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Watch where your taking photo's round here!
B eware when taking pics in Accy town centre, the police are out to get you.
Link. Absolutely bloody pathetic - I'd do the same as he has done. The police should be ashamed of themselves. :mad::mad: |
re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Similar happened to our very own little trouble maker a few years ago!
http://www.accringtonweb.com/forum/f...cafe-3601.html http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/s7786.gif |
re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
lol they say in the clip he dosnt want to be named then underneath theres this
re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
How far up themselves are these people ?? absolutely atrocious behaviour is he going to do them for wrongful arrest ? Police harassment ? I would if I were him I'd make such an issue out of this episode, they'd wished they'd have just left him be.
re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
you can thank president bush and tony blair for things like this happening
the officer was clearly lieing about complaints been made or they would have had a case and prosecuted so it just proves that an officer can make up a total fabrication and arrest you on the basis of it. this guy because of a plastic cop and a lying cop will now not be able to holiday in america if he chooses to because he will now be on a list somewhere and be flagged on airport security . meanwhile on that day how many houses were burgled or how many people were attacked while thse two poor excuses for law enforcement officers harrased a camera man god help anyone taking a picture with their mobile they will say you are talking to binladin and sending him pictures |
re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
'My name is Bob Patefield and I work as an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner.'
EFT Me Probably stay free for longer if he'd just given the nice Bobby his name. For all we know he might have been snapping up women's skirts, or taking photos of kids. Watching the video makes me feel he was enjoying being a plank. |
re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
It does sound shocking, until you watch the video of the arrogant git.
I'd have pepper sprayed him, before coshin' 'n' cuffin' the Richard Head. |
re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
I was out there the week before that happened and I didn't get stopped or questioned. But then again, I wasn't acting suspiciously.
re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
'The sergeant also alluded to complaints from the public In a statement, Lancashire police said they and members of the public were "concerned about the way in which [Patefield] was using his camera". It said police felt they had "no choice" but to arrest him because he was refusing to co-operate.' The police seemed very reasonable and friendly to me. He wanted confrontation. He'd be better off getting a life. |
re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
how do u suspiciously take a photo of father christmas ?
was he hiding behind a bin and wearing a long mac ? arogant or not the police had no buisness bothering him but it does show how their new powers can easily be abused |
re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Surely all this ****** had to do was address the police officers in a civil and responsible manner and then explain exactly what he was doing and why? He would not have been nicked. Not only that, it seriously peeves me off when people come on this very website complaining about there being a paedophile or terrorist on every street corner and then whinge when the police do their very difficult job in checking out any possible types who fit that profile.
re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
next they will be stopping people with a limp because they are walking suspiciously and may have a machettee down their trouser leg or limping because they may have a stick of dynamite up tehir arse :rolleyes: anyway who woudl bother bombing accrington town center teh damage has already been done by HBC they couldnt possibly make it any worse how long before parents start getting dragged off to the cells for taking pictures of tehir kids on teh fun rides they put in town ? |
re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
after watching the video, seemed to me like a publicity seeking knob.:rolleyes:
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
I have never been violent or ever hit anyone in my life ... but did have an overwhelming urge to gob this one.. http://planetsmilies.net/violent-smiley-1750.gif |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
the guy in the article was been polite and standing up for his rights and if he had been doing wrong he woudlnt have been released without charge, you may not like his style of response but he was been clear about his rights and not been offensive in anyway. one second people are moaning tehir rights are been stripped away but the second somone uses what they have left hes branded an arogant pedophile :rolleyes: |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
No Accyman .. he was playing to the camera for some sort of sensationalism .. wasting police time and our council tax money .. a subject which is close to your heart.....:p
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
this is england not russia we have freedom of speech and a demoracey ( well whats leftof it anyway) |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Wonder how the Guardian got hold of it anyway ? Speaks volumes. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
well if you dont like that someone can refuse to give their details when they have done nothing wrong write to your MP asking for the law to be changed and organise a petition so that teh police can randomly harrass peolpe for no good reason. oops they already can thanks to teh anti terrorism laws :rolleyes: |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Bob Patefield's Page - TÃ*r Na Saor - Freemen of Ireland 'Tir na Saor aims to provide information to those wishing to empower themselves with the knowledge necessary to stand up for and exercise their ancient rights. We aim to educate ourselves and others on the true nature and purpose of Law; how it applies to you and how to go about taking your life back.' TÃ*r Na Saor - Freemen of Ireland - Calling all Freemen of Ireland... It's time to get organised! The final nail, banged into the coffin made from planks, for a plank, and evidence that he might have a hidden agenda, when refusing polite requests from those men and women who police this country, they're sanctioned by King of the Plank people, David Icke. Freeman Ireland - Tír na Saor Radio - David Icke's Official Forums One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. One man behaving obnoxious and arrogantly is another man's PLANK. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
And what happens to his details when they have been taken?
