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lancsdave 24-09-2008 19:38

My daughter came home today with a letter to say there is an assembly next week to show them why they should have the jab.

I've just read a BBC news story that one school has already stopped the jab being given on school premises because they don't think it's the right place.

Isn't it good when the education system all sing from the same songsheet :confused:

BBC NEWS | England | Manchester | School bans girls from cancer jab

cashman 24-09-2008 19:43

Re: HPV Jab
was discussing this at tea time, whilst in favour of the jab, don't think a school is the "Best" place to have it.

lancsdave 24-09-2008 19:54

Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 634488)
was discussing this at tea time, whilst in favour of the jab, don't think a school is the "Best" place to have it.

Didn't we used to get the TB jab at school ? Given the numbers involved I think it would be a logistical nightmare to try and get them all down to a health centre or go through the GP system.

cashman 24-09-2008 20:00

Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by lancsdave (Post 634498)
Didn't we used to get the TB jab at school ? Given the numbers involved I think it would be a logistical nightmare to try and get them all down to a health centre or go through the GP system.

i never remember having any jab at school dave, maybe later years they did tb jabs i have no idea, my point is if owt went wrong, being that schools aint a sterile place really, who would be liable? much less chance in a sterile unit.

West Ender 24-09-2008 20:06

Re: HPV Jab
I remember a bit of a palaver over the Rubella innoculation. They decided to give it to all girls at around the age of 14 and this decision came just about when my younger daughter was that age. It wasn't done in school and, in Nicola's case, ended up with our GP ringing me one day to say he had no record that she'd had the injection. If he hadn't been "on the ball" (he'd just got a new computer and he was mad keen on computerised records - it paid off for me too[different story]) she might never have had the protection. She'd had what was assumed to be German Measles as a child but it's very difficult to diagnose correctly.

This latest protection is, in my view, vital. Cervical cancer isn't confined to promiscuous women. My grandmother died from it, in 1916, leaving 5 small boys. My father was the middle one, aged 8 at the time, who all his life remembered his mother bleeding profusely and dieing in agony. Would you wish that on anyone, "promiscuous" or not?

Carrying out a preventative proceedure like this jab is made easier if it's done in schools, there is less likelihood of any child slipping "out of the net". The school that has declined to be involved is a Catholic School which is, erroneously in my view, taking the view that agreeing to the jab is tantamount to condoning promiscuity. I can't agree with that attitude or the "morality" that goes with it.

Margaret Pilkington 24-09-2008 20:11

Re: HPV Jab
The environment where the jab is taking place does not need to be sterile..........and these days diabetics(who are risk of getting infections really easily) are not even required to use an alcohol swab to clean the skin....some do it right through their everyday clothing.

BERNADETTE 24-09-2008 20:11

Re: HPV Jab
I agree this jab is vital and should be given. Is the school that is opting out also refusing to give sex education lessons? If not the decision is a tad hypocritical!!!

Margaret Pilkington 24-09-2008 20:16

Re: HPV Jab
The School governors are objecting on the grounds that some children have been sick and have had various symptoms since having the jab......and they(the governors) state that they are unsure of the side effects and those are the alleged grounds that they have refused permission for the jab to be given on school premises......they make no distinction about the moral and ethical issues of the vaccination.

Stanleymad 24-09-2008 20:22

Re: HPV Jab
Re-itterate the vital comments, think the school is more concerned of itself than the importance of immunistation,talking of the rubella & TB plus i think tetnus jabs are routine & neccessary - only when someone related dies & not given chance of immunisation you realise the importance.

Does this jab stop the need for routine smear tests when older ?

lancsdave 24-09-2008 20:22

Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 634511)
The School governors are objecting on the grounds that some children have been sick and have had various symptoms since having the jab......and they(the governors) state that they are unsure of the side effects and those are the alleged grounds that they have refused permission for the jab to be given on school premises......they make no distinction about the moral and ethical issues of the vaccination.

Does anybody know what side effects they refer to ? I've done a quick google and only found things like soreness from the injection and nausea which to be fair can happen with any injection of you are of a queezy nature

Margaret Pilkington 24-09-2008 20:26

Re: HPV Jab
Does this jab stop the need for routine smear tests when older ?[/quote]

No, indeed it doesn't...smear tests will still be required.

Margaret Pilkington 24-09-2008 20:29

Re: HPV Jab
according to the article...the governors questioned the effectiveness of the Jab....and were worried that a number of the participants in the pilot study had complained of nausea, joint pain and high temperatures.

West Ender 24-09-2008 20:30

Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 634511)
The School governors are objecting on the grounds that some children have been sick and have had various symptoms since having the jab......and they(the governors) state that they are unsure of the side effects and those are the alleged grounds that they have refused permission for the jab to be given on school premises......they make no distinction about the moral and ethical issues of the vaccination.

That is not the statement as reported in the 1 o.clock News on Radio 4 today. It was emphasised that the governors did not approve of the jab as it had implications that they would be condoning extra-marital sex.

Stanleymad 24-09-2008 20:33

Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 634519)

No, indeed it doesn't...smear tests will still be required.

Cool so least regular monitoring is staying in place, tho think thats a big part of the problem for some young women is that invasion of private area altho does prove to save lives unfortunately not all take that opportunity fearing the embarrassment more & thought thats what the jab was brought in for as well as being a preventative.

Margaret Pilkington 24-09-2008 20:38

Re: HPV Jab
Cevarix is the vaccine to be used..... it is effective against two strains of HPV...these two strains cause 70% of the cases of cervical that is why it is important that women need to go for their smear tests......30% of cancers will not be covered.
Another interesting point is that this vaccine will confer only four and a half years immunity from HPV.(this is taken from the manufacturers information)

And I didn't hear the report at lunchtime......the information about the governors decision was taken from reading the link at the beginning of this thread.

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