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baby boo 28-01-2006 16:02

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
whooooooo freeky! :eek:

baby boo 28-01-2006 16:03

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
:D are you downstairs?? this is well cool.

mel3ft 30-01-2006 12:38

Re: Why dont they teach proper?

Originally Posted by Neil
It's "was" not "were". And Thames should have a capital "T". While I am pointing out errors it's "didn't" not "didnt". My English is not very good but I would expect someone working towards exams to be practicing your punctuation and spelling whenever possible.

What is the point like i said it's not my fault you just don't realise what they teach these days

Bazf 30-01-2006 14:21

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
I think if you read a number of replys to your thread they are saying "study" and you will overcome the short fall of poor teaching. Maybe it isn't the teaching, but what sticks.

Mick 30-01-2006 16:09

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
We have had this before in other threads ,and its not right to judge as long as people know what you mean on here mel take no notice of the others EVERYONE makes mistakes
As they say let let him/her that has never made a mistake speak first and i will show you an idiot.

garinda 30-01-2006 17:39

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
I agree with Mick. We all understood Mel's point, and concerns for her education. It was a bit cruel and unnecessary to point out mistakes, we all make them.

Good luck Mel, and like some other people have said education doesn't begin and end with school. Some of the cleverest and most succesful people I know don't have an examination to their name.

entwisi 30-01-2006 18:08

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
One thing that worries me is that despite Mel and other telling how poor teaching standards are nowadays we hear every year how exam results are the highest ever. Something somewhere doesn't quite add up.

ANNE 30-01-2006 22:31

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
I dont think today's teaching is any better or worse than it was. Just different.
It depends on how much of what they are trying to teach you sticks in your head.
They need to make the subject interesting for a starters and one way of teaching isnt always right for all.
I left school with no qualifications. My math skills are almost non existant but I managed to stay in the A stream because I was so quiate nobody knew I was in the class.
My spelling is terrible because I tend to write has I speak.
For years I thought I was stupid because I was terrible at math's,geography,history,needlework and Art.
But 3yrs ago I passed my N.V.Q.level 3 in care. This is eqivalent to an A level.
So you see Mel, no matter how you do in your exam's it's what you do when you have finished them that matters.
Just deside what it is you want to do and go for it. There are lots of jobs you can do that can get you qualifications on the job.
Good Luck Mel,on what ever it is that you deside to do.
I'm sure you will do well what ever it is you deside to do.

grannyclaret 30-01-2006 23:01

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
I feel a bit guilty,i hardly ever use capital letters on accy web,(i am just lazy.) but i do take care when i write a proper letter ....

shakermaker 30-01-2006 23:12

Re: Why dont they teach proper?

Originally Posted by ANNE
I dont think today's teaching is any better or worse than it was. Just different.

sorry if i seem ignorant, but do you sit in the classrooms everyday actually experiencing todays teaching? how else would you know the difference between the teaching methods...
i only managed to pass my gcse's by putting in my own hard work and effort in (except from my english...big thanks to Miss Masterson!! :ohaha) and no student should have to go to these measures in a state of free education.:mad:

shakermaker 30-01-2006 23:15

Re: Why dont they teach proper?

Originally Posted by entwisi
One thing that worries me is that despite Mel and other telling how poor teaching standards are nowadays we hear every year how exam results are the highest ever. Something somewhere doesn't quite add up.

yet have you seen the unemployment rates? gcse's and nvq's have taken a role the gcse's are the mickey mouse qualifications with which you cannot get a proper job; and the nvq's are the only gateway to a possible future without college? :confused:
this just isn't right.

garinda 30-01-2006 23:40

Re: Why dont they teach proper?
I took my O-levels at QEGS in 1981. I did well, but failed Maths. Years later I decided to go to Brixton College at night, to study for what by this time had become GCSE Maths.

After taking both Maths GSCE and the old O-level, I can say that the former was much easier. 25% was course work, 25% multiple choice, the remaining 50% was an examination.

I did pass, and skipped to work the morning I got my results, more excited than when I was awarded my degree.

I'm not saying this to diminish or tarnish the examination results of anyone, but as someone who has done both I can see why result tables are showing better and better results, mainly because the examinations have got easier.

Neil 30-01-2006 23:53

Re: Why dont they teach proper?

Originally Posted by mick
We have had this before in other threads

Yes we have and I only mentioned it becasue of the thread's subject.

Romps 31-01-2006 14:30

Re: Why dont they teach proper?

Originally Posted by ANNE
But 3yrs ago I passed my N.V.Q.level 3 in care. This is eqivalent to an A level..

I think you'll find (tho I am not 100% on this) that NVQ lll is equivalent to 2 A Levels!!! you got more that you though hun!!.wel done by the way!

lettie 31-01-2006 14:55

Re: Why dont they teach proper?

Originally Posted by shakermaker
i only managed to pass my gcse's by putting in my own hard work and effort in (except from my english...big thanks to Miss Masterson!! :ohaha) and no student should have to go to these measures in a state of free education.:mad:

Well done with your passes and your hard work but I'm afraid that in these days of free education students should have to work hard. You cannot teach those who don't want to learn, neither can you expect to give a lecture or provide a lesson to a class and expect them to remember it all for an exam or assignment. The students have to do the work in order to show that they are worthy of the qualifications.

Nothing good in life is ever handed to you on a plate. For those who put in the effort, despite poor teaching, they will reap the rewards. You must have worked hard for your passes Shaker, as I have and still am for mine. Learning does not end when you leave school, the vast majority of a person's education happens when they are older, whether that be further education, job skills or life skills. School is merely there to show you how to learn.

Carry on with your studies Mel and read, read, read.....You are an intelligent girl so don't let a poor start at education grind you down, work at it and you will succeed.

Hmmmmm, after my little motivational outburst, does anyone fancy doing my degree dissertation for me???? :D :D

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