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What have the Tories ever done?
can anyone tell us what the Tories have done for the majority of people in this country?..I'll get the ball rolling by listing what they have not done and what they have opposed in their entire history:
opposed the NHS opposed the child labour act opposed womens right to vote opposed discrimination acts opposed all national benifts opposed nation pension opposed a minimum wage things they have done: brought in laws against homosexuals; took us into the EC; signed a treaty in 1985 that allowed any immigrants in the EC to live and work in any other EC country and ratified the treaty in 1995; devastated industry and manufacturing in an attempt to abolish unions caused recessions that make the present one a picnic; there's lots more but I don't want to bore the life out of people ;) |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Been there - done all that.:confused::confused: |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Posted via Mobile Device whats a babana republic?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
I heard a bit on the news a while ago where it was mentioned that New Labour in 1997 took over from a party of crooks and toffs who had alienated the country. Now it's come full circle and it looks as if Labour will be that party of crooks who are replaced. I don't completely go along with that as the Tories have been just as bad with regards to the expenses scandal, but it was sort of expected of them wasn't it. Labour have hit rock bottom and need to dust off their original ideals in order to rescue the people from the nasty blues. The only way I'll vote for Labour though is if Alan Johnson replaces Gordon Brown.
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
are you mad.?? got country on it's feet. that's what... bring back maggie... what's this shower done ??????????? how many year's you tell me ????? we are now on our knee's ... labour government . never again please... god....... now get out of that... silly thread any way..
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
The Tories were much better fodder for comedians.
Although my Hazel Blear's Tufty Club act is starting to pick up a cult following. |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
ermmm i'll be back when i think of something :gif_12: |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
The Tories were/are good for those with low self-esteem.
It provided them with the illusion that there was someone better than themselves, who they could always look up to. |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Who sold over half of our Gold Reserves at c.$300 per ounce - it is now worth over $1000 per ounce - errm, wasn't that Mr Brown?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
All governments have to make decisions. Maggot sold all our Black Gold at 10 dollars a barrel and it has reached $144 a barrel. All our public assets that the day after where worth double or triple on the stock market, deliberatly underpriced. Jaysay, your arguments are inflamatory because they are so contradictory and measured in £s sterling so wrong to the waste under Maggie.
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Defending the selling of gold that even at the time was sold at terrible low value Graham. I think you'll agree the selling of an energy source is slightly difference to selling a metal that is entirely monetary value not a functioning resource. Labour would be much better off if you are honest with people and admit where you went wrong.
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
well said john.. was just about to send same ....
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
:rolleyes: :D |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Did see that Judith Addison has registered as a member though (under her own name) .. maybe she will be his mouthpiece ?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
http://www.secretworld.org/blog/wp-c...compressed.jpg :D |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
LOL ... wonder whose hand is operating them then (am trying not to be rude) ...:D
Can't wait for Andrew to get back from the Tory conference and let us know what David is now going to do for us all ... haven't heard anything substantial up to press .. ?? Yes, I will listen. |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Ok Jaysay, but I want to know how it is going to affect me, me, ME ! :D |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
if you toris delgalet from burney hynburn area they get free travel to manchester go to trandev burnley and pendle web site that wer the in fomation.and they complan about pesnor and disbale having free trave.it like conservert are only lookin out for themself.one rule for one andnone for he other:enough:
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
the tories also have said pensions will be frozen..all transport upgrades will be banned .. get used to it !
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
no change then... cuts in welfare benefits, cuts in the NHS, a freeze on national pensions, ending of working tax credits, abolish the minimum wage..but tax cuts for those earning over £70k a year.... the Tories tell us they have to make hard decisions...non of these "hard decisions" involve the already well off..the ones who will suffer the most hardship under Tory rule will be the old, the sick, pensioners and the working men and women... same as usuall.
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Under a Conservative government those on incapacity benefits who genuinely cannot work will get more help than they're currently getting. The frontline NHS will be ring fenced - a commitment Labour have not made. There will be an increase in the basic state pension and it will be linked with earnings so that pensioners get more every year. This is paid for by bringing the rise of the retirement age forward. Increasing the working tax credit for couples to abolish the shambles of an idea that it's financially better for couples to live apart than together. A commitment to keep the minimum wage - even mentioned in keynote speech. Public sector pay freeze for 1 year for those earning above £18,000. A tax increase for those in the highest tax band from 40% to 50%. A 5% cut in ministerial pay and then frozen for the entire parliament and an initial 10% cut of MPs. Just some of the commitments so far - rather contradictory to your post Mancie. :rolleyes: |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
What will they do? get Brown sacked which is worth anyones vote. Up the Tory boys!!!!!! |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
good to see you have a true tory name margaret. Greatest leader of our time.
