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mani 05-12-2007 15:36

UK bans non-EU unskilled workers
about time i say. has this actually started or is it yet another proposal?

Unskilled workers from non-EU countries will be banned from taking jobs in the UK for the "foreseeable future", the government has announced.
Spouses who apply for entry to the UK may also have to sit English language assessments under new proposals.
The moves come as ministers unveil details of their new points-based system for migrants.
About 12,000 unskilled migrants from non-EU countries in Africa, America and Asia came to work in the UK last year.

lancsdave 05-12-2007 15:41

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers
So they are stopping 12,000 coming here legally.They will just catch a boat to Dover and come illegally then.

flashy 05-12-2007 16:07

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers
but what about the ones who are already here unskilled and have taken some jobs?

BERNADETTE 05-12-2007 16:12

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 500758)
but what about the ones who are already here unskilled and have taken some jobs?

Just what I was going to say, bit late they have taken all the jobs:confused:

mani 05-12-2007 16:18

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers
gotta keep those polish ppl employed! *L*

its too little too late i think.i mean this EU open border policy is all nice and well but slightly imbalanced. how many uk folks do u find emigrating to poland, france, italy sweden etc the traffic flow does seem to be very one way

andrewb 05-12-2007 16:52

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers
People from Poland have been the main reason our economy has continued to grow. They happily do the jobs a lot of British people don't want to because they get paid more benefits than the job will give them. The Polish work hard, good on them.

BERNADETTE 05-12-2007 17:00

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers

Originally Posted by Cyfr (Post 500777)
People from Poland have been the main reason our economy has continued to grow. They happily do the jobs a lot of British people don't want to because they get paid more benefits than the job will give them. The Polish work hard, good on them.

Rubbish they are doing the jobs for less than minimum wage. Not saying they aren't hard workers but they have taken jobs with less wages but get it topped up with Family Credit or wharever it is. Plus a lot of the money gets sent to Poland hence the economy suffers!!!

derekgas 05-12-2007 18:16

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers
Too little too late! I don't disagree that many polish people work hard, and are proud of thier work, but what about the rest?

Eric 05-12-2007 18:31

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers
At least with the Poles they stood up to be counted in the dark days of World War ll flying in the Battle of Britain, fighting at Monte Cassino and Arnhem.

Speedy 05-12-2007 19:07

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers
Congratulations to our goverment, once again they slam the gate shut after the horse has got away.

Eric 05-12-2007 19:14

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers

Originally Posted by mani (Post 500750)
about time i say. has this actually started or is it yet another proposal?

Unskilled workers from non-EU countries will be banned from taking jobs in the UK for the "foreseeable future", the government has announced. Spouses who apply for entry to the UK may also have to sit English language assessments under new proposals.
The moves come as ministers unveil details of their new points-based system for migrants.
About 12,000 unskilled migrants from non-EU countries in Africa, America and Asia came to work in the UK last year.

With countries such as the UK which are top destinations for immigrants, the points-based system is the only way to go. It works here in Canada. Also, our country is very generous in terms of foreign aid, as I have no doubt that the UK also is. (ouch, that sentence has a touch of Yoda in it).

Of course, fear of the Great Canadian Winter may keep a lot of people from coming to our country:D Brass monkey weather for four or five months of the year:Banane49:

shillelagh 05-12-2007 19:21

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers

Originally Posted by mani (Post 500766)
gotta keep those polish ppl employed! *L*

its too little too late i think.i mean this EU open border policy is all nice and well but slightly imbalanced. how many uk folks do u find emigrating to poland, france, italy sweden etc the traffic flow does seem to be very one way

My cousin and his wife went to Poland to work when Michelin at Burnley closed down. He went to Michelin in Poland. His wife teaches the polish people english over there. So thats two thats gone the other way.

cashman 05-12-2007 19:23

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers

Originally Posted by Cyfr (Post 500777)
People from Poland have been the main reason our economy has continued to grow. They happily do the jobs a lot of British people don't want to because they get paid more benefits than the job will give them. The Polish work hard, good on them.

the polish have always been hard workers, those that settled after the war proved that, what is utter tripe is your statement- (that they do jobs a lot of british people dont want to.) try telling that to the poor sods that used to get taken on annually at Express gifts, of which my nephew was one. didn't think you were so naive.:rolleyes:

WillowTheWhisp 05-12-2007 22:17

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers
If this is only for non-EU countries it isn't going to stop all the Europeans coming here for work and sending their child benefits and tax credits back home is it?

Bonnyboy 05-12-2007 22:21

Re: UK bans non-EU unskilled workers

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp (Post 500922)
If this is only for non-EU countries it isn't going to stop all the Europeans coming here for work and sending their child benefits and tax credits back home is it?

Well pointed out, the non bit went right over my head, never even saw it as I read (least if I saw it it didn't sink in)

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