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mthead 18-09-2008 23:01

How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
Just thought as we are nearing the end of September,won't be long before the first sado puts Festive decorations up:)Dont get me wrong I enjoy Christmas and the New Year but,its getting near that time when some people sort being abit premature :)

katex 18-09-2008 23:03

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
Don't you start Mthead !! saw some selection boxes in Sainsburys today with a picture of Santa on his sleigh ... :rolleyes:

AccyLass 18-09-2008 23:05

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
We got the Galaxy Mistletoe Kisses and some boxed Xmas biscuits and stuff in last week lol

cashman 18-09-2008 23:07

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
we aint put last years up yet.:D:D:D:D:D carry on saddos.:rolleyes:

grannyclaret 18-09-2008 23:34

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
Marks And Spencers In Cleveleys Have Just Stacked Loads Of Xmas Puddings In Their Window,,so It Looks Like The Decorations Will Soon Follow:d

shillelagh 18-09-2008 23:46

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
Tesco at haslingden have their selection boxes and advent calendars for sale along with some stuff thats marked for christmas - saw them on Sunday when i went!!!!

My neighbour who gave me a lift said its too early to buy the selection boxes - i'll eat them before the weeks out!!!!

cherokee 19-09-2008 00:52

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
Blimey MT :eek::eek:... Talking like that in the middle of Sept , ON HERE!!!!! will be getting you a one way ticket back to second life :tongueout................lmao!!!!
Now go and wash your mouth out and dont come back till DEC 24TH:whip::uzi:

Less 19-09-2008 04:19

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
They have to put the selection boxes out and decorations up to make room in the warehouse for the delivery of Easter Eggs & Hot cross buns thats due in next week.

Padiham Lass 19-09-2008 06:22

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
It's the mince pies that really bug me.

Last year, Sainsburys had a huge container of mince pies blocking the access to almost every aisle.

It really gives me a bad case of trolley rage:mad:

'erindoors 19-09-2008 07:01

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
1 Attachment(s)
I love Christmas, I used to put the decs up straight after Halloween, but, moving in with Phil has changed that. :(

Gail xxxx

flashy 19-09-2008 07:45

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
dont know about the decs but i did start buying christmas prezzies yesterday :D

jaysay 19-09-2008 09:07

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
I bought my xmas cards last Jan, you don't have get um cheep at that time of year, as for decorationds, I ain't put any up for years:rolleyes:

Benipete 19-09-2008 11:00

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 632599)
I bought my xmas cards last Jan, you don't have get um cheep at that time of year, as for decorationds, I ain't put any up for years:rolleyes:

Only got two small silver balls,they will be hanging around somewhere.:alright:

Nori Brick 19-09-2008 11:43

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
you call the people that put their decerations up early sados, but what about the people that don't even bother to take them down?

grannyclaret 19-09-2008 11:47

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 632593)
dont know about the decs but i did start buying christmas prezzies yesterday :D

me too ,its a good time now to get bargains

emamum 19-09-2008 11:55

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by Nori Brick (Post 632619)
you call the people that put their decerations up early sados, but what about the people that don't even bother to take them down?

mr christmas? Mr Christmas 'devastated ' as Queen declines speech offer | Mail Online

mine usually go up at the beginning of dec.

Bonnyboy 19-09-2008 11:59

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
Ours will be up on 1st Dec. They will be down again before the New Year, sick of the sight of them by then :)

magpie 19-09-2008 16:06

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by mthead (Post 632542)
Just thought as we are nearing the end of September,won't be long before the first sado puts Festive decorations up:)Dont get me wrong I enjoy Christmas and the New Year but,its getting near that time when some people sort being abit premature :)

they are up all year in Accy on the outside market :-)

ossylass 19-09-2008 17:46

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
Ossy Mills have a fine selection of artificial Christmas trees!

Eric 19-09-2008 18:05

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
My outdoor lights are already up. But that's because I never took them down. I spent two frigid days on a ladder last year; so now that the sob's are up they can damn well stay up ... but I won't turn them on until my birthday (which is Dec. 1, for all those who wish to send expensive gifts):dancedog:

Benipete 19-09-2008 18:16

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 632679)
My outdoor lights are already up. But that's because I never took them down. I spent two frigid days on a ladder last year; so now that the sob's are up they can damn well stay up ... but I won't turn them on until my birthday (which is Dec. 1, for all those who wish to send expensive gifts):dancedog:

Suet on it's way.:gooddog:

Lilly 19-09-2008 20:20

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
I love Christmas when it actually arrives but I don't want to know about it before December.