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
During the Thatcher despotic rule, a man once said the same.
I shut him up by asking 'Is your name Richard?' |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Best Regards - Taggy |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Exlusive.. a leaked photo of the new medical examination for incapicty benifit claims under the Tories
http://www.321-tele-realite.com/wp-c...-wipeout-1.jpg |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Best Regards - Taggy |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
The only way Council Tax can stay at a 0% rise is by cutting costs - which will inevitably mean staff. Before you accuse me of only posting to be inflammtory - I have been away on holiday for the last 2 weeks. |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
There are other costs involved in providing services as well as staff costs. |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
If you think (in your own words) that EVERYBODY has been screwed to the floor under Labour I reckon not... maybe the EVERYBODY you talk of are the high wage earners that don't like the idea of paying tax for services in this country..and that would be no surprise from a life long Tory supporter. |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
No one gets a pay rise so that's 0% - which is better than in the private sector. So no cuts in staff and no cuts in services. Easy when you can do your sums, unlike most labour people. |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Remember this - the average public sector payroll package is now higher than that of the private sector, everywhere in the UK, other than London and the South-East. So you tell us who the fat cats are. |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Are your personal day to day living costs running at 0% ? I know that mine are not - all my insurance premiums have increased this year and I am struggling to keep my food bills at a 0% and the cost of petrol is now about 12p a litre more than it was earlier in the year. Try asking pensioners if they have a 0% inflation rate - they are not benefiting from lower mortgage rates as most do not have a mortgage |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
[quote=claytonender;752996]What about the cuts in services that will follow the freezing of Council Tax?
The only way Council Tax can stay at a 0% rise is by cutting costs - which will inevitably mean staff.[quote] How about increasing productivity using the staff you have to maintain and improve services. This is something that the private sector has had to do for many years but the public sector does not appear to understand. You just take more from the tax payer. |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
its bomfire night soon and what better time and excuse to put a much needed rocket up teh arses of the staff at the council
if the council employees had to answer to somone or they had any competion they would be bankrupt because no one would use them , iv dealt with some dumb firkers in my time but you can get further with an indian chasing a snake around the office thousands of miles away with a very poor grasp of the english language than dealing with anyone at the council too much job security in council jobs , a fraction of the cockups made effecting peoples lives would get someone fired in a real world job |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
[QUOTE=Neil;753064][quote=claytonender;752996]What about the cuts in services that will follow the freezing of Council Tax?
The only way Council Tax can stay at a 0% rise is by cutting costs - which will inevitably mean staff. Quote:
You might read these two reports (only had time to do a quick google search - so sorry if not relevant) http://www.hyndburnbc.gov.uk/downloads/procstratnew.pdf http://www.hyndburnbc.gov.uk/downloa...l_Strategy.pdf Unfortuantely because Hyndburn is a very small authority there are certain areas where making even more saving would really effect the level of service the public receive. |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Just found this, BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Was this Thatcher's greatest legacy?
Makes interesting reading in light of Rover, Jaguar, Land Rover, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Aston Martin and of course Vauxhall...... I am sure that there will be some labour spin on it though:D |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
IMHO I think that is not something that just the Labour government would benefit from...!! the Tories could also do with a large dose of that medicine too..but I feel that this is somewhat hard for a politician to swallow..... ! |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
I wonder what they plan to spend £40million on? |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
as an interested outsider.......from following this and other threads it seems the biggest slice of Council tax goes to the LCC, and Hyndburn BC get the table scraps yet it comes in for most of the criticism. How many LCC Councillors represent Hyndburn ? . Apart from G Jones dont think I have read any posts on Accy web from any others ....do they know Accy web exists ?
And can someone also explain how a politician who is booted out of pubic office by the electorate qualifies (and gets within 3 months) a part-time civil service job paying £24K supervising the local hospital without the job being advertised . just curious |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Massive debt is not just a local (UK) problem.
