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BERNADETTE 28-06-2008 00:41

Re: Hay Fever
Just read an article about this and the lady that wrote it used to suffer terribly with hay fever, she had tried all the usual stuff from the chemist to no avail. She then decided to try homeopathic remedies helped by research on the internet. Unfortunately she doesn't go into detail about which remedies worked for her but maybe a google search will help anybody still suffering.

jaysay 29-06-2008 09:37

Re: Hay Fever
Just seen an advert in one of the Sundays, about a machine that helps control Hay Fever, I think its being marketed by Lloyds, it costs £19.95p and is on special at £14.95, it consist of two electrodes inserted into the nostrils three times a day for 3 minute burst, this does sound better than taking drugs which can leave you feeling tired and listless

derekgas 29-06-2008 09:55

Re: Hay Fever
My eldest lad has suffered with hay fever for around 12 years, as soon as anyone cuts the grass he is full of the itchy eyes, coughing etc, always stocked up on the drugs for it, he lives in spain now and I havnt spoken to him about it, but will now.

MargaretR 29-06-2008 10:05

Re: Hay Fever
I found this on the web
It is expensive, but the Lloyds pharmacy version mentioned will be cheaper

I sometimes get vasomotor rhinitis - same symptoms, different cause.
Might try this one if cheap enough


mez 29-06-2008 11:39

Re: Hay Fever
i have been using the lloyds one now for 5 weeks & i must say ..........IT WORKS FOR ME ..... most of my friends have commented on how much better i seem, so for the price of £14-99 try it.

West Ender 29-06-2008 19:06

Re: Hay Fever
Nik has been using hers for 2 months now - the same one, Lloyds. It helps but she's still quite bad. Her symptoms, from April to July, really are very bad and she hasn't been able to enjoy early Summer since she was 10 years old.

Before that she had no sign of hay fever. It came on one evening when she was playing with friends in the fields opposite our house. I went to call her in for bed and at first I thought she had been punched in the face as her eyes were like tomatoes and her nose was swollen. No, it was just pollen and since then it's been an annual thing. It doesn't help that a lot of oil seed rape is grown round here (though not nearer to us than a mile) and it's a killer-diller for allergy sufferers.

BERNADETTE 29-06-2008 19:15

Re: Hay Fever
Has she tried homeopathic remedies??

Margaret Pilkington 29-06-2008 19:43

Re: Hay Fever
I think that with homeopathic remedies you need to get the right one.....and there are a few that can be used for Hay fever(mixed pollens, Allium Cepa, Nat Mur - to name just three)....if you buy one and it isn't the right one then you lose faith in the remedy and in Homeopathy as a whole. It is worth going to see a practising homeopath to get the right treatment, but this can be expensive as they charge in the region of £60 per hour.

The University of Central Lancashire trains homeopathic practitioners, and they have a is run by trained homeopaths, but the students get their practical skills there too......because of this it is cheaper. £25.50 for a first session, and about £15 for subsequent sessions...but this includes the cost of any medications needed.
If anyone is interested please PM me and I will supply further details.

Neil 29-06-2008 21:33

Re: Hay Fever
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 599821)
Just seen an advert in one of the Sundays, about a machine that helps control Hay Fever, I think its being marketed by Lloyds, it costs £19.95p and is on special at £14.95, it consist of two electrodes inserted into the nostrils three times a day for 3 minute burst, this does sound better than taking drugs which can leave you feeling tired and listless

This is it

emamum 29-06-2008 21:35

Re: Hay Fever
my ex had one..... if nothing else it entertained the kids lol

MargaretR 22-05-2012 14:26

Re: Hay Fever
On top of all the petrochemical nasties I avoid breathing in:rolleyes:,
I now have rhinitis (streaming nose, itchy eyes and throat), and think it is likely to be birch tree pollen from the small copse at the front of my flat.

I have bought a gadget from Boots
Boots Pharmaceuticals Allergy Relief Device Batteries Included - Boots
which uses the same 'red light phototherapy' as the Lloyds machine detailed at post #24.

This red light therapy has many glowing user reviews, which is very apt because my nose visibly glows red when I use it:).

I got my deck chair out ready to have 'afternoons in the sun' during this warm spell, but it isn't possible.

The birch tree pollen season is due to end in two weeks - hope we get more sunshine in June and July.

I missed out on sunshine last summer because of the dust clouds from the Heys field construction site, and was hoping that there would be some chances of 'sitting outside' this summer.

Ken Moss 22-05-2012 15:07

Re: Hay Fever
Tried allsorts until my doctor prescribed me Loratadine and it cured it straight away.

Hayfever remedies have come a long way in the past 20 years.

jelly baby 23-05-2012 09:26

Re: Hay Fever

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 600109)

bought this for my son, but didn't work for him

shillelagh 23-05-2012 09:43

Re: Hay Fever
if you have a garden ... have a read of this ... gives you some ideas what to plant

Attention, you 15 million hay fever sufferers! The top garden is guaranteed to make you sneeze, while the lower ones lets you linger without tears | Mail Online

jaysay 23-05-2012 10:00

Re: Hay Fever

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 993488)

Ya beat me to it Jen I've just read that myself and was going to post it

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