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Mancie 10-10-2009 02:44

Re: What have the Tories ever done?
no change then... cuts in welfare benefits, cuts in the NHS, a freeze on national pensions, ending of working tax credits, abolish the minimum wage..but tax cuts for those earning over £70k a year.... the Tories tell us they have to make hard decisions...non of these "hard decisions" involve the already well off..the ones who will suffer the most hardship under Tory rule will be the old, the sick, pensioners and the working men and women... same as usuall.

andrewb 10-10-2009 07:28

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 752058)
no change then... cuts in welfare benefits, cuts in the NHS, a freeze on national pensions, ending of working tax credits, abolish the minimum wage..but tax cuts for those earning over £70k a year.... the Tories tell us they have to make hard decisions...non of these "hard decisions" involve the already well off..the ones who will suffer the most hardship under Tory rule will be the old, the sick, pensioners and the working men and women... same as usuall.

Mancie is your trail of thought just to come on Accringtonweb without going near any form of news source and then spout rubbish about the Conservative party?

Under a Conservative government those on incapacity benefits who genuinely cannot work will get more help than they're currently getting. The frontline NHS will be ring fenced - a commitment Labour have not made. There will be an increase in the basic state pension and it will be linked with earnings so that pensioners get more every year. This is paid for by bringing the rise of the retirement age forward. Increasing the working tax credit for couples to abolish the shambles of an idea that it's financially better for couples to live apart than together. A commitment to keep the minimum wage - even mentioned in keynote speech. Public sector pay freeze for 1 year for those earning above £18,000. A tax increase for those in the highest tax band from 40% to 50%. A 5% cut in ministerial pay and then frozen for the entire parliament and an initial 10% cut of MPs.

Just some of the commitments so far - rather contradictory to your post Mancie. :rolleyes:

carlmason 10-10-2009 08:02

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 749878)

opposed the NHS
opposed the child labour act
opposed womens right to vote
opposed discrimination acts
opposed all national benifts
opposed nation pension
opposed a minimum wage


Youve missed one out.....

What will they do?

get Brown sacked which is worth anyones vote. Up the Tory boys!!!!!!

MargaretR 10-10-2009 08:27

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by carlmason (Post 752084)
Up the Tory boys!!!!!!

They are trained in that at Eton aren't they :rolleyes:

jaysay 10-10-2009 09:23

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 752058)
no change then... cuts in welfare benefits, cuts in the NHS, a freeze on national pensions, ending of working tax credits, abolish the minimum wage..but tax cuts for those earning over £70k a year.... the Tories tell us they have to make hard decisions...non of these "hard decisions" involve the already well off..the ones who will suffer the most hardship under Tory rule will be the old, the sick, pensioners and the working men and women... same as usuall.

You really do need to take more water with it Mancie, it IS starting to fuddle your brain:D

carlmason 10-10-2009 10:54

Re: What have the Tories ever done?
good to see you have a true tory name margaret. Greatest leader of our time.

jaysay 10-10-2009 10:58

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by carlmason (Post 752147)
good to see you have a true tory name margaret. Greatest leader of our time.

See your newish on here carl, your dicing with death connecting our Margaret (either of them) to the Blessed One:D

MargaretR 10-10-2009 11:03

Re: What have the Tories ever done?
During the Thatcher despotic rule, a man once said the same.
I shut him up by asking 'Is your name Richard?'

jaysay 10-10-2009 13:55

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 752150)
During the Thatcher despotic rule, a man once said the same.
I shut him up by asking 'Is your name Richard?'

Was his second name Head by any chance Margaret:D

Mancie 10-10-2009 22:47

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 752077)
Mancie is your trail of thought just to come on Accringtonweb without going near any form of news source and then spout rubbish about the Conservative party?

