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Mancie 16-10-2009 22:00

Re: What have the Tories ever done?
bow to you new Masters.. David Cameron..George Osbourne..Boris Johnston..
the Eton Rifles have now grown up..take care now

Boeing Guy 16-10-2009 22:18

Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Mancie's back, great, lets have a drink:Banane48::Banane48::Banane48::Banane48:

Boeing Guy 16-10-2009 22:23

Re: What have the Tories ever done?
They dress better than GB and his lot, Mancie

MargaretR 16-10-2009 22:29

Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Is there a name for-
a group of Italian waiters?

spignific 17-10-2009 01:43

Re: What have the Tories ever done?
ive started to accept the fact that tories will be in power next.
the majority wont be very much though so they cant get through any policy thats too dodgy.maybe that means the bosses wont be able to **** on every worker in accrington any more than in the past and it wont be much of a change.hopefully.

recently cameron went to pause for photos at the salford lads club in front of the famous SMITHS board but that hazel whatever mp woman held him up delibrately so he didnt have time to do it.i was well chuffed .
shes a cheat and he's a fraud so neither should be allowed there anyway..
beckham came back,get tony blair back i say

actually my mate mr g jones should be pm haaaaaaaaa

jaysay 17-10-2009 08:55

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by spignific (Post 754358)
ive started to accept the fact that tories will be in power next.
the majority wont be very much though so they cant get through any policy thats too dodgy.maybe that means the bosses wont be able to **** on every worker in accrington any more than in the past and it wont be much of a change.hopefully.

recently cameron went to pause for photos at the salford lads club in front of the famous SMITHS board but that hazel whatever mp woman held him up delibrately so he didnt have time to do it.i was well chuffed .
shes a cheat and he's a fraud so neither should be allowed there anyway..
beckham came back,get tony blair back i say

actually my mate mr g jones should be pm haaaaaaaaa

Well he seems to have PMT whenever he comes on here:D

Wynonie Harris 18-10-2009 10:47

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by spignific (Post 754358)
get tony blair back i say

What? So he can con us into entering another unnecessary war which will cause the deaths of more British lads and lasses?

steeljack 19-10-2009 01:53

Re: What have the Tories ever done?
at least this sacrilidge would never happen under the Tories ,
Noddy returns without the golliwogs , PC Labour gone mad

jaysay 19-10-2009 09:31

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by steeljack (Post 754838)
at least this sacrilege would never happen under the Tories ,
Noddy returns without the golliwogs , PC Labour gone mad

Noddy returns without the golliwogs - Telegraph

Typical SJ, but what about Humpty Dumpty too

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a big fall
All the Kings horses and all the Kings men
Couldn't put Humpty together again/


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a big fall
All the Kings horses and all the Kings men
made Humpty Dumpty Happy again:rolleyes:

You couldn't make it up

Eric 21-10-2009 01:50

Re: What have the Tories ever done?
What's all this I read about the tories forming links with East European parties in Poland and Latvia, parties with definite ultra right wing agendas? The Latvian "For Fatherland and Freedom Party" stinks of antisemitism. Didn't we fight a war about that shlt a few decades ago?

andrewb 21-10-2009 14:35

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 755316)
What's all this I read about the tories forming links with East European parties in Poland and Latvia, parties with definite ultra right wing agendas? The Latvian "For Fatherland and Freedom Party" stinks of antisemitism. Didn't we fight a war about that shlt a few decades ago?

I'd take what you read with a pinch of salt Eric. There are a lot of politically motivated incorrect rumours being spread by those who wish for a federal Europe in an attempt to discredit the reformists new grouping.

Eric 21-10-2009 16:01

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 755364)
I'd take what you read with a pinch of salt Eric. There are a lot of politically motivated incorrect rumours being spread by those who wish for a federal Europe in an attempt to discredit the reformists new grouping.

Actually, I got it from "The Guardian" ...

Eric 22-10-2009 03:55

Re: What have the Tories ever done?
And why is William Hague defending the tory's alliance with the European right wingers in a meeting with Secretary of State Clinton? If these guys are so far to the right in their foreign policy, doesn't this suggest that they will act in the same way in their domestic policy?

andrewb 22-10-2009 09:31

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 755529)
And why is William Hague defending the tory's alliance with the European right wingers in a meeting with Secretary of State Clinton? If these guys are so far to the right in their foreign policy, doesn't this suggest that they will act in the same way in their domestic policy?

They have formed a grouping that doesn't want a federal Europe. I suppose many federalists therefore would call them far right. They have no democratic basis to argue with them and therefore must try and trade insults or smears. I think it's just about having our own nations sovereignty. Making decisions here not in Brussels.

Eric 22-10-2009 17:29

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 755555)
They have formed a grouping that doesn't want a federal Europe. I suppose many federalists therefore would call them far right. They have no democratic basis to argue with them and therefore must try and trade insults or smears. I think it's just about having our own nations sovereignty. Making decisions here not in Brussels.

Ok, I get your drift ... but, if, as you state, it is a matter of British sovereignty why would the tories form a "grouping" that seems (from what I read at a distance, admitedly) to hold such un-British values and ideas:confused: If it is a question of making decisions in Westminster rather than Brussels, why not, well, just make decisions in Westminster:confused:

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