Before I had children I would put the tree up round about Dec I cave in to pressure and put it up round about Dec 12th.....I can't do it any sooner, I'd go mad!

I take it down on New Year's Day. :)

Caz 19-09-2008 20:22

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

we aint put last years up yet.:D:D:D:D:D.:rolleyes:
We neither... might put this years up in 2009 lol! Dunno though, after 37 years of xmas for the kids, it gets a bit of a chore and pointless! Even annoys me that I am supposed to have turkey for dinner and all that goes with it... loved it when they were little but now...
just call me Ebenezer Cazzer :D

WillowTheWhisp 19-09-2008 20:27

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
I love Christmas too but only in its place. Our decorations go up at the beginning of advent and come down by twelfth night.

We haven't even had Hallowe'en and bonfire night yet - there'll be Easter eggs in the shops soon!

Lilly 19-09-2008 20:35

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp (Post 632754)
I love Christmas too but only in its place. Our decorations go up at the beginning of advent and come down by twelfth night.

We haven't even had Hallowe'en and bonfire night yet - there'll be Easter eggs in the shops soon!

Halloween is one that I absolutely loathe. :mad:

I shut my curtains at 4.30pm on the 31st Oct, the doorbell rings incessantly but I never answer it.

Hate Halloween.....go away!

Caz 19-09-2008 20:54

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Halloween is one that I absolutely loathe. :mad:

I shut my curtains at 4.30pm on the 31st Oct, the doorbell rings incessantly but I never answer it.

Hate Halloween.....go away! Today 21:27
You're not the only one! We seem to import everything that the Americans do over the last decade or so. Why on earth should I give money or sweets to someone who comes to my door wearing some sort of outfit, be it good or not...then be called a misery for not participating.
Then it's "penny for the guy" ....often non existent...
Then not long after that we have the Carol singers..
I will throw money in a bucket at an organised caroling event, if i think they are good, but they are totally ignored when they come to the door.

The other American thing that gets my goat is the Prom evenings these days.
My older kids didn't go through any of that, but the younger boys had it. £25 quid for a meal, new suits..... only got out of the limo expense because they were doing "Pop Idol" at the Town Hall the same evening, so had to be rushed to the Dunk in a taxi afterwards.

WillowTheWhisp 19-09-2008 23:35

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
I like Hallowe'en because we bring out our lifesize witch and decorate the house in spooky fashion.

grannyclaret 19-09-2008 23:41

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp (Post 632852)
I like Hallowe'en because we bring out our lifesize witch and decorate the house in spooky fashion.

Me too willow, i love the kids comming round,,,its got now that the kids that came round years ago are bringing their little ones...We are just big kids at heart

cmonstanley 20-09-2008 08:18

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
the sooner the better christmas is brilliant,halloween and bon-fire night are as well kids have to have fun sometimes.this country is getting so miserable no wonder we have an angry generation of juviniles when the adults are so miserable and dont know how to have fun without gettin ****ed up no future no fun = angry drugged up generation of kids ............anyway im off to have some fun:D:theband:its a jumpin jack flash....

Lilly 20-09-2008 08:54

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by cazzer (Post 632759)
You're not the only one! We seem to import everything that the Americans do over the last decade or so. Why on earth should I give money or sweets to someone who comes to my door wearing some sort of outfit, be it good or not...then be called a misery for not participating.
Then it's "penny for the guy" ....often non existent...
Then not long after that we have the Carol singers..
I will throw money in a bucket at an organised caroling event, if i think they are good, but they are totally ignored when they come to the door.

The other American thing that gets my goat is the Prom evenings these days.
My older kids didn't go through any of that, but the younger boys had it. £25 quid for a meal, new suits..... only got out of the limo expense because they were doing "Pop Idol" at the Town Hall the same evening, so had to be rushed to the Dunk in a taxi afterwards.

Not to mention the dreaded baby showers that have crept in recently. :mad:


Originally Posted by cmonstanley (Post 632885)
the sooner the better christmas is brilliant,halloween and bon-fire night are as well kids have to have fun sometimes.this country is getting so miserable no wonder we have an angry generation of juviniles when the adults are so miserable and dont know how to have fun without gettin ****ed up no future no fun = angry drugged up generation of kids ............anyway im off to have some fun:D:theband:its a jumpin jack flash....

