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jaysay 27-07-2009 16:05

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris (Post 731486)
Ah, but if we get a change of government, we'll be able to take sensible steps to deal with agricultural affairs.

Oh no, sorry, we won't because we surrendered control to the EU via the Common Agricultural Policy.

Anyway, at least we'll be able to establish a firm but fair immigration policy.

Oh no, sorry we won't because we've surrendered control of our borders to the EU.

Never mind, carry on arguing while your independence slips away... :rolleyes:

Don't tell me tell Mancie:rolleyes:

g jones 27-07-2009 22:15

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 731479)
Rather have a "Hug A Hoodie" than a half wit:D

We are spiralling towards a Cameron Government. There is no point denying it. Modern opinion polling is much more accurate.

I do not think Cameron has any real idea how to govern or the problems he faces, both policy and personnel wise (eg a Trojan Horse of 200 southern Tories demanding tax cuts).

The idea of sweeping Labour away is a fanciful panacea that hasn't worked at LCC. After getting elected the truth dawned on the Tories. It is well run, it has a good financial position and you can't ban potholes. Further, despite all the hoopla, the first decision that took 3 weeks to decide was to increase Tory allowances and privileges despite everything said on the doorstep. Cameron will be faced with 'real politics' rather than sailing along of a feather bed of media indulgence against Labour.

Governing isn't easy but Cameron and Osborne are implying to people that it is. And like local Tories banning pot holes, national Tories want to confiscate mobile phones from kids (without any paperwork) as a way of cutting crime. How long before angry parents/voters take it out at the ballot box against the Government?

The Tories can say anything and they should win. The problem is winning, there is no coherent next.

Royboy39 27-07-2009 22:44

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by g jones (Post 731620)
We are spiralling towards a Cameron Government. There is no point denying it. Modern opinion polling is much more accurate.

I do not think Cameron has any real idea how to govern or the problems he faces, both policy and personnel wise (eg a Trojan Horse of 200 southern Tories demanding tax cuts).

The idea of sweeping Labour away is a fanciful panacea that hasn't worked at LCC. After getting elected the truth dawned on the Tories. It is well run, it has a good financial position and you can't ban potholes. Further, despite all the hoopla, the first decision that took 3 weeks to decide was to increase Tory allowances and privileges despite everything said on the doorstep. Cameron will be faced with 'real politics' rather than sailing along of a feather bed of media indulgence against Labour.

Governing isn't easy but Cameron and Osborne are implying to people that it is. And like local Tories banning pot holes, national Tories want to confiscate mobile phones from kids (without any paperwork) as a way of cutting crime. How long before angry parents/voters take it out at the ballot box against the Government?

The Tories can say anything and they should win. The problem is winning, there is no coherent next.

Graham....I'm sure you would not wish the good people of Accyweb to list the blatent cock ups that the current administration have made during their reign.
I, as a pensioner, 30% worse off. Higher airport taxes than anyone in Europe, Higher taxes than anyone for alcohol and tobacco. Higher fuel taxation, The tobacco ban in the UK has destroyed whatever freedom we had to go to the local and have a pint with mates who enjoy a smoke/
The Spanish Governmet chose to ignore that ban and we in Spain can still enjoy a smoke with friends in comfort.
It comes across that the only way to defeat the toriies is to attack and that is getting a bit tiresome.
The coherant next is Brown out of No 10

jaysay 28-07-2009 08:55

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by g jones (Post 731620)
We are spiralling towards a Cameron Government. There is no point denying it. Modern opinion polling is much more accurate.

I do not think Cameron has any real idea how to govern or the problems he faces, both policy and personnel wise (eg a Trojan Horse of 200 southern Tories demanding tax cuts).

The idea of sweeping Labour away is a fanciful panacea that hasn't worked at LCC. After getting elected the truth dawned on the Tories. It is well run, it has a good financial position and you can't ban potholes. Further, despite all the hoopla, the first decision that took 3 weeks to decide was to increase Tory allowances and privileges despite everything said on the doorstep. Cameron will be faced with 'real politics' rather than sailing along of a feather bed of media indulgence against Labour.

