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entwisi 26-01-2006 07:57

Re: Why dont they teach proper?

Originally Posted by Neil
It's "was" not "were". And Thames should have a capital "T". While I am pointing out errors it's "didn't" not "didnt". My English is not very good but I would expect someone working towards exams to be practicing your punctuation and spelling whenever possible.

Actually being a pedant, the correct word should have been 'is'.

'was' would be used if it wasn't there anymore i.e. past tense


Madhatter 26-01-2006 08:14

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
None of us are perfect. I'm terrible at spelling and especially punctuation. Coming on these forums though has greatly improved it. Practice makes better.

mez 26-01-2006 08:28

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
yes we all make spelling mistakes ....... but it is true teaching is not the same as it used to be, bring back the three "R" s READING .WRITING & ARITHMATIC, thats how we got taught didn't do any harm in fact i would say thats the best way oo & a certain amount of "fear" of the techer.

TracyO 26-01-2006 09:37

what school are you at??

I work in a local school and would be interested to see if it's the same school as i totally agree with what you are saying

mez 26-01-2006 09:40

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
mel 3ft is at mount carmel

shakermaker 26-01-2006 10:46

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
...where I left in the summer.
It's not the first year this has happened. Granted, they give a lot of special attention to the students in fifth year but it's nowhere near acceptable for the amount of supply teachers we had in the run up to our final exams, and especially during the modular exams in year 10.

godfrey 26-01-2006 20:58

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
I don't know what to say. You can always blame ignorance on those who are supposed to teach you. But at some stage in life you have to take responsibility for yourself. If you want to remain ignorant, easy peasy. If you want to progress, set yourself goals: to learn how to spell, to learn anything that can lead to a better life, whatever. Then what remains is to work hard to achieve what you want. Hard work!

I have attended many courses where the teaching was crap. But because I was interested in the subject, I would read many more books than were set to be read and do as much as I could because I wanted to get on.

Remember never blame anyone. When something goes wrong (education, relationships..., whatever) there is only one person that can put it right. That is you. You were born to learn from experience. If you reject that experience you reject and neglect the opportunity to progress.

shakermaker 26-01-2006 23:54

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
Well said the way you dont have a relation called Ghandi do you?

....just wondering :)

pendy 27-01-2006 13:46

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
If you really want to learn, you can. Once you learn to read, READ - anything you can get your hands on. The quality of teaching may not be great, but you can do a lot for yourself. I must admit I was appalled at one open evening at my son's school, when I spoke to the French teacher in French, and she said "Oh, your French is much better than mine"! - it bl***dy well shouldn't have been.

If you want to learn how to punctuate properly, get that useful little book "Eats Shoots and Leaves" - well worth the money. If you can get your hands on any of Robert Ridout's books of English Grammar, they are very useful, as well as being fun to read.

Bazf 27-01-2006 14:12

Re: Why dont they teach proper?

Originally Posted by godfrey
I don't know what to say. You can always blame ignorance on those who are supposed to teach you. But at some stage in life you have to take responsibility for yourself. If you want to remain ignorant, easy peasy. If you want to progress, set yourself goals: to learn how to spell, to learn anything that can lead to a better life, whatever. Then what remains is to work hard to achieve what you want. Hard work!

I have attended many courses where the teaching was crap. But because I was interested in the subject, I would read many more books than were set to be read and do as much as I could because I wanted to get on.

Remember never blame anyone. When something goes wrong (education, relationships..., whatever) there is only one person that can put it right. That is you. You were born to learn from experience. If you reject that experience you reject and neglect the opportunity to progress.

Well said, as a product of the Accy/Ossy school system I wasn't really intrested at school and left with nothing, nowt, zilch, F all, and honestly thought that it was not my fault, I was going to play Football for the rest of my life anyway.
When I eventually woke up to the fact that if you want a humdrub life and can't get that job that you think your entitled too you have to do something about it, get to college, do night school, anything that will give you a leg up. I know as a young person this sounds like crap and someone will give you that job, even if your spellings rubbish, your english is so,so and the Tattoos and piercings look great, but in this big wide world something as small as a BA or BSc next to your name will get you a double pay rise. Don't surcome to the "yer don't need awt lass" attitude it will only hold you back from accomplishing what your capable of.

Lockie25 27-01-2006 22:48

I don't mean to be rude mel3ft but your English and grammar are terrible! Obviously a new thing to us 'oldies' (with all the text message's now) but you really must keep the English language alive! We are counting on you young one's to save it!:) Rule Brittana.:engsmil:

shakermaker 27-01-2006 23:44

Re: Why dont they teach proper?

Originally Posted by Lockie25
Rule Brittana.:engsmil:

The English language truly is in turmoil, isn't it mel ;).

Neil 28-01-2006 00:25

Re: Why dont they teach proper?

Originally Posted by pendy
If you want to learn how to punctuate properly, get that useful little book "Eats Shoots and Leaves" - well worth the money.

You can buy it in Tesco

baby boo 28-01-2006 15:50

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
go melly, go melly!!!!! Obviously i don't think your a dunce and yes we all do spell things wrong, yes you know i had 12 teachers to teach me how to cook, 4 science teachers and three french teachers all of whom didnt have a clue what they were teaching, but it seems to me like people are saying that its the learners fault??? Not exactly my fault i went to a terrible school were the teachers could not even educate the pupils properly? or your fault that you can not spell properly, but all i say is just do your best thats the only thing you can do!
I did revision (the teachers told me what to revise) and guess what they told me the wrong revision list! ha! So anyway im saying good luck and even if you do get terrible results its not the end of the world, i will always need a little sister to pick on so that could be your job!!! :D

staggeringman 28-01-2006 15:52

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
hope that washing up is done young lady?:eek:

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