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I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
..... can anyone offer any advice about the type of dog to get?
I don't want a big dog but on the other hand I don't want one of those toy things - I'm thinking something along the lines of a Jack Russell but I've heard they can be quite high maintenance. Chris likes Border Collies but a friend of mine had one a while back and it was mad! A border collie is also a bit bigger than I was thinking. I've always had cats in the past so this is new to me but I'm going into it with my eyes open and doing all my research first. So, any advice would be appreciated. |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
My Mum had a border collie she was the greatest dog ever. All puppies can be barmy if not trained properly I don't think it is down to the breed just how the owner trains them.
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Border Collies are a fantastic dog very trainable but high maintenance and can be quite mad due to breeding, long hairs when they moult as well. Dont forget they are a herding dog so a ten minute walk wont stop it tearing your house apart, they can run all day long. Ive posted on Jr's on two other threads in here somewhere, again its down to training and i dont find my Albert high maintenance at all, i had a deaf Jr for four years which i trained by hand signals which was fine if he was looking my way, i had him put down when he lost his eyes, a loss never forgotten, poor old Fred. Showing him my middle finger would make him attack me, must be an insult to dogs lol.
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
We wouldn't part with out Yorkies for anything, cracking dogs, had a cocker spaniel before that, there good dogs too.
Here, just to tease ya :D Had them cut short for summer http://www.accringtonweb.com/forum/a...1&d=1248636326 |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
would definitely say a yorkie, a friend of mine has two and they are so sweet, we had a border collie called Kai, he was really placid and so lovable
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
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Hey what happened to my 2nd pic :confused:
Here's Molly http://www.accringtonweb.com/forum/a...1&d=1248637099 |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
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Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
I would never put anyone off getting a mongrel pup, as long as you meet the mother (to get an idea of size and temperament). They are often brilliant dogs. For a breed I would recommend something like a Cocker Spaniel or a Miniature Poodle. Both breeds are intelligent, good with children and not too big or too small. Spaniels shed hair twice a year and have to be groomed regularly. Poodles don't shed but you have to have them clipped regularly or they look like sheep. :D
What ever you get, please be prepared to put a lot of time into training and exercising, a lot of money into the vet's and be patient - weeing on the carpet is not an act of wilful disobedience (I mean the dog.....not you). :) |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Gayle, you must be the busiest person I know and you want to burden yourself with a dog. I have made an appointment for you at the head doctors :D:D
If you do decide to get one get a proper dog. Not something the size of a large cat. At least you can pretend it keeps you and the kids safe at night then. Get a dog and not a bitch. |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
had many dogs gayle, the best fer me is the one we got now (Paris's) its a minature schnauzer, very good with kids, they don't moult which i reckon is a godsend, just wants to play with every animal he sees, cats included. they don't come cheap but fer me worth every penny.:)
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
May I just say I disagree with Neil about dog versus bitch. I'd have a bitch every time, more loyal and more compliant. Either sex, if you're not going in for breeding, please have it neutered.
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Why would you suggest that? |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
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And they will make sure its suitable for you and your enviroment, make sure its neutered and take out insurance, vets bills can be very expensive. A well trained dog is a pleasure to have, as long as every one in the household uses the same commands, Sit, Stay, Here, Down etc, not wait a minute for stay. A dog cant understand sentences and becomes confused. Retlaw. Our Eedie |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Little girl dog. Comes into season every 6 months so has to be "confined to quarters" for about 3 weeks, sprayed with 'orrible stuff before going for a well-chaperoned walk (late at night) and put up with every Tom, Dick and Rover being prepared to camp out on the doorstep. Little boy dog. Will become single-minded if there's a bitch on heat anywhere in the vicinity. Without his canine testosterone he's less likely to be aggressive, to wander and to make a nuisance of himself (to your leg etc.). Despite good intentions, accidents do happen with un-neutered dogs and bitches. ;) |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
I was going to say a minature schnauzer but cashy beat me to it:D
bearded collies make fabulous pets but you gotta keep on top of their coats my sister has a labradoodle although pretty expensive to buy as a puppy her girl has a temperament to die for and is so entertaining quite a clown,but having said that my sister has two young children and the dog is fabulous with them. All i can add is if you are looking for a pedigree puppy ask to see the health testing certificates the breeder should have both the dams and sires hip scores.heart tests etc,ask to see the parents of the litter. as for sex i adore both males and females females do have a twice a yr season but if your not going to breed you can spay after the first season Dogs you can have neutered once they have matured ive owned males that have never wandered to get to a bitch in heat,males do scent mark though but that shouldnt put anyone off. im picking a new puppy up 2weeks today and know ive a few sleepness nights ahead of me and the toilet training,but its all good fun and the pleasure you get from owning a dog makes it all worth while |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
same style as a giant schnauzer in temperament and looks |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
The animal shelters have lots of wonderful dogs who would love a loving home, and they will repay your adopting them by becoming your best friend forever. But if you really want a purebred, what about a Rottweiler? The ultimate in companion dogs. Hera (1994-2004) was the love of my life.
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
We always had a dog at home when I was young, West Island White, never actually had one of my own, but Joan had a Boarder Cross which was barmy but a great fun dog and more recently a Dalmatian, but they really need a lot of exercise, but are a great dog
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
And even though I do speak to the fish, they don't really give much of a response! :eek: :D |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
I really want a Westie for my 30th birthday!