We'll have to disagree on that one. For me there is nothing about going round to folk's houses, frightening the life out of them and begging for money and sweets that comes under the banner of fun.

You are right when you say that fun can be had without drugs and alcohol though....on halloween when the curtains are drawn and we're pretending we're not in me and the kids will be playing matching pairs or snakes and ladders. Hey, we know how to enjoy ourselves. ;):D

cmonstanley 20-09-2008 10:13

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by Lilly (Post 632894)
Not to mention the dreaded baby showers that have crept in recently. :mad:

We'll have to disagree on that one. For me there is nothing about going round to folk's houses, frightening the life out of them and begging for money and sweets that comes under the banner of fun.

You are right when you say that fun can be had without drugs and alcohol though....on halloween when the curtains are drawn and we're pretending we're not in me and the kids will be playing matching pairs or snakes and ladders. Hey, we know how to enjoy ourselves. ;):D

there was a time when people conversed and had fun outside .the majority of people should get out and about to make the idiots the minority.they would soon halt their anti-social activities if the majority took a stance but the majority are too busy in their dreamworld dreaming about their perfect world would be like and then complain about things when they do nothing...:theband: paint it black:)

Lilly 20-09-2008 11:54

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by cmonstanley (Post 632923)
there was a time when people conversed and had fun outside .the majority of people should get out and about to make the idiots the minority.they would soon halt their anti-social activities if the majority took a stance but the majority are too busy in their dreamworld dreaming about their perfect world would be like and then complain about things when they do nothing...:theband: paint it black:)

I'm all for outside fun.....days out in Ribchester, afternoons in the park, sunny days spent on Ainsdale beach at Southport are all my idea of outside fun. ;):D

Gayle 20-09-2008 13:57

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by Lilly (Post 632750)
I love Christmas when it actually arrives but I don't want to know about it before December.

Before I had children I would put the tree up round about Dec I cave in to pressure and put it up round about Dec 12th.....I can't do it any sooner, I'd go mad!

I take it down on New Year's Day. :)

Definitely with you on this - used to do the tree on Christmas Eve but have to give in much earlier now.

Eric 20-09-2008 15:48

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by Benipete (Post 632682)
Suet on it's way.:gooddog:

Now that you mention it, I'm fresh out of suet:( .... Any xmas recipes that require suet:confused::D

Mr Aleks 20-09-2008 15:50

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
They should be illegal until 20th December. Anyone seen putting them up is took out by police snipers. And the money saved from the electric bill of the £135,000 worth of lights found on most council houses should go to the G.C.A.N.G. campign.

BERNADETTE 20-09-2008 15:51

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 633042)
Now that you mention it, I'm fresh out of suet:( .... Any xmas recipes that require suet:confused::D

Have you used it already? You never told us how the dishes turned out:)

Less 20-09-2008 16:13

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by Aleks (Post 633045)
They should be illegal until 20th December. Anyone seen putting them up is took out by police snipers. And the money saved from the electric bill of the £135,000 worth of lights found on most council houses should go to the G.C.A.N.G. campign.

I'd have said illegal until the 1st of January, that way the Council workers could charge double time plus a day in lieu for fitting them during a holiday.

lindsay ormerod 20-09-2008 16:27

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
Our Christamas stock at Boots was supposed to go out last monday, I have point blank refused to put it out and the suntan lotion will stay put till at least mid October if I have my way ! ( the Arndale still has Easter decorations hanging up !!!!!)

Eric 20-09-2008 16:51

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE (Post 633047)
Have you used it already? You never told us how the dishes turned out:)

Actually, not all that bad .... the dumplings were really good, so good that I made them twice. The first batch was the better of the two ... beginners luck. The crust on the hot pot was passable ... need practice here .... however, the steak and kidney pudding was a disaster, altho' the dogs thought it was fantastic .... I will most definitely have to work on this one.

For Christmas, after the I get my tree up (I go out into the bush and cut my own) I think I will try to make a few dishes that I remember: trifle (?), mince pies, maybe I will attempt a cake.

Oh, and to keep on track, it is sort of traditional in this area that folks start thinking of christmas in a big way once halloween is over.

ANNE 20-09-2008 18:37

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by Lilly (Post 632756)
Halloween is one that I absolutely loathe. :mad:

I shut my curtains at 4.30pm on the 31st Oct, the doorbell rings incessantly but I never answer it.

Hate Halloween.....go away!

