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Bonnyboy 29-08-2008 23:05

Carers require more financial help ?
I didn’t particularly want to start this thread due to being a carer I guess my viewpoint may be a bit biased, but what are your views. I only raise the issue as it has been on the News today - BBC

Should carers be given more than £50.55 per week Carers Allowance ? Worth their weight in gold ?

Perhaps you see it as a family affair thing. These people are just doing what should be expected of them. Why mount an even greater burden on the taxpayer ?

BERNADETTE 29-08-2008 23:11

Re: Carers require more financial help ?
Yes carers should be given more than £50.55 a week, they are saving this country billions besides quite often losing their own identity on the way. Where would this country be without the silent minority? Just to add I don't think carers will ever get a decent standard of living becvause the very fact that they are caring for loved ones prevents them from making proper protests. This is another ploy IMO, they are seen to be paying lip service but will never actually rectify things

grego 29-08-2008 23:19

Re: Carers require more financial help ?
I agree, most carers have had to give up their jobs to care for a family member and the amount they receive is an insult.

Mancie 29-08-2008 23:26

Re: Carers require more financial help ?
Yes they should be given more.. but thats just for starters.. I know of old people that care for their partners 24/7 but don't get a penny because of the regulations..some may say it's just a part of family life that you look after your own.. but it puts extra strain on pensioners...I suspect that because the system is sometimes abused by people who don't really care for the people they cliam for, it is a benefit that is put on the back burner, i.e not seen as a a big issue by any Goverment.. but that is no reason for it to be as low as it is.

BERNADETTE 29-08-2008 23:29

Re: Carers require more financial help ?
Mancie you probably hit the nail on the head there, the system has been and is being abused so much so that genuine cases lose out:mad:

Mancie 29-08-2008 23:35

Re: Carers require more financial help ?

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE (Post 624726)
Mancie you probably hit the nail on the head there, the system has been and is being abused so much so that genuine cases lose out:mad:

Yes but it's no excuse for paying so little simply because some people "know they're way" around the benefits system.

Bonnyboy 29-08-2008 23:37

Re: Carers require more financial help ?
Just as an addition. Carers are allowed to earn up to £95 per week or £411.66 per month on top of the allowance ( don’t know why there is a discrepancy in the weekly/monthly amounts ) not a penny more tho. There are no benefits allowed akin to those if you are on Jobseekers allowance.. The Carers Allowance people do pay your National Insurance stamp though.

Trying to get a little work to earn the £95 is almost impossible. The assumption prospective employers seem to make is that you will be forever having time off tending family commitments. You can hardly blame them.

BERNADETTE 29-08-2008 23:41

Re: Carers require more financial help ?

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 624728)
Yes but it's no excuse for paying so little simply because some people "know they're way" around the benefits system.

I agree but that is how things pan out. Quite honestly believe that this is just paying lip service to get votes. Hope I'm wrong but that is just my opinion

Neil 30-08-2008 00:25

Re: Carers require more financial help ?

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy (Post 624729)
Just as an addition. Carers are allowed to earn up to £95 per week or £411.66 per month on top of the allowance ( don’t know why there is a discrepancy in the weekly/monthly amounts )

There is not a discrepancy

£95 per week multiplied by 52 weeks divided by 12 months = £411.66 per month

Mancie 30-08-2008 00:30

Re: Carers require more financial help ?

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy (Post 624729)
Just as an addition. Carers are allowed to earn up to £95 per week or £411.66 per month on top of the allowance ( don’t know why there is a discrepancy in the weekly/monthly amounts ) not a penny more tho. There are no benefits allowed akin to those if you are on Jobseekers allowance.. The Carers Allowance people do pay your National Insurance stamp though.

My parents (pensioners) get dad needs constant attention and they did apply for cares alowance but were told because they don't claim other benefits they get nothing..crazy world.

BERNADETTE 30-08-2008 00:55

Re: Carers require more financial help ?

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 624739)
My parents (pensioners) get dad needs constant attention and they did apply for cares alowance but were told because they don't claim other benefits they get nothing..crazy world.

So very true, your Mum is doing the job of a carer for Zilch. It is beyond a joke because if your Mum wasn't there how much would it cost?? Carers are saving this country and tax payers billions of pounds each year!!!

Mancie 30-08-2008 01:34

Re: Carers require more financial help ?

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE (Post 624740)
So very true, your Mum is doing the job of a carer for Zilch. It is beyond a joke because if your Mum wasn't there how much would it cost?? Carers are saving this country and tax payers billions of pounds each year!!!

better get ready for the real squeeze from the next goverment

BERNADETTE 30-08-2008 01:40

Re: Carers require more financial help ?

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 624745)
better get ready for the real squeeze from the next goverment

Doesn't matter who is in power, none of them care about the ordinary folk on the street!!

Mancie 30-08-2008 01:44

Re: Carers require more financial help ?

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE (Post 624747)
Doesn't matter who is in power, none of them care about the ordinary folk on the street!!

Oh yes it does matter..I have a rough outlook of the next Goverment and it dosent bear well for some people.. worse than these present times... the less well off of the nation are always more likley to get the brunt off a failing economy.. the better off may be put in a situation were they have to make real changes..and god forbid lose they're jobs.. that dose not help anyone.. but in the end it will be the one parent families ( the one parent families that are almost half of our nation) and the less well off that take the kicking!

polly 30-08-2008 07:53

Re: Carers require more financial help ?
Yes, carers should be paid a decent rate as they are saving this coutry millions if not billions of pounds per year.
The reality however is that many people can not get accepted as carers as they have made it so difficult to fulfill the criteria.

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