It gets recorded somewhere & you end up on some list for future harrasement because then they have you down as a photographer. And when the government rounds them all up & imprisons us for taking photo's then what? :D |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
I support him in his statement that more people should be aware of their rights, but I also think he was a bit quick with his defence and rather eager to be victimised.
The Police Officer thought the fellas were acting suspicious, acted accordingly and didn't back down or at all use exercise excessive force when faced with a lack of co-operation. All respect to 'em. Contrary to what some are saying, if there's any proof of a paranoid state, in this instance it lies in the arrested party rather than the PC/PCSO. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Mainly because I haven't broken the law, done anything wrong, or are planning to in the near future. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Although you can't access his Tir na Saor Fareemen of Ireland website, Google has lifted some of the boastful content...
Bob Patefield's Page - Tír Na Saor - Freemen of Ireland sinead ;neehean replied to Bob Patefield's discussion 'I was arrested a couple of days ago after ... At 10:05am on December 22, 2009, Bob Patefield said… ... freemanireland.ning.com/profile/BobPatefield?xg_source=activity - A purely innocent Accy snapper, with no hidden agenda, or axe against the law to grind. Yeah...ok, right. :rolleyes: |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Oh he's also being hailed as some sort of freedom fighting hero by right-wing nationalists.
Good example of how to speak to the police - Nationalists Online :camera8: Smile, you're on the Third Reich's Candid Camera. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Methinks this guys not the only plank.:D
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
A direct link from Tir na Saor - Freemen of Ireland, which the poor snapper Bob Patefield is a member, featuring men in terrorist balaclavas, with handy videos about how to deal with the police.
YouTube - TheAntiTerrorist's Channel The Official Website of TheAntiTerrorist |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Well, congrats to Garinda...he's come up with the goodies once again. And congrats to Accy cops on sniffing out a self-publicising, trouble making arsehole. This character should have been arrested, fined and locked up for a month for good measure, just for wasting police time. Oh...and he should have been taken round the back of Accy nick for a good kick in the bollocks, just to show who's in charge.
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
I wouldn't give his naff snaps house room either. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
If hes a member of freemen of Ireland ... wheres his irish accent ...
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
If you're innocent you've nothing to fear. Bit late sayin 'if only', after a bomb's ripped the town apart. It looks like the members of the public were right in their suspicions, and right to alert the police. As Katex said, their time, and our money, was being taken up with these idiots, whilst they should have been policing the Victorian Christmas event. Out police should be commended for dealing with these 'freedom fighters' in a civilised and professional manner, which thanks to the video evidence supplied by Patefield, we know they did. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
In the history of terrorism and it's sympathisers, this character ain't unusual by any means. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Perhaps that's his phone voice. :D |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
The police were not alerted by anyone other than a PCSO who did not know what she was talking about.
