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jambutty 04-10-2008 12:23

What Have We Become?
Under the banner of Trevor McDonald’s “Tonight” programme, Esther Rantzen, she of the “That’s Life” fame and the driving force behind Child Line - 0800 1111 – presented a programme last night at 8:00pm entitled Esther v the PC Brigade.

What she highlighted is an absolute disgrace in today’s society and a terrible indictment of how insular Joe and Josephine Public have become.

She got two child actors, a boy and a girl about 8 years of age and each in turn stood around inside a shopping precinct looking lost. I have to admit that both kids were brilliant actors and really did portray a lost child without having to resort to tears. The greater majority of adults walked past, some even detoured around them without even so much as a glance. One or two walked past, stopped, looked back and then carried on about their business.

All in all over ONE THOUSAND people walked past a small child that was obviously lost and only FOUR people stopped to ask if the child was alright. At that point Esther and the camera crew came forward to relieve the caring person of having to make some sort of a decision and did a brief interview with the Good Samaritan. One person, a man, walked past but did report the situation to a shopping precinct security officer.

When the programme ended I sat back and asked myself what would I do in such a situation?

To be brutally frank, I don’t know what I would have done in such a situation but having thought it through and now forewarned, if I was confronted with an obviously lost child I would stop and ask the kid if it was OK. But I would do the same as one bloke did. He kept at more than arms length from the child. The three female Samaritans got much closer. Having established that the child was indeed lost, one thing that I wouldn’t do is take the child by the hand and lead her/him away to try and find either the kid’s parents or a policeman. Instead I would seek the help of two or three other adults, preferably women, and ask one of them to get the police or to keep an eye on the child whilst I did it. More than likely someone would have a mobile phone so we could all stay with the child until the police arrived.

Some people, with kindness in their hearts, might offer the child a sweet or a piece of chocolate as a comforter. No! No! No! No! No! The child might have a peanut or some other allergy. You could end up with a situation far more dangerous than just being lost.

Less 04-10-2008 13:24

Re: What Have We Become?

Benipete 04-10-2008 16:33

Re: What Have We Become?
Just 4 IDIOTS out of 1000 we must be improving!!:tongueout

WillowTheWhisp 04-10-2008 19:03

Re: What Have We Become?
Of course no-one speaks to a child they don't know. They are afraid of being arrested for doing so. That is what we have become, not uncaring but fearful of the madness in our world.

jambutty 05-10-2008 04:03

Re: What Have We Become?
Back in the late seventies, my son then about 6 years old was playing in his bedroom when for reasons best known to himself he decided to pack some clothes in a carrier bag and unknown to us set off down the road with it slung over his shoulder on a stick.

A few hundred yards away a caring adult spotted him, must have thought it strange to see a small child walking down the road with a bag on a stick over his shoulder, stopped him, asked who he was and where he was going, found out where he lived and brought him home.

Would that happen today? Unlikely. He would have been left to wander on.

Nowadays you daren’t smile back at a child when it looks at you or smiles at you and many do as they get dragged along on a shopping trip. It’s no wonder that many older people are labelled ‘miserable old gits’ as they walk around with almost a frown on their faces for fear of being verbally abused if they just happen to smile at a child. The fixed frown prevents you from smiling inadvertently.

Neil 05-10-2008 06:40

Re: What Have We Become?

Originally Posted by jambutty (Post 638021)
Nowadays you daren’t smile back at a child when it looks at you or smiles at you and many do as they get dragged along on a shopping trip.

I smile at kids and I even dare speak to them. I talk to kids in the play park when I am in there with my 3 year old daughter. I even speak to kids in the park if I am just walking though.

I think people need to discard this perceived danger of talking to children and become human again.


Originally Posted by jambutty (Post 638021)
It’s no wonder that many older people are labelled ‘miserable old gits’

Speak for yourself.

SPUGGIE J 05-10-2008 17:43

Re: What Have We Become?
Having seen the clip in question I can see why thanks to the way things are concerning the safety that people turn a blind eye. Yet as a parent as many of you are I would hope that if it was my child lost and disorientated that someone would be a good samaritan and help. There is a minority in society that due to their actions have brought about the introduction of laws that with the help of the "we know better brigade" have made this situation what it is.

