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Lampman 10-03-2007 15:25

New bulbs.
Well Tony's been at it again;along with other EU leaders he has decreed that old style light bulbs will be 'phased'out in the next two years.
After this time stockist will only be allowed to sell the energy saving replacements(plus any remaining old stocks).
Basically the bulbs cost 8 times as much will last 5 times as long and give off 5 times as much illumination and as a bonus reduce the Co2 produced each year in lighting the bulb by a third.
Sounds a good idea,providing stocks are available and you are not the bloke who does the bulbs in the Blackpool illuminations.:D

SPUGGIE J 10-03-2007 15:31

Re: New bulbs.
I hate the things! It takes them too long to illuminate 100% for my liking so they can go and boil their heads in a bucket of P these Europrats and the Pres. Me I will buy as many of the old ones as I can and store them for future use.

Energy saving my little toe if they were that good we would have had em years ago.

panther 10-03-2007 15:35

Re: New bulbs.
so what about those other type of bulbs?
like the long fleuresent (cant spell) lights or the spot light ones, because as you said spuggie them 'things' are absolutley ****e!!

SPUGGIE J 10-03-2007 15:43

Re: New bulbs.
Not sure but if they are to be banned. There would be BIG problems at work as the office space is all those star wars lights. A lot of places especially shops use them so what happens then lights on at 7am so there is enough illumination for shoppers by 9am.

Lampman 10-03-2007 15:44

Re: New bulbs.
Might be a money spinner Spuggie buy stocks up and sell on e bay!

SPUGGIE J 10-03-2007 15:47

Re: New bulbs.

Originally Posted by Lampman (Post 395616)
Might be a money spinner Spuggie buy stocks up and sell on e bay!

Now there's a thought and it didnt cross my mind. :D

cashman 10-03-2007 15:57

Re: New bulbs.
well i think its really takin the p1ss, ordinary people can help and pay to save the planet and many big industries plus many governments dont give a rats, and could do far more than change lightbulbs.:p

SPUGGIE J 10-03-2007 15:59

Re: New bulbs.

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 395638)
well i think its really takin the p1ss, ordinary people can help and pay to save the planet and many big industries plus many governments dont give a rats, and could do far more than change lightbulbs.:p

If they wanted to save the planet they would all be on bikes, sailing/rowing abroad, making planes illegal and heaven forbid they might close the breweries. :eek:

This bulb guff is a bit of showing off to please the bums in Brussels.

accymel 10-03-2007 16:00

Re: New bulbs.
Changed all mine to conserve leccy not that they make much difference but yeh they are dull, got 60w equiv & still got asked for a torch LOL!!!!

SPUGGIE J 10-03-2007 16:04

Re: New bulbs.

Originally Posted by accymel (Post 395642)
Changed all mine to conserve leccy not that they make much difference but yeh they are dull, got 60w equiv & still got asked for a torch LOL!!!!

They are that dull Gordon Brown exudes more light and thats saying something. Question though which uses more glass the old globe or new snake?

cashman 10-03-2007 16:05

Re: New bulbs.
forgot to mention,we have a couple for about 12months now,we think they are crap n nowhere near as bright as ordinary bog standard bulbs, so i,m with spug on this - will stock up.:p

accymel 10-03-2007 16:06

Re: New bulbs.

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J (Post 395645)
They are that dull Gordon Brown exudes more light and thats saying something. Question though which uses more glass the old globe or new snake?

LOL tho the fluescent tubes are good tho very bright & economic:D

SPUGGIE J 10-03-2007 16:13

Re: New bulbs.

Originally Posted by accymel (Post 395647)
LOL tho the fluescent tubes are good tho very bright & economic:D

Unlike that Fifer in 11 Downing Street.

Lampman 10-03-2007 16:24

Re: New bulbs.
The cost to industry will be prohibitive if the bulbs cost is x 8 then most offices of any size will not comply.I reckon there will be a panic buy up of stocks as the date approaches. I might follow my own E bay suggestion!:D

Less 10-03-2007 17:04

Re: New bulbs.
I seem to remember a few years ago, an American power company offered free energy saving bulbs to anyone that wanted them and as a result that company saved enough energy to pay for the initial cost of the bulbs and close down a complete power generation station.

filament light bulbs waste a great deal of electricity in heat,


The conventional incandescent light bulb, little changed since it was patented by Thomas Edison in the 19th century, is cited by the IEA as the primary obstacle to a consumer shift to more efficient lighting - 95 per cent of the electricity consumed by a typical 60-watt bulb is discharged as heat.
(taken from Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs offers `enormous' saving),

So perhaps the way forward would be if rather than bully people into the new technology if our government took the brave step of replacing Old Lamps for new, just as was done in the story of Aladdin we would all be more willing to join with this not too inconvenient idea and put up with the minor shortcomings of the 'energy saver', and instead of fighting it, embrace this wonderous saving that is available to all?

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