His "attitude" is one of being pi$$ed off with being hassled by the police for legally taking photographs. Wake UP and see whats happening all around, peoples rights are being screwed over by the police, using any act they can think of just to do so. There are examples of this all over the web. He was released without charge, so obviously someone at the station saw sense. He committed no crime and was not doing anything illegal, he was 100% correct in what he said - you are not required to give your details to the police just because they ask for them. You have to have broken the law first or they must have a good suspicion that you have (and be able to explain what their reasoning for it is). |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
1 Attachment(s)
The police said they were alerted by members of the public, because of the suspicous way this group were acting. It seems with good reason, given all the information regarding the associated groups they are aligned with. I'm more inclined to believe the police, mainly because I suspect my suspicions would have been raised by them too. The police seemed friendly and professional, and there seems to be no reason that they'd lie. Although the group happily filmed the police, as well as members of the public, they seem quite camera shy themselves, which is more than a little ironic. If people can't see these people set out on a confrontational mission with the police, as Cashy said, there's more than one plank about. Besides, we know what the police looked like, but have no idea as to the appearance of this group. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Oh, as well as being on the link to the the Anti Terrorist website, the videos, of people wearing terrorist styled clothing, and with disguised voices, and proclaiming how to deal with the police, are actually on Tír Na Saor - Freemen of Ireland site, of which the photographer is a member.
YouTube - TheAntiTerrorist on dealing with the Police Part 1 of 2 If you can't see there was definitely an agenda that day in Accrington, perhaps you've got your Balaclava on the wrong way round. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Just one word sums it up for me ...ENTRAPMENT. That's what they set out to do by starting off acting suspiciously ... worrying innocent shoppers.
Did they come from Accrington ? Doubt it. :rolleyes: |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
All his contact details, name, address, telephone number, postcode, are on his website. EFT Me - Contact |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Definitely a wearer of two hats:rolleyes:
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
bit off topic but I found out last week that if the police stop you when your taking pictures and they want to confiscate the photos you have taken they have to obtain a court order to do so and cannot simply open your camera and take film or memory card. you can object to them opening it and tell them you know they require a court order to do so.
may be old news but was new to me. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
On the face of it, this seems very unfair on the man taking pictures but when you watch the video he comes across as a right knob.........get a grip just give them your details and sod off.....
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Would be interesting to see how much support would have been generated on here if it were 2 blokes in Muslim apparel that were doing the filming! Best Regards - Taggy |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Sorry to disappoint folks, but despite him being stupid I still think he was right in what he did. You are talking about a Christmas event & I bet other people were taking pictures too. He declines to give his details to a plastic Copper who can't do anything anyway, then the regular Coppers get involved,(3 Coppers if you count the plastic one) faffing about to get his details !! because he was acting suspiciously, how ? define Suspicious as it applies in this case.
As Rindy himself stated "where you there, as an eye witness ?" sadly the UK has the most surveillance cameras, rules & regs governing all kinds of stupid things, that really shouldn't need any laws, & you're buying into it. Most of the senseless drivel has been inflicted onto the British public under the Labour Government over the last 13 years. You go on about not being able to do anything yet as soon as some one tries to execute this right you're all calling him, yes if he'd of given his details there'd of been no problem, but it's the principle ! As mentioned over the last 13 years you've been conditioned in UK to accept this raft of Crap from overbearing Politicians, Eastern Germany & Russia were prime examples of this mindset & it's happening in the UK now ! If he'd of done it here in Europe Holland, Germany, Belgium no one would've batted an eyelid. I can understand the sense in Anti terror laws when applied sensibly & judiciously, but the UK Govt. are using them & applying them on whims against normal citizens to control you. Come on face it people the use by the councils of surveillance laws to check what you're putting in your bins ! track down people ditching garden waste in the woods ! open your eyes ! |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Personally my ears are just as importants as my eyes. Having heard three terrorist bombs explode, at Hyde Park, Harrods, and Victoria Station, which resulted in death, maiming, and the destruction of people's lives. One of the people who lost their life was a friend of mine. Indeed a bomb was exploded just last night in part of the United Kingdom. So sadly people do still have to have their wits about them. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ukne...errorists.html As stated earlier, members of the public would feel great regret if they didn't report their worries and suspicions to the police, after a tragic event. Happily in this case members of the public did report their unease to the police, that these men provoked. These 'freedom fighters' could have been on their way, quite freely, if they'd simply supplied the details requested. They chose not to. Rebels without a clue. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Your linking terrorists with an innocent & legal act.
There is no comparison between them. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Aye I saw the news & it was in Ireland, the troops are out but it still hasn't settled & it won't for a long time yet if ever. As to Political motives where does it state him being a terrorist ? the Police had him for 8 hours, if he'd have been a terrorit they would've gleaned that information in that time & had there been any suspicion they could've asked for an extension, they didn't & he was releasded (No charges) I signed up to Accy Web doesn't make me an Accringtonian does it ? I belonged to the British Legion didn't make me a legionnaire !
