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detectivefix 05-07-2009 14:16

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!
Surely though if it was a standard flu it wouldnt be getting all this attention?

I suppose you never know whats truly going on with things until they happen. Either its a normal flu bug, people get it and recover. Or maybe its something more serious, is uncontrollable and unstoppable.

Would the goverment make a statement stating that they cant stop this flu and it is deadly?...I doubt it, everything is sugar coated to avoid panic.

Do you agree?

I really feel we arent being told the full story and all of the issues.


Margaret Pilkington 05-07-2009 15:23

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!
no.....I don't agree at all. All influenza has the potential to be life threatening in a certain set of circumstances...and this virus is no different.

I'm not sure what I think about the media coverage, except that it is going to make a lot of money for the companies that produce the Tamiflu anti-viral medication, and also for those drug companies currently working on vaccines.

Neither do I feel that the government is sugar coating things to avoid panic.......if that was what they were about there would be an embargo on news of the spread of the virus.......make your own assumptions from the fact that there is no embargo.

I am sure if there was a seasonal flu outbreak in your own area/community, you would take sensible precautions to avoid contracting the virus.......this flu is no different......and the same sensible precautions apply.

jaysay 06-07-2009 09:06

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 726783)
I think that the media are flinging figures about knows what the true figures are for this strain of flu (H1N1) and there may be many people out there who have had the virus and recovered, treating it as nothing more than a summer for the elderly succumbing to the may be true if there are other health issues, but the elderly seem to be less affected......this may be due to the fact that in their long lives they have been exposed to more varieties of flu viruses.

I am not saying the people shouldn't take care, but all this hype is unnecessary and is confusing and frightening for some people.
We need to get some kind of perspective on the situation.

I think it was the Health Minister who started banding about massive figures last week Margaret and he also said that testing for the virus would stop and figures would now be estimated

Neil 06-07-2009 09:51

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!
I know someone who phoned up NHS Direct yesterday with flu type symptoms and was told that tamiflu can be arranged by a GP

accyman 06-07-2009 17:36

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!
i rang up NHS direct and couldnt get through because of the panic over this swine flu

if its such a problem then they should have a dedicated number for it so that those who forget its hot out there can be disposed of quickly when they ring up claiming they have swine flu because they are hot and clammy or have a touch of hayfever and get into mass panic over a bit of sneezing

Royboy39 06-07-2009 21:47

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by accyman (Post 726973)
i rang up NHS direct and couldnt get through because of the panic over this swine flu

Why not ring up for an appointment with your GP or if considered serious enough go to casualty?

cashman 06-07-2009 21:53

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by Royboy39 (Post 726999)
Why not ring up for an appointment with your GP or if considered serious enough go to casualty?

depends what he rang about roy? know a guy that went hospital cos he hadn't got a dentist (NHS)the other week n was told to ring NHS Direct up now. everythings gone nuts.:rolleyes:

Royboy39 06-07-2009 21:57

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 727000)
depends what he rang about roy? know a guy that went hospital cos he hadn't got a dentist (NHS)the other week n was told to ring NHS Direct up now. everythings gone nuts.:rolleyes:

Only went 'tits up' when your beloved Labour Government took control. :)

Royboy39 06-07-2009 22:06

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 727000)
depends what he rang about roy? know a guy that went hospital cos he hadn't got a dentist (NHS)the other week n was told to ring NHS Direct up now. everythings gone nuts.:rolleyes:

Are we to assume from that observation that Accyman had a dental problem? or does it leave us guessing as to the problem?

accyman 06-07-2009 22:33

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by Royboy39 (Post 727005)
Are we to assume from that observation that Accyman had a dental problem? or does it leave us guessing as to the problem?

assume what you like but unless your my GP or Specialist you can mind your own fcuking buisness

shillelagh 06-07-2009 22:57

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by Royboy39 (Post 727005)
Are we to assume from that observation that Accyman had a dental problem? or does it leave us guessing as to the problem?

Whats it got to do with you ... i dont put on here everytime i go to the docs or ring NHS direct ... you dont put on here every time you ring NHS direct ... oh but you are in spain and cant use NHS direct can you ..

accyman 06-07-2009 23:15

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 727012)
Whats it got to do with you ... i dont put on here everytime i go to the docs or ring NHS direct ... you dont put on here every time you ring NHS direct ... oh but you are in spain and cant use NHS direct can you ..

i suppose i could have spent 2 hours argueing with a receptionist then wait 3 days to see my doctor and take up a valuable appointment slot or ring NHS direct and ask 1 question and have my enquirey resolved quickly.

but as i was sayin unfortunatly this swine flu has been so poorly dealt with that a lot of people are in a panic at teh slightest ailment and puttingteh service under a lot of pressure and that is why i said there shoudl be a seperate number for people worried about swine flu to ring

Mancie 06-07-2009 23:23

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by Royboy39 (Post 727001)
Only went 'tits up' when your beloved Labour Government took control. :)

there was no such thing as NHS direct under the last tory government.... funny thing that ex-pats come home to this country to get treatment on the good NHS we have and then find time to slag it off!:rolleyes:

accyman 07-07-2009 01:42

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 727019)
there was no such thing as NHS direct under the last tory government.... funny thing that ex-pats come home to this country to get treatment on the good NHS we have and then find time to slag it off!:rolleyes:

some now get refused when they come crawling back when pooly and rightly so.

British woman with deadly virus denied free NHS care... because she moved to Turkey to retire | Mail Online


A grandmother who moved to Turkey when she retired was billed for NHS treatment - despite making National Insurance contributions throughout her life.
seems fair enough to me , she was covered by the NHS while she lived here and was contributing and now she isnt she has to accept her new countries health system or pay to use ours

Neil 07-07-2009 05:03

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 727012)
.. oh but you are in spain and cant use NHS direct can you ..

That's a plus point for being in Spain then - he will have to see a Doctor if he has a problem instead of phoning a call centre.

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