Me I would try and help but would keep my distance and hope I could get someone else as "backup" in what could become with ease a day from hell. So lets throw another thought in to this argument/discussion. My daughter has epilepsy so if she is not accompanied and drops in the street in a fit will people walk past and ignore her or would they help? Now if she is in a seizure and thrashing around would some one trying to help be taken by another who does not know what is happening have the police arresting the samaritan.

As I see it some common sense is needed when these situations arise and people need to stop and think what the poor child is going through. We are supposed to protect children but ignoring their plight might put them in danger from the "wrong" kind of person.

Benipete 05-10-2008 19:12

Re: What Have We Become?
So the next time you see a child that appears to be lost you have got to ask yourself questions.
Is it Candid Camera?
Beagles about?
You've been framed?

Or is it some doogooder that makes TV programmes with the help of child actor tutors - camera people of varying backgrounds and all the backup staff that are only one text away from warning the entire network of child molesters of the danger.

been there - Give me a break.

West Ender 05-10-2008 21:02

Re: What Have We Become?
It is very sad that some people feel afraid to help, or even speak to, a distressed child. Speaking for myself I react the same way as I always did to any child, with or without its parent. Perhaps it's a little easier for me to say that, as a grandmother, than it might be for a man on his own but, whatever the current "restrictions" on how we deal with children I prefer to apply good sense, good manners and kindness.

The worst thing we are suffering from, today, is paranoia. People are so frightened of the "monster in the cupboard" - the Paedophile - that they see evil all around. The fact that there were just as many paedophiles around when I was a child is ignored by the media who fuel the paranoia with lurid details and glaring headlines.

SPUGGIE J 05-10-2008 21:02

Re: What Have We Become?

Originally Posted by Benipete (Post 638277)
So the next time you see a child that appears to be lost you have got to ask yourself questions.
Is it Candid Camera?
Beagles about?
You've been framed?

Or is it some doogooder that makes TV programmes with the help of child actor tutors - camera people of varying backgrounds and all the backup staff that are only one text away from warning the entire network of child molesters of the danger.

been there - Give me a break.

A tad cynical but could happen if a somewhat remote chance. :D

Benipete 05-10-2008 21:47

Re: What Have We Become?

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J (Post 638305)
A tad cynical but could happen if a somewhat remote chance. :D

Well that is the problem,how many remote chances have there been since that little girl was "snatched" in Portugal?:confused: There is no timetable, just devious people and victims.

SPUGGIE J 05-10-2008 22:16

Re: What Have We Become?

Originally Posted by Benipete (Post 638324)
Well that is the problem,how many remote chances have there been since that little girl was "snatched" in Portugal?:confused: There is no timetable, just devious people and victims.

Still a case of the sick minority in a way making it easier to find a victim because of actions their behavior resulted in. :mad:

Bonnyboy 05-10-2008 22:28

Re: What Have We Become?
This topic was mulled over not too long ago in another thread, worth another read.


emamum 05-10-2008 22:32

Re: What Have We Become?
Personally if i saw a child that seemed to be lost i would stop and help the moment i am in a good position to do so and doubt anyone would think it strange..but whenever it was i would stop and help because i am not a paedophile and i know the child will be safe with me...can i say the same about the next person to come along?

The childs safety is the priority not what people may think of me at the time.

I would stand with the child... get down to the childs level and try to consol it while using my mobile to ring the police.

A few months ago me and ty were seperated in towen, he was found by a young lad who stood still with him and got the attention of a woman passing by. When i found Ty I was more relieved that i had found him and that he was safe to question the lad that had found him.

Benipete 05-10-2008 22:41

Re: What Have We Become?

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy (Post 638346)
This topic was mulled over not too long ago in another thread, worth another read.


No intention of going back in time It just seems the attitudes of parents have gone back to normal till the next time.
Never lost mine and at 37 I think It's a bit late now.:D

Bonnyboy 05-10-2008 22:50

Re: What Have We Become?
I personally would always , without doubt, help a distressed child.


Originally Posted by Benipete (Post 638357)
No intention of going back in time It just seems the attitudes of parents have gone back to normal till the next time.
Never lost mine and at 37 I think It's a bit late now.:D

Going to look at a post from 3 months ago hardly constitutes a leap back to another era when thoughts were maybe different.