Governing isn't easy but Cameron and Osborne are implying to people that it is. And like local Tories banning pot holes, national Tories want to confiscate mobile phones from kids (without any paperwork) as a way of cutting crime. How long before angry parents/voters take it out at the ballot box against the Government?

The Tories can say anything and they should win. The problem is winning, there is no coherent next.

Isn't that just what Blair did in the run up to 1997 there wasn't a Labour minister with any front bench experience what so ever. Your trouble is Graham you talk the talk but don't walk the walk and lets face it this country is in its worst state its ever been in, up to its neck in debt yet Brown and his little Darling keep doing the Viv Nicholson Spend Spend Spend, but of course as usual they're not the ones who will have to clear up the mess

Stumped 28-07-2009 17:55

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 731672)
Isn't that just what Blair did in the run up to 1997 there wasn't a Labour minister with any front bench experience what so ever. Your trouble is Graham you talk the talk but don't walk the walk and lets face it this country is in its worst state its ever been in, up to its neck in debt yet Brown and his little Darling keep doing the Viv Nicholson Spend Spend Spend, but of course as usual they're not the ones who will have to clear up the mess

Harold Wilson; Michael Foot; James Callaghan; previous labour prime ministers who, like the present nincompoop incumbent, did their level best to ruin the country. None of them, however, presided over the calamitous situation that this scottish toad has managed to wreak upon the nation.

Eric 28-07-2009 18:53

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Stumped (Post 731765)
Harold Wilson; Michael Foot; James Callaghan; previous labour prime ministers who, like the present nincompoop incumbent, did their level best to ruin the country. None of them, however, presided over the calamitous situation that this scottish toad has managed to wreak upon the nation.

It really doesn't matter to me whether Brown stays or leaves ... but that last sentence doesn't really make sense. You say he is presiding over a "calamitous situation." This might be the case: so is President Obama and our PM Stephen Harper. But I don't see how he can be blamed for the mess .... maybe he is useless as a PM, and that is probably a good reason for giving him the boot; but he surely can't be held responsible for the economic mess that is being shared by most of the rest of the world.

If he holds on to power for a while, until the economic turn around arives, he might be able to claim responsibility for it. Over here, we are officially out of recession with modest growth for the last quarter of the year; and a growth of about 4% next year ... and already the Conservatives are claiming responsibility and are looking to ride the good news to an electoral victory.

Bernard Dawson 28-07-2009 19:36

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 731772)
It really doesn't matter to me whether Brown stays or leaves ... but that last sentence doesn't really make sense. You say he is presiding over a "calamitous situation." This might be the case: so is President Obama and our PM Stephen Harper. But I don't see how he can be blamed for the mess .... maybe he is useless as a PM, and that is probably a good reason for giving him the boot; but he surely can't be held responsible for the economic mess that is being shared by most of the rest of the world.

If he holds on to power for a while, until the economic turn around arives, he might be able to claim responsibility for it. Over here, we are officially out of recession with modest growth for the last quarter of the year; and a growth of about 4% next year ... and already the Conservatives are claiming responsibility and are looking to ride the good news to an electoral victory.

It's interesting that Canada is now out of recession. Confidence would seem to be returning slowly in America as well

Although the British economy would seem to be lagging behind, there are however now several economist in this country predicting growth in the first quarter of 2010.

MargaretR 28-07-2009 20:15

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson (Post 731777)
Confidence would seem to be returning slowly in America as well

During my internet trawls I see no sign of a recovery in USA.
On the contrary there are predictions of massive civil unrest in October following national bankrupcy declaration expected at their financial year end at end of September.

They are even preparing to use troops returning from overseas to control the population
YouTube - Army Unit to Deploy in October for Domestic Operations

Bernard Dawson 28-07-2009 23:31

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 731784)
During my internet trawls I see no sign of a recovery in USA.
On the contrary there are predictions of massive civil unrest in October following national bankrupcy declaration expected at their financial year end at end of September.

