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grannyclaret 04-04-2006 22:59

Re: If only I was younger .....
I wish i had learned to drive,,, I took two tests years ago and failed,so i packed it in,, now i would be too scared in todays traffic.

lettie 05-04-2006 07:21

Re: If only I was younger .....
I wish I'd done my degree earlier, in my 20's...... That way, I wouldn't have to be doing it now. :( That is my only real wish at this moment in time.
I have been very lucky, I'm glad that I have travelled and seen a bit of the world and I will continue to do so while I can still walk....:D
I'm glad that I got married to the wrong person, it has taught me not to do it again.:D
I just wish I'd done that degree, I struggle to find the time to do it now..

entwisi 05-04-2006 07:39

Re: If only I was younger .....
I always wish I'd travelled more as a teenager/student. I'd have like to spend some time doing the cruise ships and maybe a gap year before I started Uni would have meant I finished it.

Other than that I don't regret anything. I will have a go at anything that takes my fancy and have scared myself silly on numerous occasions. I've been very close to some accidents that would have kiiled me without doubt and been in accidents that will affect me for the rest of my life.

I'd like to live abroad at some point but other than that life is good for me.

MUMMIBOO 05-04-2006 09:11

Re: If only I was younger .....
I would have looked after my teeth better.

I would have got a better education.

I would have got out more.

I would have ate less after haveing my second child.

I would have not bought a tv from tiny.

I would have learnt to drive.

I would have learnt to say NO to people.

My list is endless but one things for sure i would not change the people who are in my life none of them i love them all.

SPUGGIE J 05-04-2006 11:28

Re: If only I was younger .....
Yes I would change some of the things I have done but would not change others. What we have done since we were born has shaped who we are. To change that might have changed who we are and what we might have become or become as we get older. At least we have the knowledge and experience to advise others because of it.

pendy 05-04-2006 13:27

Re: If only I was younger .....
I've often said, if I'd known I'd live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself.

Margaret Pilkington 05-04-2006 14:01

Re: If only I was younger .....

Originally Posted by pendy
I've often said, if I'd known I'd live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself.

Me too Pendy!

carolef 05-04-2006 19:17

Re: If only I was younger .....
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grannyclaret 05-04-2006 23:11

Re: If only I was younger .....

Originally Posted by carolef
i wish i'd married my teenage love !!:)

oohhh how sad,,Why diddent you?:sad8:

carolef 06-04-2006 06:21

Re: If only I was younger .....
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ossy kid 07-04-2006 06:44

Re: If only I was younger .....
Hi Carolef, I worked at the gas board on Hyndburn Rd. and remember your house, did your mum make meals for the gas lads when we were working late? If so e-mail me, e-mail me anyway if you like.

carolef 08-04-2006 17:58

Re: If only I was younger .....
hi ossy kid, i did live at the gas works from about 1964/65 until approx 1977 so i don,t know if you worked on the gas works then, my dad used to look after the gasomitters and the boiler and guvner houses i don't remember anybody working with him, you might remember him he was called fred, he died in 1977, it would be very nice to know if you do remember him as my memories of him are vague, i was only 12 when he died. please reply or pm me :)
ps, at the moment i'm researching his royal navy career during the war and after, so it would be nice if you had any recollection of him.

cashman 08-04-2006 23:39

Re: If only I was younger .....
my biggest regret is falling out with me nan (who looked after me 5 days a week) i wasn,t talking to her for days,then she had an accident,and never regained conciousness,i was still beating myself up 20 years later, was so pig-headed when i was young.:(

mez 09-04-2006 09:26

Re: If only I was younger .....
if only i was younger ...well.... nope i wouldn't change a thing iv'e done ...even the mistakes ive'e made & there has been quite a few..still enjoyed my life .

Debbie J 09-04-2006 13:45

Re: If only I was younger .....
I would have had my eldest 2 a lot later in life as I have more patience now with my youngest. I would have carried on and got my degree. I would have been more help to my mum before she died instead of listening to my whinging ex. And I would have travelled the world.
One of my ambitions is about to come true though, I am starting driving lessons this comming week. I have always wanted the chance to learn & have now been given the opportunity so stay off the roads for a while :)

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