What have you never lost and why is it a bit late at 37 :confused::)

Benipete 05-10-2008 22:59

Re: What Have We Become?
Child -She's 37.Supposed to be a joke.:D

Bonnyboy 05-10-2008 23:04

Re: What Have We Become?
Gotcha, just me bein numb :D

Benipete 05-10-2008 23:08

Re: What Have We Become?

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy (Post 638371)
Gotcha, just me bein numb :D

The dog in the picture was the baby sitter.:dancedog:

Royboy39 05-10-2008 23:19

Re: What Have We Become?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp (Post 637962)
Of course no-one speaks to a child they don't know. They are afraid of being arrested for doing so. That is what we have become, not uncaring but fearful of the madness in our world.

If I see a child who is in distress...I don't give a monkey's about the PC Brigade....I will come to the assistance of that child.
I am a grandfather and would appreciate interference of a stranger to come to the aid of any of my grandchildren should the occasion arise.
I would willingly spend the rest of my life in prison if anyone interfered with my family.

Benipete 06-10-2008 01:17

Re: What Have We Become?

Originally Posted by Royboy39 (Post 638378)
If I see a child who is in distress...I don't give a monkey's about the PC Brigade....I will come to the assistance of that child.
I am a grandfather and would appreciate interference of a stranger to come to the aid of any of my grandchildren should the occasion arise.
I would willingly spend the rest of my life in prison if anyone interfered with my family.

Well I would keep my wits about me If I lived In Spain. Being that 121 people have just been arrested on child porn offenses involving hundreds of children,some not much more than babies.But then It's nothing new.:eek:

jaysay 06-10-2008 08:48

Re: What Have We Become?
Unfortunately thats the way things are these days, people are scared of being labelled a pervert, the dogooders have take over the land:(

SPUGGIE J 06-10-2008 09:10

Re: What Have We Become?

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 638425)
Unfortunately thats the way things are these days, people are scared of being labelled a pervert, the dogooders have take over the land:(

The dogooders are now running are lives and sadly their so called good intentions are putting the vunerable at risk. Again a minority are making life a huge set of quandries for the well meaning and inoccent. What will it take for these people to realise that we are not all perverts or weirdo's?

mothernature 06-10-2008 11:48

Re: What Have We Become?

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 638425)
Unfortunately thats the way things are these days, people are scared of being labelled a pervert, the dogooders have take over the land:(

I don't think it's being labelled a pervert that deters people. It's the hassle you get from the police/press & do gooders that cause reluctance to help. Either way, I would never ever ignore a distressed person.

SPUGGIE J 06-10-2008 14:45

Re: What Have We Become?

Originally Posted by mothernature (Post 638479)
I don't think it's being labelled a pervert that deters people. It's the hassle you get from the police/press & do gooders that cause reluctance to help. Either way, I would never ever ignore a distressed person.

I believe that Gogs Brown n co need rescuing. You gonna go n save em?

mothernature 06-10-2008 14:48

Re: What Have We Become?

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J (Post 638567)
I believe that Gogs Brown n co need rescuing. You gonna go n save em?

I said distressed, not useless. :D Honestly, I would probably be lynched if I helped them.

jaysay 06-10-2008 16:24

Re: What Have We Become?

Originally Posted by mothernature (Post 638569)
I said distressed, not useless. :D Honestly, I would probably be lynched if I helped them.

Probably don't come into it, you would:D

Neil 06-10-2008 18:16

Re: What Have We Become?
I was in the park today mucking out the goats, cutting grass and just generally making lots of noise and tidying up. After nursery and dinner Emily came back up with me and we finished off. I was working while she ran up and down the path talking to all the animals - well it saves her talking me to death. A couple in their 60's came in to feed the animals. Emily being Emily went up to the lady to ask her what she was doing. the lady asked me if it was ok for Emily to feed the animals with her. I said of course it was. When they were about to leave I heard her tell Emily to come back to me and she told me she was leaving the Pets area.

Not all people are bad. Most are good, its just that we like to see the worst in others these days, it is making us a very sad society to live it.

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