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Re: Christian Science
Re: Christian Science
How odd Gayle that they should insist on wanting to present a lecture. What other groups do you have involved with it? Is it the women's day or a diffrent event?
Re: Christian Science
It's the Women's Day on the 11th March, yes. We have lots of groups involved from Hyndburn Enterprise Trust, The Women's Centre, East Lancs Advocacy, Capacity Building, Haworth Art Gallery, Adult Learning, Acc & Ross College and lots others. There will be workshops, tai chi, line dancing and lots of relaxing aromatherapy stuff. In other words, a really good mix of things that shouldn't be skewed by any one religion.
Re: Christian Science
OMG we are agreeing again. I agree that you should keep religion out of the day all together. As per usual religion would probably cause problems with the diversity of people you are trying to cater for.
Re: Christian Science
I hear about these 'Women's days' all over the place...not that I'm against them it's just what about us blokes? or is our 'day' every Saturday down at the IES? :D
Re: Christian Science
After doing a few searches to find out anymore about their beliefs, there is nothing really that contoversial, except in their attitudes to medecine, which is not unique to them.
They seem quite a liberal, welcoming lot, and in some quarters it's founder Mary Baker Eddy is seen as a feminist icon. |
Re: Christian Science
I would be reticent about allowing any kind of religious lecture at such an event. If you let one religion lecture then you have to find room for them all and that would take away the very point of the day, ie, fun..... By all means accommodate their request for a stall and any other religion who would like to have them, but no lectures please. If they are not happy with just a stall then tell them to ****** off and let someone else have it..:D
Re: Christian Science
Re: Christian Science
The religion's adherents, known as Christian Scientists, subscribe to a radical form of philosophical idealism, believing that spiritual reality is the only reality and that the material world is an illusion. This includes the view that sickness and death are illusions caused by mistaken beliefs, and that the sick should be treated by a special form of prayer intended to correct those beliefs, rather than by medicine. Between the 1880s and 1990s the avoidance of medical care and vaccination led to the deaths of a number of adherents and their children; several parents and others were prosecuted for manslaughter or neglect and in a few cases convicted. A church spokesman said in 2010 that the church of today would not allow such deaths to occur. The Accrington Church looks nice from the outside but there are many roads to hell but only one way to heaven (through Jesus Christ our Lord). |
Re: Christian Science
So you find a old thread add some information about this group and finish with telling us to accept Jesus Christ.
Welcome to the forum, as its your first post, can we take it your a Christian who goes to church? What if your Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Shinto etc, do you not get into heaven? I consider my self a Christian, maybe a lasped one, but I try to be decent to my fellow human beings. I hope your not going to start with the fire and brimstone to us heathens on here:D |
Re: Christian Science
Nice to meet you. What you have said in your reply tells me a lot about yourself. First of all you are like thousands who think you are good enough for heaven by being good but by your confession describe yourself as being 'lapsed'. The Christian faith is not about being good although it does help. It is about whom you believe. I myself take the bible as the word of God and what it says in there is my passport to heaven. We are told that the only way to heaven is by believing in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. We are told that he came down from heaven, born of a virgin (that is, supernaturally) and he did many good works, even raising the dead but that is NOT the reason he came on earth. He came to die, as predicted by the prophets of the Old Testament. He came to die as a substitutional atonement for your sins and mine, in fact for everyone's sins. Yes, you are a sinner; we all are. It may take you some time to believe this. It took me 39 years. I used to listen to the vicar talking about sinners and wondering who they were until the penny dropped that they included everybody. God demands a blood sacrifice for those sins, a pure and sinless sacrifice and that can only be met in the death of Christ. We are informed in John 3:16 that God so loved the world that he gave his only BEGOTTEN Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. We are not told of any other acceptable sacrifice. God rejected Cain's sacrifice because it was 'fruit of the earth'. Well there you have it. All the other religions are FREE to believe it as well but not many do. We are told that the Christian road is a narrow way and few there be that find it. Will YOU be one of the few? |
Re: Christian Science
It looks like we have differing views on how to live your life.
So no I will not be one of the Few, much as the vast majority of the Human Race. Which kind of begs the question, why would God, who we are told is benevolent, forsake us. I will not be drawn into a religious arguement, I respect your beliefs, it is a shame you see fit to question and judge mine. |
Christian Science
I've said it before and here I go again, if BG is not to get through those pearly gates the first person he will see is the person so conceited that he/she can proclaim what his/her God has in store for BG. Something tells me perhaps whosoever you are it might on Remembrance Day for you to learn a little humility from those that have fallen? They gave their lives so that you can pontificate about how others live their lives! :( |
Re: Christian Science
I am very grateful that you have given me a platform to speak although it was not my original intention. A forum member asked a question, albeit an old question and I decided to answer it after reading the other replies and deciding they didn't answer the question; but what is wrong with being old. We do not question the multiplication tables because they are old and neither should we question the word of God. He is able to redeem us or throw us into the everlasting lake of fire. We are told that he loves us and doesn't want anyone to perish but most people simply do not believe him and substitute something else in its place like maybe giving to some good cause. Now I would be the last person to say one shouldn't give to good causes but it is not what God requires of us. He has stated quite clearly what he wants. It is so simple that even a child can understand but we have a rebellious spirit and resist his will. |
Re: Christian Science
because you believe(in) something does not automatically make it true.
You are fortunate to live in a country where you can speak of your views......but there are other views too...and other beliefs with their own set of believers. Yes you answered a question, but the reason for the question is long gone. Gayle explained why she wanted to have some information...it was to allow her to make choices in respect of an event she was to be responsible for organising. To be honest, if you want to be part of the forum and post on many and various topics then you will be made welcome. If you are here as an evangelist, to promote your beliefs then I assure you, you have chosen a rocky road. I am pleased that you have such strong faith......but there will be many on here who will not want to share it. |
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