I have been watching Gerald Celente's forecasts for several months now. His latest trend announcement can be heard here Gerald Celente News Blog The dollar is about to collapse completely. The USA is bankrupt, and this is due to be realised/admitted before year end. The first sign will be a prolonged 'bank holiday' when cash movements will be frozen.- (maybe worldwide depending on what they decided at the recent meeting in Philadelphia) You will not be told about this bank holiday in advance, so that a 'run on the banks' can be avoided. On re-opening for business a new currency will be announced. This might be the Amero (which has already been minted) http://www.accringtonweb.com/forum/f...ged-47655.html or a New World:rolleyes: Currency People who have debts are about to lose less than those who have savings - but both will be losers. When the dollar fails there will be knock on effect worldwide. I do not know what these will be - any suggestions? This is not conspiracy theory - it is evolving FACT |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Margaret, the Amero debate... well here is a direct quote from the guy.
No i am not a Jew, just Church of England. |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
So put in the thread you have quoted from.:rolleyes:
There are liars on all sides - you need to hear all, before your intuition leads you decide what is true - ..................... if anything |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
And also I have found the designer of the Amero coin.....
UNA Amero Pattern Coins but I am sure this is probably just another Jewish conspiracy to keep us at bay:D So by Christmas we should know if so Margaret I will apologise. Will you come back and do so? Also now put in the correct place. |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
What have the tories ever done? Mmmm ... seems like one, David Wilshire, has topped the list of those ripping off the taxpayer .... $200 000.00 seems to be quite an oversight on his part .... oooops:eek: If all the MPs who had their snouts too deep in the public trough did not run for re-election, there would be an awful lot of rookie members after the election.:rolleyes:
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
bow to you new Masters.. David Cameron..George Osbourne..Boris Johnston..
the Eton Rifles have now grown up..take care now http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1zLNV2F_hR...ngdon+club.JPG |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Mancie's back, great, lets have a drink:Banane48::Banane48::Banane48::Banane48:
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
They dress better than GB and his lot, Mancie
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Is there a name for-
a group of Italian waiters? |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
ive started to accept the fact that tories will be in power next.
the majority wont be very much though so they cant get through any policy thats too dodgy.maybe that means the bosses wont be able to **** on every worker in accrington any more than in the past and it wont be much of a change.hopefully. recently cameron went to pause for photos at the salford lads club in front of the famous SMITHS board but that hazel whatever mp woman held him up delibrately so he didnt have time to do it.i was well chuffed . shes a cheat and he's a fraud so neither should be allowed there anyway.. beckham came back,get tony blair back i say actually my mate mr g jones should be pm haaaaaaaaa |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
at least this sacrilidge would never happen under the Tories ,
Noddy returns without the golliwogs , PC Labour gone mad http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/6359...golliwogs.html |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a big fall All the Kings horses and all the Kings men Couldn't put Humpty together again/ OH YES THEY CAN ON CBBs Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a big fall All the Kings horses and all the Kings men made Humpty Dumpty Happy again:rolleyes: You couldn't make it up |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
What's all this I read about the tories forming links with East European parties in Poland and Latvia, parties with definite ultra right wing agendas? The Latvian "For Fatherland and Freedom Party" stinks of antisemitism. Didn't we fight a war about that shlt a few decades ago?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
And why is William Hague defending the tory's alliance with the European right wingers in a meeting with Secretary of State Clinton? If these guys are so far to the right in their foreign policy, doesn't this suggest that they will act in the same way in their domestic policy?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
If you look at the backgrounds of the parties Labour are grouping with in the EU you'll find many you will disagree with. That's part of the problem of Europe. Just another reason why they should have less of a say over our domestic policy. |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Strange goings on are happening to the banking system this weekend GOING GLOBAL - EAST MEETS WEST - ARTICLES OF INTEREST: BANKS WORLDWIDE GET READY FOR THE OCTOBER SURPRISE! |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
So Maragret, Any news on this then.....
The dollar is about to collapse completely. The USA is bankrupt, and this is due to be realised/admitted before year end. The first sign will be a prolonged 'bank holiday' when cash movements will be frozen.- (maybe worldwide depending on what they decided at the recent meeting in Philadelphia) You will not be told about this bank holiday in advance, so that a 'run on the banks' can be avoided. On re-opening for business a new currency will be announced. This might be the Amero (which has already been minted) http://www.accringtonweb.com/forum/f...ged-47655.html (Attn Eric - USA, Canada & Mexico to be merged) or a New World Currency People who have debts are about to lose less than those who have savings - but both will be losers. When the dollar fails there will be knock on effect worldwide. I do not know what these will be - any suggestions? This is not conspiracy theory - it is evolving FACT The October Bank Holiday never happened... Would be interesting to hear the 'Truth'.... |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
This has been hampered by gold plated tungsten bars being found in reserves in China and which originated in USA. There are a lot of 'heated exchanges' going on about it;) http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article14996.html |
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
Re: What have the Tories ever done?
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