Rindy, Rindy you're doing it to me again, taking a comment out of context, the phrase "Open your eyes ! " is in referral to local councils, debt collecting agencies & the like being allowed to use surveillance on the bloke on the street for their ends & nothing to do with preventing terrorism. The reasonable request was for his name & address which he then refused to give, there is no law against that if you've not done anything wrong. As I said it's a principle thing. You have your views & principles, he has his & I have mine, we aren't all good little Automatons, programmed to respond the same in every situation that is what makes us free thinking individuals. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
It is the man who was taking photographs, and arrousing the fears of people in Accrington, which resulted in them in alerting our police force, who is a member of a group which features videos of people dressed in typical terrorist garb, complete with disguised voices, not me. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
the thing is i would be glad the police stopped him.not saying he is ,he probably 100 percent not but theres enough paedophiles in accy who have been caught filming ie the one filming up girls skirts .so here here for the police in the video for doing there job.
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
at the end of the day he was a harm lose divvy, taking a couple of photos, who when pulled up made things awkward for himself because of his stance, but that stance was his right we are still theoretically a free country "Innocent until proven Guilty" etc. or doesn't that cut it anymore ?
As to the pictures he took don't you think the Police had a look at what was on his Camera ? released without charges ! no further action. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Admit though, these guys must have been purposely acting overly suspicious, in order to attract the attention of the public and consequently the police. Has the day come when a child, hypothetically throwing stones at a window, is spotted by the police and the said child, on being requested his name and address from a police officer, will spout out his rights .. :( |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
'Police said they were justified in holding Bob Patefield for eight hours following concerns his actions may have been construed as 'anti-social or indecent’.'
'Mr Patefield was then stopped a second time by an officer who said she was concerned he was taking pictures 'sneakily and behind his back'.' 'He was then stopped as he walked to his car by an officer who said members of the public had been concerned.' “After refusing to give his details to the officers, they withdrew but monitored the situation and felt justified in approaching him again when he continued to use his camera in the same way.' "The constabulary does not routinely stop people taking photographs in a public place but the manner in which he was positioning his camera, and the way it was making some members of the public feel, could be construed as anti-social or indecent.' “The gentleman refused to co-operate on three occasions and so officers felt they had no choice but to make an arrest in order to make further inquiries into his actions." Police defend arrest of Colne photographer taking pictures in Accrington (From Lancashire Telegraph) When now know why he refused to give his details, because he's a member of Tír Na Saor - Freemen of Ireland, an organisation which advocates noncooperation with our police force, and featues videos of people dressed as terrorists. YouTube - The AntiTerrorist on Dealing with the Police- Addendum-Part 3 |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Most people wouldn't be too happy if they, or their families and children, felt targeted by a camera in that position. As was stated earlier, there have been plenty of cases of perverts taking photographs up women's skirts in a similar way. Members of the public felt uneasy enough to report their concerns to the police, and rightly so. That of course was their intention that day. They could continue their crusade against our police, as examplified by the content in the videos from the group Tír Na Saor - Freemen of Ireland, of which Mr. Patefield is a member. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Ok, so when he was pulled in it was for "non cooperation" after first trying for what ..."Terrorism" then "anti social behaviour" a far cry from Terrorism the act of non cooperation, as to belonging to this Irish group is that also outlawed or illegal ?
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Just because someone wears a donkey mask on his head, doesn't mean he's an Ass...necessarily. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Now don't tell me this isn't likely of the Police, they are under pressure to get results hit targets set by the Government, this was borne out not so long back in the thread ref Myleene Klass waving a Knife from inside her house ! she was charged !! So it is not beyond the Police to look for an easy touch & this Divvy with his Camera was just that ! |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
why him out of all the people taking photos, if he was behaving the same as the others, its that simple.
