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accymel 24-03-2006 16:36

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Neil
Its a shame not many around here read that one. We had bins put out on Tuesday (now the wrong week) that are still out now with rubbish in some back allys.

LOL It just shows how much use they are, i forgot to put recycle out this week on new day change but then didnt see the point as i had already had mine recycled last fri....... 2 collections of recycle in one week yet have to wait 3 weeks for grey bin rubbish to accumulate before collection:rolleyes:

accymel 24-03-2006 16:38

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by staggeringman
lmao your right!what about doing burnley as well....he....hee, we could become an independent country within a country ,become a tax free haven,get all the dosh we want

Pmsl staggers we can then do a take over of the country too - why should everything be south based :rolleyes: :D

Neil 24-03-2006 16:42

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Greg Pope
I think we should aim a bit higher than calendars.

I think you have missed the point Greg. It's the principal of it.
We expect the people we put in power not to abuse the rules. We trust these people to look after our Borough/County/Country, thats why we put them there. The people of Hyndburn would not be happy to find out you had been taking bribes or using your influence irresponsibly would they? Its the same thing but at a lower level. If Councillors are using Council Officers to produce campaign literature, then that is not only wrong but is an abuse of our Council tax. If they have not been abusing their position then fine, no problem. I am sure we will find out what really happened after the Standards Board of England have finished investigating.

tomz 24-03-2006 18:08

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Gayle
Well, it wasn't me because I'm not in Oswaldtwistle at the moment and no one is delivering my leaflets right now - I know this because they are sat in my house.

So you must live in Colette's area if you have a female Labour candidate and you can call me scruffy if you like but that is one thing that no one could ever level at Colette. Although, if you let me know where you live I'll pass it on to Colette because there's no point in wasting our time coming to your door is there?

As for coming round to your house to canvas - I think you'll find that there are about six weeks before the election so there's plenty of time.

So basically, you're talking rubbish aren't you?

It wasnt you. Or Colette. It was some 'scruffy' clothed man from a leaflet distribution van :D And I wasnt calling you scruffy, or Colette. I was calling the man scruffy. So yeah... dont talk rubbish!

andrewb 24-03-2006 20:21

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Hmm... I won't admit to be anywhere up to date with local politics, infact I have never properly read a local paper *shame on me*... and therefore consider myself kind of neutral even though I would vote conservative in a general election. Anywho...

As I have understood it (I could have got the wrong end of the stick)... he used the civil service to help with the calenders? Is doing this *that* bad? I mean, if you look at national politics the government use the civil service to do Labour party things (none governmental) and hence the other parties get money to allow them to get things done (such as policy research I assume) which the government in power can do with the civil service?

Neil 24-03-2006 20:34

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Cyfr
... and therefore consider myself kind of neutral even though I would vote conservative in a general election.

How can you be kind of neutral and vote conservative in the same sentance?
Why would you vote conservative, because your politics teacher (mentioned in another thread) said so ?

SPUGGIE J 24-03-2006 21:37

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
He's only young so will come to his senses someday in the future. :) ;)

garinda 24-03-2006 23:18

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Neil
Its a shame not many around here read that one. We had bins put out on Tuesday (now the wrong week) that are still out now with rubbish in some back allys.

I hope you read in the Observer that if like me you have a Tuesday wheelie bin day, because of the strike by council workers next Tuesday, the bins will now be emptied next Saturday apparently, making it by my books three days short of four weeks since they were last emptied.

Now that's rubbish.:(

SPUGGIE J 24-03-2006 23:23

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda
I hope you read in the Observer that if like me you have a Tuesday wheelie bin day, because of the strike by council workers next Tuesday, the bins will now be emptied next Saturday apparently, making it by my books three days short of four weeks since they were last emptied.

Now that's rubbish.:(

Now you will have a serious pile of rubbish to shout about. :) Are they on overtime for Saturday?

garinda 24-03-2006 23:27

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by tomz
It wasnt you. Or Colette. It was some 'scruffy' clothed man from a leaflet distribution van :D And I wasnt calling you scruffy, or Colette. I was calling the man scruffy. So yeah... dont talk rubbish!

You started crying in another thread because your Dad works for the same organisation that dug up the pavement on Broadway, so who are you to say if someone is scruffy or not? That's my job, as appointed head of sartorial elegance on AW.;)

It's hardly bikini and flip flops sort of weather anyway, so perhap the 'scruffy' person was actually just being sensible and wrapping up warm.

As Neil pointed out, it's the whole principle of the thing re: the calendars. If our paid civil servants were used illegally by the Cllrs, for their own alledged political agendas, that is wrong.

Time will tell, and eveyone should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise.

tomz 25-03-2006 18:42

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by garinda
You started crying in another thread because your Dad works for the same organisation that dug up the pavement on Broadway, so who are you to say if someone is scruffy or not? That's my job, as appointed head of sartorial elegance on AW.;)

It's hardly bikini and flip flops sort of weather anyway, so perhap the 'scruffy' person was actually just being sensible and wrapping up warm.

As Neil pointed out, it's the whole principle of the thing re: the calendars. If our paid civil servants were used illegally by the Cllrs, for their own alledged political agendas, that is wrong.

Time will tell, and eveyone should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise.

What you have just said has absolutely nothing to do with what I commented on about a leaflet distribution service posting for the Labour candidate. Has it? So your comment was pretty useless really. Or was it just a little dig asin licking Gayle's ar*e?

andrewb 25-03-2006 22:00

Re: Britcliffe monthly.

Originally Posted by Neil
How can you be kind of neutral and vote conservative in the same sentance?
Why would you vote conservative, because your politics teacher (mentioned in another thread) said so ?

Well I feel that a Conservative government is completly different to a council, same for any of the other parties...

I'd vote for the Conservatives because I believe in core conservative principles like helping people help themselves..
My teacher is left wing. I doubt he would ever recommend that I vote Conservative :p

SPUGGIE J 25-03-2006 22:23

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
So Cyfr a conservative Gov would encourage the dole couchers to get a job?

andrewb 26-03-2006 08:56

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
I don't believe Cameron has mentioned anything specific about things like that yet, although I would certainly hope he will do before the election :).

But.. I don't believe in making the state sector bigger to solve unemployment as I see the state mainly as a burden, the economy should be allowed to thrive privatly and then companies might once again want to build their offices in this country!

Gayle 26-03-2006 08:57

Re: Britcliffe monthly.
Cameron hasn't mentioned anything specific about anything yet!

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