Under a Conservative government those on incapacity benefits who genuinely cannot work will get more help than they're currently getting. The frontline NHS will be ring fenced - a commitment Labour have not made. There will be an increase in the basic state pension and it will be linked with earnings so that pensioners get more every year. This is paid for by bringing the rise of the retirement age forward. Increasing the working tax credit for couples to abolish the shambles of an idea that it's financially better for couples to live apart than together. A commitment to keep the minimum wage - even mentioned in keynote speech. Public sector pay freeze for 1 year for those earning above £18,000. A tax increase for those in the highest tax band from 40% to 50%. A 5% cut in ministerial pay and then frozen for the entire parliament and an initial 10% cut of MPs.

Just some of the commitments so far - rather contradictory to your post Mancie. :rolleyes:

it may surprise you Andrew that I got my info from the Daily Mail..I admit that I did not watch any of the gut wrenching Tory Conference speeches which for me seem to be akin to the Nuremberg Rallies...almost everything in your post seem to be reasonable policies but I don't believe any of it....history shows that when the Tories start talking about hard decisions it is the less well off that take the brunt... Tories always balance the books by squeezing the vast majority.. thats what they do ..simple!

Taggy 10-10-2009 23:19

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 752077)
Mancie is your trail of thought just to come on Accringtonweb without going near any form of news source and then spout rubbish about the Conservative party?

Under a Conservative government those on incapacity benefits who genuinely cannot work will get more help than they're currently getting. The frontline NHS will be ring fenced - a commitment Labour have not made. There will be an increase in the basic state pension and it will be linked with earnings so that pensioners get more every year. This is paid for by bringing the rise of the retirement age forward. Increasing the working tax credit for couples to abolish the shambles of an idea that it's financially better for couples to live apart than together. A commitment to keep the minimum wage - even mentioned in keynote speech. Public sector pay freeze for 1 year for those earning above £18,000. A tax increase for those in the highest tax band from 40% to 50%. A 5% cut in ministerial pay and then frozen for the entire parliament and an initial 10% cut of MPs.

Just some of the commitments so far - rather contradictory to your post Mancie. :rolleyes:

I might be missing something here, but can you clarify the point that people on Incapacity Benefit who are in genuine need, will get more under the tory's than they are currently getting.? What have the Consevative's actually said about benefit amounts?

Best Regards - Taggy

Mancie 11-10-2009 00:45

Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Exlusive.. a leaked photo of the new medical examination for incapicty benifit claims under the Tories

andrewb 11-10-2009 07:04

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by Taggy (Post 752369)
I might be missing something here, but can you clarify the point that people on Incapacity Benefit who are in genuine need, will get more under the tory's than they are currently getting.? What have the Consevative's actually said about benefit amounts?

Best Regards - Taggy

I'm not sure if it was in a speech but it was definitely on question time on Thursday. George Osborne said that they will try and get those on incapacity benefits who can work into work. For those who genuinely cannot work more help will be provided. He didn't state what 'help' was, whether it's monetary or a form of service for the individual concerned.

Neil 11-10-2009 08:38

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 752397)
Exlusive.. a leaked photo of the new medical examination for incapicty benifit claims under the Tories

There are so many wrongly on benefit's now I think that must be the test under the current scheme. If you win you are fit to work and get nothing. Everyone who falls in can have whatever benefits they want :rolleyes:

Taggy 11-10-2009 09:16

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 752415)
I'm not sure if it was in a speech but it was definitely on question time on Thursday. George Osborne said that they will try and get those on incapacity benefits who can work into work. For those who genuinely cannot work more help will be provided. He didn't state what 'help' was, whether it's monetary or a form of service for the individual concerned.

The only promise they have actually made Andrew, is that ALL claiments, no matter how badly disabled they are, will need to travel to an assessment centre, to undergo a new medical assessment, which they hope will lead to them taking around 500,000 off IB and onto Job Seekers Allowance, this will reduce their benefit by about £25 per week. They have not promissed anything at all for the remainder of claiments left on IB other than to continue paying them that Benefit.

Best Regards - Taggy

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