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emzy 09-09-2008 07:36

Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire
Just seen this on the news

BBC NEWS | England | Lancashire | Historic pier destroyed in fire

An historic Lancashire pier has burned down in a fire during the night.

flashy 09-09-2008 07:54

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire
i heard this on the news at 7 this morning, how many more piers are going to be burnt down this year? a bit suss if you ask me

flashy 09-09-2008 07:55

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire
BBC NEWS | England | Lancashire | Historic pier under hammer again

ah this may explain why i'm suspicious

emzy 09-09-2008 08:01

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire
I dont normally watch the news, its just the boys had turned the sky box off leaving it on BBC1 when i saw it

Doesnt look like they'll be getting the asking price now does it lol

flashy 09-09-2008 08:03

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire

Originally Posted by emzy (Post 628955)
I dont normally watch the news, its just the boys had turned the sky box off leaving it on BBC1 when i saw it

Doesnt look like they'll be getting the asking price now does it lol

no, but i'm sure they will be able to claim on the insurance though, like i said, its very suspicious that this should happen when they cant sell the place

MissTechnophobe 09-09-2008 08:12

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire
I heard about this on the radio just now, how very sad.

MUMMIBOO 09-09-2008 08:42

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire
What a shame! glad i got this picture when i did though.

(hey wheres my picture!)

MUMMIBOO 09-09-2008 08:47

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire
1 Attachment(s)
Here it is! :)

MargaretR 09-09-2008 08:53

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire

Originally Posted by MUMMIBOO (Post 628966)
What a shame! glad i got this picture when i did though.

(hey wheres my picture!)

There are several pics of the pier on Google Earth.
I have been visiting Fleetwood a couple of times a month on the coast bus.
It is a ghost town on the days when the market is closed, and out of season it is even worse.

It is not really a 'holiday resort' any more because there are no attractions other than the market and Freeport.

Like others who have posted, I suspect that the fire is 'convenient'

WillowTheWhisp 09-09-2008 09:01

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire
I heard it on the radio this morning. There was a local resident who had gone to look at it and was reporting back to the studio by phone whilst it was still burning and spreading.

WillowTheWhisp 09-09-2008 09:04

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 628953)

But wasn't that when the present owner bought it? Not that he's done much with it because local residents objected to some of his plans.

flashy 09-09-2008 09:36

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire
well if they objected to some of his plans doesnt that tell you something willow? its and insurance job so they can build something that they wanted to build in the first place

derekgas 09-09-2008 10:03

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire
I would say this is an insurance job, they need to develop the pier to fit in with the 380 planned homes on the docks, queue up pensioners for the new purpose built luxury pensioners apartments (flats, hehe)

WillowTheWhisp 09-09-2008 12:01

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 628987)
well if they objected to some of his plans doesnt that tell you something willow? its and insurance job so they can build something that they wanted to build in the first place

But will they? Surely they will still have to submit for planning permission and people will still be able to object.

wadey 09-09-2008 12:07

Re: Fleetwood Pier Destroyed By Fire
1 Attachment(s)
Took this photo earlier in the year. Needless to say we managed to go on a day when there was no market. The place was deserted. How on Earth do piers keep catching fire?

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