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andrewb 22-10-2009 17:42

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 755613)
Ok, I get your drift ... but, if, as you state, it is a matter of British sovereignty why would the tories form a "grouping" that seems (from what I read at a distance, admitedly) to hold such un-British values and ideas:confused: If it is a question of making decisions in Westminster rather than Brussels, why not, well, just make decisions in Westminster:confused:

Well because we don't have the power to do so as it's been handed over to Europe. We need to fight to have powers given back so we can decide on things ourselves. The problem with the EU is you have to be in groupings to get things done. The Conservatives felt being in a pro-federal group was counterproductive to their reformist approach and therefore built a new group with MEP's whom shared their views on taking back powers.

If you look at the backgrounds of the parties Labour are grouping with in the EU you'll find many you will disagree with. That's part of the problem of Europe. Just another reason why they should have less of a say over our domestic policy.

Eric 22-10-2009 17:59

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 755620)
Well because we don't have the power to do so as it's been handed over to Europe. We need to fight to have powers given back so we can decide on things ourselves. The problem with the EU is you have to be in groupings to get things done. The Conservatives felt being in a pro-federal group was counterproductive to their reformist approach and therefore built a new group with MEP's whom shared their views on taking back powers.

If you look at the backgrounds of the parties Labour are grouping with in the EU you'll find many you will disagree with. That's part of the problem of Europe. Just another reason why they should have less of a say over our domestic policy.

What do you mean, you don't have the power? Of course you do. Unless you guys have completely squandered your independence; and I really don't see how that could have happened:confused: In our much smaller (tho' not in the sense of surface area) country, with a much larger and more powerful neighbour, we maintain an independent foreign and domestic policy. We do have strong ties with the US, but take a real close look and you will see how different we are from them ... in foreign policy, Cuba and Iraq come immediately to mind. I can't see the that difficulties involved in the British doing what is best for Britain are all that insurmountable ... certainly it shouldn't involve getting all warm and fuzzy with a bunch of Lativians who think Auschwitz was a good start.

MargaretR 25-10-2009 16:58

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 753741)
Massive debt is not just a local (UK) problem.
I have been watching Gerald Celente's forecasts for several months now.
His latest trend announcement can be heard here
Gerald Celente News Blog

The dollar is about to collapse completely.
The USA is bankrupt, and this is due to be realised/admitted before year end.
The first sign will be a prolonged 'bank holiday' when cash movements will be frozen.

PS to my post#70 part quoted above.
Strange goings on are happening to the banking system this weekend

SPUGGIE J 25-10-2009 17:13

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 756537)
PS to my post#70 part quoted above.
Strange goings on are happening to the banking system this weekend

Hate financial surprises. And as for banks they are about as open as to what they are doing as their vaults are open to the public to lift all the cash they can carry.

Boeing Guy 26-10-2009 09:38

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

PS to my post#70 part quoted above.
Strange goings on are happening to the banking system this weekend
This link is now dead, looked at it last night made interesting reading, but as you know me Margaret I am a bit of a cynic and did not believe it. It seemed to say we were in big trouble today? seems like it did not happen.

Boeing Guy 07-12-2009 12:39

Re: What have the Tories ever done?
So Maragret, Any news on this then.....
The dollar is about to collapse completely.
The USA is bankrupt, and this is due to be realised/admitted before year end.
The first sign will be a prolonged 'bank holiday' when cash movements will be frozen.- (maybe worldwide depending on what they decided at the recent meeting in Philadelphia) You will not be told about this bank holiday in advance, so that a 'run on the banks' can be avoided.
On re-opening for business a new currency will be announced.
This might be the Amero (which has already been minted) (Attn Eric - USA, Canada & Mexico to be merged)
or a New World Currency
People who have debts are about to lose less than those who have savings - but both will be losers.
When the dollar fails there will be knock on effect worldwide.
I do not know what these will be - any suggestions?

This is not conspiracy theory - it is evolving FACT

The October Bank Holiday never happened... Would be interesting to hear the 'Truth'....

MargaretR 07-12-2009 12:47

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy (Post 768149)
So Maragret, Any news on this then.....
The dollar is about to collapse completely.
The USA is bankrupt, and this is due to be realised/admitted before year end.
The first sign will be a prolonged 'bank holiday' when cash movements will be frozen.- (maybe worldwide depending on what they decided at the recent meeting in Philadelphia) You will not be told about this bank holiday in advance, so that a 'run on the banks' can be avoided.
On re-opening for business a new currency will be announced.
This might be the Amero (which has already been minted) (Attn Eric - USA, Canada & Mexico to be merged)
or a New World Currency
People who have debts are about to lose less than those who have savings - but both will be losers.
When the dollar fails there will be knock on effect worldwide.
I do not know what these will be - any suggestions?

This is not conspiracy theory - it is evolving FACT

The October Bank Holiday never happened... Would be interesting to hear the 'Truth'....

Patience:).......many nations haven't managed to get their gold reserves up to scratch yet.
This has been hampered by gold plated tungsten bars being found in reserves in China and which originated in USA.
There are a lot of 'heated exchanges' going on about it;)

jaysay 07-12-2009 16:30

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 768152)
Patience:).......many nations haven't managed to get their gold reserves up to scratch yet.
This has been hampered by gold plated tungsten bars being found in reserves in China and which originated in USA.
There are a lot of 'heated exchanges' going on about it;)

Trouble is Margaret we have no gold Gordon sold it at rock bottom prices:(

Gordie 07-12-2009 18:05

Re: What have the Tories ever done?

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 749943)
Posted via Mobile Device whats a babana republic?

I think he may have ment Osama :D

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