Me to lily.

pipinfort 20-09-2008 23:03

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by Lilly (Post 632756)
Halloween is one that I absolutely loathe. :mad:

I shut my curtains at 4.30pm on the 31st Oct, the doorbell rings incessantly but I never answer it.

Hate Halloween.....go away!

LOVE IT , LOVE IT, LOVE IT........but i think its only because it lasts a day, much prefer it to Xmas , probably for that reason, i hate the fact that Xmas starts in september because retail says it does...!!! i just want to disappear at Xmas like my side of the family who always hotfoot it to this year we`ll be hotfooting it to Disneyland Paris for Halloween but stuck here for Xmas as usual.....:(

MargaretR 20-09-2008 23:46

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
I would hate to live on a street where houses are lit up like Blackpool.
Those same people will grumble and complain about their fuel bills.
Serve 'em right........HUMBUG!!!!

cherokee 21-09-2008 00:11

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 633200)
I would hate to live on a street where houses are lit up like Blackpool.
Those same people will grumble and complain about their fuel bills.
Serve 'em right........HUMBUG!!!!

Awww I think its nice to see folk go to so much effort although i doubt many will be doing it this year the way our economy is at the moment

grannyclaret 21-09-2008 00:15

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 633200)
I would hate to live on a street where houses are lit up like Blackpool.
Those same people will grumble and complain about their fuel bills.
Serve 'em right........HUMBUG!!!!

yummy i just love HUMBUGS

grannyclaret 21-09-2008 00:17

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
:) Especially the ones with the squidgy centers :)

MrsAleks 21-09-2008 16:07

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by Aleks (Post 633045)
They should be illegal until 20th December. Anyone seen putting them up is took out by police snipers. And the money saved from the electric bill of the £135,000 worth of lights found on most council houses should go to the G.C.A.N.G. campign.

I think a certain someone is in for a shock on the 1st Dec when the 8ft Homer Simpson dressed as Santa comes out his box!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

emzy 21-09-2008 16:12

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by mishyfoote (Post 633401)
I think a certain someone is in for a shock on the 1st Dec when the 8ft Homer Simpson dressed as Santa comes out his box!!!!!!!!!!!!;)


think i need to invest in some outdoor decorations lol

not sure if i can afford the leccy though :rolleyes:

MrsAleks 21-09-2008 16:16

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by emzy (Post 633405)

think i need to invest in some outdoor decorations lol

not sure if i can afford the leccy though :rolleyes:

I love Xmas!!!! I buy more things every year.
It costs me a fortune in batteries alone lol..

Lilly 22-09-2008 15:18

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by mishyfoote (Post 633401)
I think a certain someone is in for a shock on the 1st Dec when the 8ft Homer Simpson dressed as Santa comes out his box!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Mishyfoote!

Don't do it! :eek:

Those things are vile!

Benipete 22-09-2008 15:18

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by mishyfoote (Post 633407)
I love Xmas!!!! I buy more things every year.
It costs me a fortune in batteries alone lol..

Not going there:tongueout

mrskitty 22-09-2008 15:23

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by mishyfoote (Post 633401)
I think a certain someone is in for a shock on the 1st Dec when the 8ft Homer Simpson dressed as Santa comes out his box!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

I think anyone would be shocked if that came out of their box :eek::eek::eek:

emamum 22-09-2008 15:24

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
how funny would it be if she set it all up while he was at work, no warning or anything.....

Lilly 22-09-2008 15:27

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by emamum23 (Post 633626)
how funny would it be if she set it all up while he was at work, no warning or anything.....

I wouldn't stay if I came home and my fella had put one of those outside the house.

I'd be off for as long as it took for him to take it down. ;)

emamum 22-09-2008 15:28

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
tbh, he's a man, he probably would notice lol

ive changed the furniture round when tys at school before now and he didnt notice,

panther 22-09-2008 17:37

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
Xmas should be stuck in december!!, i cant believe ya on about it now!!....LOL, what about Halloween and bonfire night??.....:eek:

I put my decorations up on the 1st of december or the first saturday of the month:D

pussycat 22-09-2008 18:09

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?
my tree go,s up begini of november and dec,s go up 30th , i have you children , and openin there calanders on the first with no dec,s up , just dos,nt seem right to me ,

Eric 23-09-2008 00:26

Re: How long before first Christmas Decorations are up?

Originally Posted by Benipete (Post 633621)
Not going there:tongueout

Know what you mean ... I can feel the vibrations from here:)

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