplicate the excellent recycling calendar and enable Peter to start next year's election campaign at the expense of the taxpayer.

I know some of you will be sad to see them go if I am successful but it seems that the council leader is rather keen for them to stay. Not 24 hours after my proposal hit the desk at Scaitcliffe House, all Area Management chairs received phonecalls to see if they wanted a calendar this year.

My Rishton counterpart, Cllr Harry Grayson, replied firmly in the negative with the request that we could have the money to do something really useful instead.

We await their reply.

gynn 04-09-2010 05:31

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Can you also pass on our thanks to Peter for apparently single handedly getting bullfighting banned in Catalonia.

garinda 04-09-2010 07:27

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
I'd happily see the production of these unnecessary calendars ceasing.

Firstly, the money they cost could be better spent elsewhere.

Secondly, my mint condition, collectors copies, will shoot up in valuable.

Thank goodness for wipe clean plastic, say I.


Ken Moss 04-09-2010 10:50

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 842701)
Secondly, my mint condition, collectors copies, will shoot up in valuable.

Thank goodness for wipe clean plastic, say I.

Just trying to do what's best for the residents of Hyndburn. Abolishing them makes money!

It sounds like they've been the cause of some little excitement for you in the past...

jaysay 04-09-2010 14:33

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 842701)
I'd happily see the production of these unnecessary calendars ceasing.

Firstly, the money they cost could be better spent elsewhere.

Secondly, my mint condition, collectors copies, will shoot up in valuable.

Thank goodness for wipe clean plastic, say I.


Think the 2008 one was the best G, that was the one with Neil on wasn't it:D

garinda 04-09-2010 15:35

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 842787)
Think the 2008 one was the best G, that was the one with Neil on wasn't it:D

The one with Cllr. Britcliffe and Neil on all twelve pages, you mean.

I thought it was a brochure advertising civil partnerships!

I suppose I'll just have to make more of Christmas itself. If I'm not going to be able to look forward to that hefty plop on my mat in the NewYear, when my calendar is hand delivered.

Hey ho.


jaysay 04-09-2010 15:56

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 842804)
The one with Cllr. Britcliffe and Neil on all twelve pages, you mean.

I thought it was a brochure advertising civil partnerships!

I suppose I'll just have to make more of Christmas itself. If I'm not going to be able to look forward to that hefty plop on my mat in the New Year, when my calendar is hand delivered.

Hey ho.


Shushhhhhhhhhh you'll have Ken getting jealous :hehetable

Retlaw 04-09-2010 17:02

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by gynn (Post 842696)
Can you also pass on our thanks to Peter for apparently single handedly getting bullfighting banned in Catalonia.

He would be better thought of if he stopped Bullshiiting in Accrington.
How come he's never tried to move the council offices up Ossy, he wouldn't have far to go then,
and seeing he's a one man band, his front room would be big enough.


Ken Moss 05-09-2010 06:45

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 842815)
Shushhhhhhhhhh you'll have Ken getting jealous :hehetable

It's OK, John. I'm resigned to the fact that I'm never going to be cosseted in that way by the Leader of the Scaitcliffe Army, Director of Services (Hyndburn) (or LOTSA DOSH as the acronym would have it).

He told me straight in full council, in front of everyone so as to make me feel totally humiliated, that he wouldn't be adding me as a Facebook friend. I felt so used. I thought he was wearing that tight T-shirt for me.

Peter Britcliffe | Facebook

garinda 05-09-2010 07:21

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Ken Moss (Post 842915)
It's OK, John. I'm resigned to the fact that I'm never going to be cosseted in that way by the Leader of the Scaitcliffe Army, Director of Services (Hyndburn) (or LOTSA DOSH as the acronym would have it).

He told me straight in full council, in front of everyone so as to make me feel totally humiliated, that he wouldn't be adding me as a Facebook friend. I felt so used. I thought he was wearing that tight T-shirt for me.

Peter Britcliffe | Facebook

Peter Britcliffe This week my wing mirror got knocked off my car,the fridge door came off,the shower door came off,the freezer blew up and the washer conked out.
This never happened when we had a Labour Government.


garinda 05-09-2010 07:26

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

2 eggs.

2 bacon.

2 sausages.

2 toast.


Tea or coffee.

All for under seven euros.

Cheap date.


Ken Moss 05-09-2010 07:40

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 842922)
This week my wing mirror got knocked off my car

It didn't stop him reversing out of the Scaitcliffe House car park at maximum warp to get to the television crew at Haworth Art Gallery....

garinda 05-09-2010 07:49

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Ken Moss (Post 842924)
It didn't stop him reversing out of the Scaitcliffe House car park at maximum warp to get to the television crew at Haworth Art Gallery....

Was it a reverse, or a U-turn?


Less 05-09-2010 07:57

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 842926)
Was it a reverse, or a U-turn?


How could it possibly be a U turn? That would be like him saying he has done something wrong, which we all know, he never does.

garinda 05-09-2010 08:05

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Less (Post 842928)
How could it possibly be a U turn? That would be like him saying he has done something wrong, which we all know, he never does.

Oh yes.

'The lady's not for turn...'


That was someone else.


Less 05-09-2010 08:20

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Less (Post 842928)
How could it possibly be a U turn? That would be like him saying he has done something wrong, which we all know, he never does.


Originally Posted by garinda (Post 842930)
Oh yes.

'The lady's not for turn...'


That was someone else.


Notice how I've worded it, I've been reading, 'How to be all things for all men, (the politicians guide) for dummies',

So if your the 'ordinary man of the street', You will read that I meant, he never admits he's done anything wrong, whereas if you are a blinkered Tory you will read it as, he never does anything wrong.

I'm well on the way to being as false as any politician now!

jaysay 05-09-2010 08:51

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Less (Post 842931)
Notice how I've worded it, I've been reading, 'How to be all things for all men, (the politicians guide) for dummies',

So if your the 'ordinary man of the street', You will read that I meant, he never admits he's done anything wrong, whereas if you are a blinkered Tory you will read it as, he never does anything wrong.

I'm well on the way to being as false as any politician now!

No you used a smiley:rolleyes:

Less 05-09-2010 08:53

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 842938)
No you used a smiley:rolleyes:

Ah yes, but it's a False smiley, it should have been :cool:

jaysay 05-09-2010 08:53

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Ken Moss (Post 842915)
It's OK, John. I'm resigned to the fact that I'm never going to be cosseted in that way by the Leader of the Scaitcliffe Army, Director of Services (Hyndburn) (or LOTSA DOSH as the acronym would have it).

He told me straight in full council, in front of everyone so as to make me feel totally humiliated, that he wouldn't be adding me as a Facebook friend. I felt so used. I thought he was wearing that tight T-shirt for me.

Peter Britcliffe | Facebook

I bet you were cut to the quick Ken, but never mind I'm not on his friends list on Facebook either:D

Neil 05-09-2010 08:55

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 842804)
I thought it was a brochure advertising civil partnerships!

I have told you before he can't have me

I am already married :p:D

garinda 05-09-2010 08:58

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 842943)
I have told you before he can't have me

I am already married :p:D

It's not me you need to tell.


cashman 05-09-2010 13:53

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 842940)
I bet you were cut to the quick Ken, but never mind I'm not on his friends list on Facebook either:D

thats probably cos ya aint much use to him nowadays mate.;)

jaysay 05-09-2010 14:04

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 842998)
that's probably cos ya aint much use to him nowadays mate.;)

By my choosing cashy

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