They aren't too big or too small... And are just the cutest things ever! Would do a lot of research on them 1st tho :D |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
They are too small, except for their theads which are too big for their bodies.
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
But then you would have a problem with any dog, they all need, walks, grooming, keeping busy, better to get a dog he is prepared to spend time with than a dog that is just a pet you can put up with because of convenience. Hey, I've learnt something from having a cat, a pet is a pet, and each pet needs looking after. (as an aside, I've had dog's and bitches, I prefer bitches, they argue more but, what then hey, they put up with less attention)! :rolleyes: |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
i,ve always had dogs , at the momont i have 3, a shih tzu , she is 10 now , a bullmastiff and a french mastiff, all get on great even though the shih szu is the boss , lol , it not what dog you get its how you train it ,
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Me too, Jaysay, me too!!! :eek: But that's why I want a dog, so that I don't have to talk to the fish. |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
:cool: |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Best of luck with the dog ... ya' take yer choice as they say. http://planetsmilies.net/animal-smiley-4950.gif |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
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One of my friends in Spain has two Schnauzers and they are gorgeous .. she has always had German Shepherds so is a step down in size for her .. so proves you can love all sizes :-
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Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
But the dogs look real cute ... I still have a preference for big dogs ... more to hug .... but, luv 'em all:D |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
[quote=jaysay;731676]Is this talking to strange things like fish, tortoises and spiders a trait of Ossy Players kate:D[/quo
I thought this was the norm for everyone from Ossy. |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
To insure a dog, mine is a labrador bitch, not a big dog at all, but good pet insurance can cost £20 a month, and rises annually. Feed on top and kennels if and when you go away for hols and such.
The food and will cost possibley an extra £10 t0 20 a month also toys etc, not to mention poo bags. Any preliminary vet fee will be £30 ish per first visit. I tried in vain to dissuade my daughter from getting on, but you guessed it after I met Crystal I immediately went to the same breeder and bought Amber. I would not be without her now. Think hard and ong before you do it. Best wishes. |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Hmmmm, it's a big decision. This is the longest I've ever been without a dog since my English Bull cross Staffie died and Sparks' Cocker Spaniel died a couple of years ago. Sparks would get another dog tomorrow but they are tying, we both work long hours and love to travel. It can be as expensive to put the dog in kennels whilst you are away, as paying for your own holiday.
Although dogs take a lot of training, walking and general looking after and can be expensive :- vet bills, insurance (doesn't cover everything), food, toys, kennel fees etc. The affection and pleasure that you get from your dog more than makes up for it. I suppose it is like having another child in the house in a way, except, this kid is always pleased to see you, doesn't answer back and doesn't demand new trainers every 2 weeks..:D They can be naughty in other ways though, as I found out when my dog had died...... I was clearing out under the stairs where she sometimes used to hide and I found about 30 balls (mostly tennis and rubber balls) that she had nicked from other dogs whilst we were on our walks and hidden very carefully lol... |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
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We've just got a Cairn Terrier - he is now 9 weeks old and certainly lives up to his name - he is a little terror!! I knew it would be hard work, but it is actually a lot harder than I thought - mainly his biting whenever I tell him no. Looking forward to when he is 12 weeks so we can drain some of his energy off on walks.
We did a lot of research before choosing a Cairn and some trainers said to avoid them because they are stubborn (so true), but if you are consistent with what he can and can't do and don't let him push those boundaries hopefully he will grow up to be well adjusted. If you do go for a puppy make sure you buy one from a home, a pup that is "socialised" and used to carpets, the washing machine, the tv, kids and other dogs is sooooo much easier than a dog that has lived outside in the shed, or in a pen, or in a barn etc with little contact with humans. We saw 3 litters; Jethro came from someone's home in Leyland with his mum, dad and his grandma as the breeders own pets. I also would recommend puppy classes - Jethro goes on his in 3 weeks. It's less than £30 for a ten week course and we've been along to watch and the pups love it! Can't wait to take him. I've got a list of classes in the area if you want to PM me I can pass it on. |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Awww how cute Liz, I grew up with a Cairn Terrier and loved her to bits and she was so easy to train too
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
Well, I've been puppy sitting for a couple of days - just to see if it was a good idea or not. I've decided it isn't.
The puppy is now on her way to sunny Blackpool, to join a real menagerie of animals with some real dog lovers. |
Re: I'm thinking of getting a puppy....
That's a shame Gayle!
Dogs can really be great, Maybe something else to consider would be re-homing an unwanted older dog? The RSPCA used to look for volunterrs in helping them out at Altham in terms of excercising them etc. We have always took on rescue dogs, the current two are Molly a Springer Spaniel who was 18 months old when we took her on mad as a hatter, will run all day, funny old temeprement but great for walking keeps ya fit!:D Cookie who is a Rhodesian Ridgeback who we took on when she was eight week old, strong as an ox, playful & mischievous and very stubborn if she dosn't want to do anything. They both get on like a house on fire and are always sociable with other animals, people & children Pupies can be hard work but the rewards as they grow up and develop are brilliant. Older dogs can be just as rewarding, either way I would rather re-home every time:) |
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