They are even preparing to use troops returning from overseas to control the population
YouTube - Army Unit to Deploy in October for Domestic Operations

I think on this occasion Margaret, we seem to have been reading different reports on the American economy.

cashman 28-07-2009 23:44

Re: brown just go.
well i never thought i would say this but brown should slap the M.O.D. into shape, because appealing to the courts to REDUCE wounded soldiers injury payments is the most despicable thing i have ever heard, if he does not sort this insult to our fighting men out now he should go immediatly.:mad::mad:

Mancie 29-07-2009 00:10

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 731845)
well i never thought i would say this but brown should slap the M.O.D. into shape, because appealing to the courts to REDUCE wounded soldiers injury payments is the most despicable thing i have ever heard, if he does not sort this insult to our fighting men out now he should go immediatly.:mad::mad:

I agree it is beyond belief... it is a M.O.D action that has been brought by the Civil Service against appeals for increased compensation claims and has been used many,many, times in the past...I have a hunch that Brown did not even know about this does say that this Prime Minister is out of touch ....let's be honest Blair's "spinners" would have spotted this injustice and nipped it in the bud..there really is no excuse.

just a qoute..Eric Joyce, the Labour MP for Falkirk who served in the Army, said: "The government is obliged to test the principles to get absolute clarity on what appropriate levels of payment should be made."

BERNADETTE 29-07-2009 00:21

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 731845)
well i never thought i would say this but brown should slap the M.O.D. into shape, because appealing to the courts to REDUCE wounded soldiers injury payments is the most despicable thing i have ever heard, if he does not sort this insult to our fighting men out now he should go immediatly.:mad::mad:

I agree and whilst all this is going on they are still getting away with claiming ludicrous amounts of expenses ie the extra £9,000 they have just allowed theirselves. They are just treating the voters with contempt. I am talking all the ones who agree to this travesty irrespective of which party they represent. Time to get their noses out of the trough and do the right thing but won't hold my breath waiting for it to happen. The lot of them are a disgrace!!!!!

cashman 29-07-2009 00:25

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 731849)
I agree it is beyond belief... it is a M.O.D action that has been brought by the Civil Service against appeals for increased compensation claims and has been used many,many, times in the past...I have a hunch that Brown did not even know about this does say that this Prime Minister is out of touch ....let's be honest Blair's "spinners" would have spotted this injustice and nipped it in the bud..there really is no excuse.

just a qoute..Eric Joyce, the Labour MP for Falkirk who served in the Army, said: "The government is obliged to test the principles to get absolute clarity on what appropriate levels of payment should be made."

what also shocked me - under normal circumstances the tories n lib dems would have ripped the government to bits on this, yet on the news at 6-0 NOTHING, that implies to me they agree with it.:eek:

Mancie 29-07-2009 00:40

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 731851)
what also shocked me - under normal circumstances the tories n lib dems would have ripped the government to bits on this, yet on the news at 6-0 NOTHING, that implies to me they agree with it.:eek:

I reckon the liberals have nothing to lose by ripping into it.. but the tories have to use caution (unless they change the law) because this is a common response to any increase in compensation for injuries in defence personnel.. it's been going on for 50 or 60 years and the next government will inherit this farce.

Eric 29-07-2009 08:51

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson (Post 731777)
It's interesting that Canada is now out of recession. Confidence would seem to be returning slowly in America as well

Although the British economy would seem to be lagging behind, there are however now several economist in this country predicting growth in the first quarter of 2010.

I suppose it all depends on how one defines "recession". In Canada, it is two quarters of "negative growth" (I think we all know what this means, but it is a stupid way of putting it) ... if the following quarter promises growth, then the recession is over. Our advantage is, of course, our immense amount of natural resources; however, as we did participate in the bailout of GM, (20% of GM vehicles are made in Canada) we now own a fair chunk of the US automobile industry .... the govt. of Canada and the govt. of Ontario put up 20% of the bailout money ... however, unemployment is going to remain high for a while (it's always the worker who gets screwed). Maybe, if your PM holds on till the bitter end, he can claim credit for the recovery which I sincerely hope will happen in the UK. The Bank of Canada, a consrvative institution, not given to being over optimistic, seems really upbeat about our recovery. In my home town we haven't really been affected by the recession at all.

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