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mattylad 22-02-2010 18:44

Watch where your taking photo's round here!
B eware when taking pics in Accy town centre, the police are out to get you.

Absolutely bloody pathetic - I'd do the same as he has done.

The police should be ashamed of themselves. :mad::mad:

Less 22-02-2010 18:52

re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Similar happened to our very own little trouble maker a few years ago!

accyman 22-02-2010 19:56

re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
lol they say in the clip he dosnt want to be named then underneath theres this


Bob Patefield used his video camera to record the moment police stopped him from taking photographs of Accrington town centre

DaveinGermany 22-02-2010 19:56

re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
How far up themselves are these people ?? absolutely atrocious behaviour is he going to do them for wrongful arrest ? Police harassment ? I would if I were him I'd make such an issue out of this episode, they'd wished they'd have just left him be.

accyman 22-02-2010 20:06

re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
you can thank president bush and tony blair for things like this happening

the officer was clearly lieing about complaints been made or they would have had a case and prosecuted so it just proves that an officer can make up a total fabrication and arrest you on the basis of it.

this guy because of a plastic cop and a lying cop will now not be able to holiday in america if he chooses to because he will now be on a list somewhere and be flagged on airport security .

meanwhile on that day how many houses were burgled or how many people were attacked while thse two poor excuses for law enforcement officers harrased a camera man

god help anyone taking a picture with their mobile they will say you are talking to binladin and sending him pictures

garinda 22-02-2010 20:15

re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
'My name is Bob Patefield and I work as an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner.'

Probably stay free for longer if he'd just given the nice Bobby his name.

For all we know he might have been snapping up women's skirts, or taking photos of kids.

Watching the video makes me feel he was enjoying being a plank.

garinda 22-02-2010 20:28

re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
It does sound shocking, until you watch the video of the arrogant git.

I'd have pepper sprayed him, before coshin' 'n' cuffin' the Richard Head.

Gayle 22-02-2010 20:36

re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
I was out there the week before that happened and I didn't get stopped or questioned. But then again, I wasn't acting suspiciously.

garinda 22-02-2010 21:01

re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!

Originally Posted by Gayle (Post 790595)
I was out there the week before that happened and I didn't get stopped or questioned. But then again, I wasn't acting suspiciously.

Exactly, and if asked I presume, like myself, you'd quite happily told the policewoman your name etc.

'The sergeant also alluded to complaints from the public
In a statement, Lancashire police said they and members of the public were "concerned about the way in which [Patefield] was using his camera". It said police felt they had "no choice" but to arrest him because he was refusing to co-operate.'

The police seemed very reasonable and friendly to me.

He wanted confrontation.

He'd be better off getting a life.

spex357 22-02-2010 21:24

re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 790579)
'My name is Bob Patefield and I work as an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner.'

Probably stay free for longer if he'd just given the nice Bobby his name.

That would be giving in, wouldnt it?


Originally Posted by garinda (Post 790579)
For all we know he might have been snapping up women's skirts, or taking photos of kids.

He wasnt, he was trying out his new camera


Originally Posted by garinda (Post 790579)
Watching the video makes me feel he was enjoying being a plank.

Enjoying standing up for his rights doesnt make him a plank

accyman 22-02-2010 21:26

re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
how do u suspiciously take a photo of father christmas ?

was he hiding behind a bin and wearing a long mac ?

arogant or not the police had no buisness bothering him but it does show how their new powers can easily be abused

Tealeaf 22-02-2010 21:26

re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Surely all this ****** had to do was address the police officers in a civil and responsible manner and then explain exactly what he was doing and why? He would not have been nicked. Not only that, it seriously peeves me off when people come on this very website complaining about there being a paedophile or terrorist on every street corner and then whinge when the police do their very difficult job in checking out any possible types who fit that profile.

accyman 22-02-2010 21:30

re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!

Originally Posted by Tealeaf (Post 790611)
Surely all this ****** had to do was address the police officers in a civil and responsible manner and then explain exactly what he was doing and why? He would not have been nicked. Not only that, it seriously peeves me off when people come on this very website complaining about there being a paedophile or terrorist on every street corner and then whinge when the police do their very difficult job in checking out any possible types who fit that profile.

someone leering down a lens into a playground or school yard is totaly different than someone taking pictures in the town center unless he has a santa claus fetish and was masterbating while taking teh pictures i dont see how what he was doing could be deemed suspicous at all

next they will be stopping people with a limp because they are walking suspiciously and may have a machettee down their trouser leg or limping because they may have a stick of dynamite up tehir arse :rolleyes:

anyway who woudl bother bombing accrington town center teh damage has already been done by HBC they couldnt possibly make it any worse

how long before parents start getting dragged off to the cells for taking pictures of tehir kids on teh fun rides they put in town ?

Tealeaf 22-02-2010 22:09

re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!

Originally Posted by accyman (Post 790612)
someone leering down a lens into a playground or school yard is totaly different than someone taking pictures in the town center unless he has a santa claus fetish and was masterbating while taking teh pictures i dont see how what he was doing could be deemed suspicous at all

And who is it who hangs around Santa Claus on such an occaision as this? Is it old biddies on their Zimmer frames? Is the local drunks after staggering out the local hostelry? No. it's the local kiddies,,,,and if you are a Paedo, then that is the time to leer down the lens.

cashman 22-02-2010 22:29

Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
after watching the video, seemed to me like a publicity seeking knob.:rolleyes:

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