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Mancie 02-04-2009 04:14

E20 summit
looks like it's a line up from our Tory freinds in Europe against the economic policies of the UK and the USA.. the far right Tories from France and Germany are ganged up to oppose any sensible economic policies from the USA and the UK that could get out of this mess... now the Tory oppostion has been silent..why?.. i'd say because they have slagged off the European Union for so long that they have no say on the matter... and will have no say if they ever get in power.. they are the lepers of Europe and will drag this county into the abyss of renegade economic destruction.

entwisi 02-04-2009 07:22

Re: E20 summit
its G20 not E20


UK and USA getting us out this mess? are you having a giraffe? Capability Brown couldn't pull us out a duck pond never mind this mess. The sooner teh current Goverment( I won't say Labour as non of this lot are anything like a Labour party) are out teh better.

I do have concerns that we don't have a suitable replacement though( see I'm not some dye'd in teh wool Tory that you seem to think I am).

Mancie 02-04-2009 07:29

Re: E20 summit
And what is your alternative then Entwisi?

Wynonie Harris 02-04-2009 07:47

Re: E20 summit
So Sarkozy and Merkel are "far right Tories", are they? I'm sure they'd be quite surprised to be described thus! And the line they're pushing is stricter regulation for banks, which I thought you'd approve of. As for "slagging off" the EU, yes, there's quite a few Tories who do that...Tony Benn and Arthur Scargill are two who instantly spring to mind.

Still, anything rather than criticise a "Labour" politician (and I use the word very loosely in Brown's case), eh, Mancie?

andrewb 02-04-2009 07:49

Re: E20 summit

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 699350)
looks like it's a line up from our Tory freinds in Europe against the economic policies of the UK and the USA.. the far right Tories from France and Germany are ganged up to oppose any sensible economic policies from the USA and the UK that could get out of this mess... now the Tory oppostion has been silent..why?.. i'd say because they have slagged off the European Union for so long that they have no say on the matter... and will have no say if they ever get in power.. they are the lepers of Europe and will drag this county into the abyss of renegade economic destruction.

The Germans and French are after regulation of the financial markets, something Gordon 'save the world' Brown has failed to do. Brown famously destroyed the Bank of Englands ability to regulate in 1997, which the Conservatives voted against. Look where that got us.

I know which side of the fence I'm on and its got Germany and France on it, with you nowhere to be seen.

entwisi 02-04-2009 07:49

Re: E20 summit

IMHO there isn't one, its choosing the best of a bad lot.

Will the Tories make it any better, Unfortunately this is genuinely one of those times where you can't tell. Its only by doing that you get a position to comment on and even then it may be external forces that control. which way it goes.

Should we give the Tories a go? What about Lib dems? It does appear that this goverment seem to be echo'ing teh final thrashing throws of the last Tory Gov with Sleeze, financial misdealings and general incomptance the order of the day.

I doubt teh Libs have a hop anyway so we are a two horse race, the rubish we have or a change. The old saying goes "a Change is as good as a rest" so maybe we should.

Mancie 02-04-2009 07:59

Re: E20 summit
The old saying goes "a Change is as good as a rest" .... I doubt it would be a rest.. the present mob my have lost the plot in some ways.. but to have a bunch of inept Eton boys running the show is not my idea of progress.

entwisi 02-04-2009 08:14

Re: E20 summit
so you agree that this lot have "lost teh plot", so whats your solution then? Doesn't that put us in an even worse scenario than we could possibly hope for, one their own died in teh blood, evangelical supporters admitting they are rubbish?

That in itself worries me a great deal..........

Mancie 02-04-2009 08:29

Re: E20 summit
It worries me... but I know the alternative is worse..the only alternative is a Tory Goverment... Tory Governments have caused far worse economic chaos than we have recent history and as far back as anyone cares to go they have been a blight on this nation... they have oppsosed any real improvements such as the NHS state pensions, sickness benifits, education for all..on and on.. they are a virus that preys on peolpe at times of weakness...always there and ready to feed.

cashman 02-04-2009 08:36

Re: E20 summit
never thought i would say this,as i can't stand em, but as far as financial regulation, i'm wi the frogs n krauts.

Mancie 02-04-2009 08:57

Re: E20 summit

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 699407)
never thought i would say this,as i can't stand em, but as far as financial regulation, i'm wi the frogs n krauts.

well that's just about it!...even Cashman has turned blue...the last remnants of any sort of opposition against the Tory fold has all but gone...I give up! :eek:

jaysay 02-04-2009 09:02

Re: E20 summit

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 699419)
well that's just about it!...even Cashman has turned blue...the last remnants of any sort of opposition against the Tory fold has all but gone...I give up! :eek:

No Mancie I think cashy looks at the world in more colours thn Blue and Red:rolleyes:

jaysay 02-04-2009 09:03

Re: E20 summit

Originally Posted by entwisi (Post 699377)
its G20 not E20


UK and USA getting us out this mess? are you having a giraffe? Capability Brown couldn't pull us out a duck pond never mind this mess. The sooner the current Goverment( I won't say Labour as non of this lot are anything like a Labour party) are out teh better.

I do have concerns that we don't have a suitable replacement though( see I'm not some dye'd in the wool Tory that you seem to think I am).

Just like to put you straight on one point entwisi, its Incapability Brown:rolleyes:

Wynonie Harris 02-04-2009 09:04

Re: E20 summit

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 699419)
well that's just about it!...even Cashman has turned blue...the last remnants of any sort of opposition against the Tory fold has all but gone...I give up! :eek:

Oh no, now you've done it, Mancie...calling Cashy a Tory...that's tantamount to calling him a dingle!

lancsdave 02-04-2009 09:06

Re: E20 summit

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris (Post 699427)
Oh no, now you've done it, Mancie...calling Cashy a Tory...that's tantamount to calling him a dingle!

Excuse me, even us dingles have some morals :eek:

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