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accyman 19-07-2009 11:46

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 729491)
Think they would give my asthma some gip to accyman:D

yeah i can see how E numbers making you hyper running about the place would effect your asthma lol

my asthmas only mild and only sufffer from it when i get flu so im not really too concerned about this pig flu but my eldest is pretty bad with it and that bit does worry me quite a bit if im honest

totally over reacted yesterday he felt hot so i raced home and checked his temp with a thermomitor and he moaned about having to have a thermomitor in his gob but once i pointed out the other place they stick thermomitors he piped down and let me take his temp lol

turns out i had left the cars heater on full but cant be too carefull pmsl :)

jaysay 19-07-2009 12:18

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by flashy (Post 729493)
well the Tamiflu tablets have helped Reece, he's even back to arguing with me now

You'll know he's fully recovered flashy when he starts winning a do again:D

MargaretR 19-07-2009 12:33

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!
If I get it I won't take Tamiflu. I have read that the production process uses antifreeze.:eek:
I suppose if your wife is frigid it might help :rolleyes:
I have searched and found a herbal extract and I have ordered some.
It was used during the 1918 epidemic and worked.

Lomatium dissectum as an anti-viral and anti-bacterial herbal medicine."


During the fall of 1918 when the influenza epidemic visited this section of Nevada, the Washoe Indian used a root in the treatment of their sick which was gathered along the foot-hills of this slope of the Sierra. The plant proved to be a rare species of the parsley family (Leptotaemia dissecta*), according to a report from the University of California.

Whether a coincidence or not, there was not a single death in the Washoe tribe from influenza or its complications, although Indians living in other parts of the State where the root did not grow died in numbers. It was such a remarkable coincidence that the root was investigated by a practicing physician who saw apparently hopeless cases recover without any other medication or care of any kind.

derekgas 19-07-2009 19:33

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!
Im glad Reece is on the mend Flashers, ya get back to giving us stick again! :D

Bagpuss 19-07-2009 19:50

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by flashy (Post 729493)
well the Tamiflu tablets have helped Reece, he's even back to arguing with me now

Even though our kids can be very annoying, I'm sure we would rather have them that way instead of sick.

Stumped 19-07-2009 22:02

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!
According to the Daily Express, Cherie Blair has been diagnosed with swine flu. So there is some good news after all.


emamum 19-07-2009 22:03

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!
thats not nice! wouldnt wish it on my worse enemy!

accyman 19-07-2009 22:38

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by Stumped (Post 729615)
According to the Daily Express, Cherie Blair has been diagnosed with swine flu. So there is some good news after all.


hope she gives her bastard husband gives her a big wet kiss tonight :D

cashman 19-07-2009 23:04

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by emamum (Post 729616)
thats not nice! wouldnt wish it on my worse enemy!

Well i would!

accyman 19-07-2009 23:42

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by accyman (Post 729620)
hope she gives her bastard husband gives her a big wet kiss tonight :D

english version:

hope she gives her bastard husband a big wet kiss tonight:D

flashy 20-07-2009 08:50

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by emamum (Post 729616)
thats not nice! wouldnt wish it on my worse enemy!

your quite right Emma, its an awful thing to have and like you, i wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy, i was in tears Thursday and Friday with Reece, as a parent you feel so frightened and helpless, there is nothing you can do other than give them the tablets and paracetamol and hope they kick in quickly, i spent 2 nights sleeping on the floor at the side of his bed just to make sure he was going to be ok, his temperature was so high he was hilucinating...not a good thing for a 12 year old (or anyone else) to go through

emamum 20-07-2009 08:55

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by flashy (Post 729656)
your quite right Emma, its an awful thing to have and like you, i wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy, i was in tears Thursday and Friday with Reece, as a parent you feel so frightened and helpless, there is nothing you can do other than give them the tablets and paracetamol and hope they kick in quickly, i spent 2 nights sleeping on the floor at the side of his bed just to make sure he was going to be ok, his temperature was so high he was hilucinating...not a good thing for a 12 year old (or anyone else) to go through

im glad hes getting better flashy, it must have been terrifying for you :( its really scaring me at the moment with grace being so young, tys a big strong lad and im scared of him getting it

my friend has it, she is 26 weeks pregnant adn in isolation in blackpool hospital, they are giving her steroids for the baby and think it might have sent her into labour :(

flashy 20-07-2009 09:25

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!
awww thats awful, my sis-in-law is pregnant too, she has 7 weeks left and is frightened to come near Reece even now, and rightly so

i hope your friend pulls through and the baby is fine

Stumped 20-07-2009 17:46

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!
I doubt that even the swine flu virus would want to associate itself with the likes of Tony Blair - the lying cretin who has condemned so many fine young men to death by his cowardly creeping up to the similarly discredited George Bush.

jaysay 21-07-2009 09:22

Re: swine flu case confirmed from hyndburn park school!

Originally Posted by Stumped (Post 729810)
I doubt that even the swine flu virus would want to associate itself with the likes of Tony Blair - the lying cretin who has condemned so many fine young men to death by his cowardly creeping up to the similarly discredited George Bush.

Blairs make £2m profit on house that taxpayers helped pay for | Mail Online
But their snouts are firmly in the trough

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