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K.S.H 10-07-2006 19:26

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.

Originally Posted by Gayle
Well lots of people probably know who I am but unless they introduce themselves I wouldn't know who they were.

I see you on Union Rd last week but didn't say HI,

mind you I did pass you about 40MPH - No I didn't its a 30 zone :rolleyes:

Gayle 10-07-2006 19:31

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.

Originally Posted by K.S.H
I see you on Union Rd last week but didn't say HI,

mind you I did pass you about 40MPH - No I didn't its a 30 zone :rolleyes:

Well, hi, anyway!

Madhatter 10-07-2006 19:34

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.

Originally Posted by KIPAX
what does this mean ?

Do you seriously take what happens on here over to real life? how sad is that..

No kipax, if I did I wouldn't have intended to bid on it would I.

K.S.H 10-07-2006 19:37

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.

Originally Posted by Gayle
Well, hi, anyway!

I would have pipped then told you later who it was pipping but I might have got a black eye in the process for pipping at strange women - not saying your strange, you know what I mean :)

Madhatter 10-07-2006 19:38

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.

Originally Posted by Gayle
Well lots of people probably know who I am but unless they introduce themselves I wouldn't know who they were.

I'm like that here gayle, If I went to a meet They'd know me more than me knowing them. Although I've upset a few more people than you maybe, by telling people how I see things, so maybe it's best I don't go to their meet lol
It's our local atherstone town council elections next year, and I intend to stand, unless something changes my mind.

KIPAX 10-07-2006 19:41

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.
I walk around the touchline at stanley and have been to meets so loads know me... more see me than I see them..

But this way when I tell people how things are its certainly not anonymous :)

Gayle 10-07-2006 19:49

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.
Well I don't think there's a problem about upsetting people here. I mean, I've had a couple of run ins with people on this site but I wouldn't hold a grudge at a meet (although I would try to explain my point of view a bit better).

When I first went to a meet, Less and I carried on a bit of a discussion (for discussion read argument) but we got over it pretty quickly.

Good luck in the elections if you do decide to stand.

KIPAX 10-07-2006 20:00

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.

Originally Posted by Gayle
(although I would try to explain my point of view a bit better).

good grief... I wouldn't entertain any conversation other than slight pleasentries about anything I have written on here.. its not the real me :)

Madhatter 10-07-2006 20:06

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.
I think it would get too heated, and we don't meet to fall out do we, we meet to have a good time and socialise. Maybe when I come to the next meet you'll be there gayle and kipax. Never really spoke to you gayle even though you was at the first meet. I can't remember who was at the second meet, my ex ruined it for me, and it put me off a bit with her living so close up there.

Gayle 10-07-2006 20:10

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.
No, I didn't get chance to meet you, sorry.

I don't think I moved around much so I only spoke to the people who were closest to me. Very lazy of me!

shillelagh 10-07-2006 20:13

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
I've met loads of people off here now and I'm still convinced I'm the only sane person on here!! :D

That's the last time I make you a brew then! You know when I am in the chatroom I am the sanest person in there lightweight. You agreed that the other night!

I went to a meet last year met rindy, mez, mick and the rest there. Cashman & Tinks and Mthead all been to my house for a brew. Bumped into entwisi playing pool one night. I know some of the people on here before I joined accyweb as well but they dont know who i am on here! :D Mind you i'll tell them next time I see them!

Madhatter 10-07-2006 20:28

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.
lol there's only you and tinks in there. She did say that SHE'S the only sane one on here earlier though. I can't go in because it crashes the pc, not that you chat to me so you won't be missing me.

Tinkerbelle 10-07-2006 20:31

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.

Originally Posted by shillelagh
That's the last time I make you a brew then!

I'll bring my own next time then ..... in a flask :D

shillelagh 10-07-2006 21:22

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
I'll bring my own next time then ..... in a flask :D

Never heard of people taking stuff off you when you enter someone's premises tinks? Just like the holland fans who went to a holland game in a pair of shorts - they made them take the shorts off! I'll take your flask off you!

Neil 10-07-2006 21:29

Re: Fellow Accywebbers.
I would advise you all to be careful who you meet from here. I had a couple of right wierdo's call round this afternoon ;)

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