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
'We aim to educate ourselves and others on the true nature and purpose of Law; how it applies to you and how to go about taking your life back.' 'We are purely trying to bring information to people so they can peacefully take back their countries, and take back their power.' and features videos of people dressed as terrorists, proclaiming not to cooperate with our police force, and that a member of said group acts intentionally provocatively, then it's quite clear this man had an agenda the day he came to Accrington, and it wasn't to see Father Christmas. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
A good parent would teach their child that they are the force that can help them in times of trouble or take them home if they had done something wrong, to let their parents know what they have been up to, to avoid a further recurrence of bad behaviour. Guess this guy wasn't 'brought up proper' ...:D I bet all the parents on Accyweb would agree with me. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
It's bloody do gooders, more concerned with the rights of terrorists, 'human rights', 'civil liberties', and the right to waste the time of the upholders of the law, that plays right into the terrorist's hands.
As well as putting lives at risk, because the police have to waste time on these planks. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
so we've now gone from Terrorism, anti social behaviour, Non Cooperation to Sensationalism ?? Fathers for Justice Dress up as Batman & Robin, Superman they are out to make a point ?? agreed ?? they aren't violent just getting attention for a cause they feel strongly about..... making a point ? Couldn't the same be being applied here ? He may dress up funny (there is no proof of this) he wasn't violent just adamant about his position, & finally making a point about the use of myriad laws that have been brought in over the last 13 years which are binding the British Public ? |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
An unintentional mistake, but one that happens to be true. As the majority of the people here support the police, and couldn't give two hoots for the human rights of those who set out to harm us. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
it dont change the fact that he obviously went down accy wi an agenda either dave? not to innocently take xmas photos.
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Right-wing extremists for example, amongst others. Good example of how to speak to the police - Nationalists Online To me, and it seems the majority of Accy Web members, he's a plank. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Ref 82, He probably is but he's his own Plank, each to his own so long as no one is hurt. Like I've said elsewhere we're all individuals we aren't herd animals we think for ourselves & as such should be prepared to reap what we sow, we do as our individual consciences decree, that is what puts us apart from the Beasts. :rolleyes:
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
The simple fact of the matter is this man came to Accrington that day with an agenda.
That agenda was to provoke a situation that would allow him to carry out his right to be noncooperative with our police force, and appear as some sort of martyr, because his actions resulted in his arrest. Anyone who can't see this is woefully naive, and should probably put on a Balaclava, and go and join his little band of freedom fighters. But just remember...we'll be watching you, and photographing your activities. :camera8: |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Now, the man in question may not have been doing anything wrong by his definition but clearly he aroused suspicion so must have been doing something for that to happen. If he had simply given his name and address, the police would have checked him out and would probably have let him just carry on along on his way without any further issue. But, because he refused to give his name and address he then aroused more suspicion. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Sorry but if your taking pics behind your back, your taking them at bum level! If hed been taking pics of my kids with santa, (or of me) id also expect him to show some common courtesy and ask first. But only proper eye level pics! Like a normal person would take..
(I dont mean to imply he was actually taking dodgy pics - it was clearly just a - rather pointless - way to provoke a reaction) If the police were being shirty, I could understand but they showed immeasurable restraint and politeness in the face of - a right plank. Well done to all three. The video is wonderfully and unintentionally hilarious though, and for this I think we should all thank Bob for a cracking piece of comedy. (nasal voice); "Are you detaining me officer!" (even nasalier) ; "I do not consent to this arrest!" I particularly liked; "There's no need for violence I am not resisting arrest!" to which the weary copper responded "well come on then". Priceless. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
id have loved to have seen him in northern ireland 15 years ago or longer .... saying that to a policeman over there would have seen a bit different of a reaction ...
can remember once flying over there ..gave you a questionnaire .. why you going, where you stopping, how long, name address .. usual details .. i wrote in the bit where it said where are you stopping .. i cant say .... big oops :rolleyes::p well i couldnt .. i was stopping with my cousins .. one of which was in the policeforce .. walking through security got pulled .. and ended up being questioned ... that was the holiday i found out a bottle of vodka and 2 little tins of coke and flying dont mix .... :D:D:D never drank alcohol on a flight again since!!!! :D:D:D |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Snorting the coke probably wasn't such a good idea. :D:p:D |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Photographers Rights And The Law In The UK - the law and photography main points of ref People, Privacy, Children & Anti terrorism measures |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Finally, shillelagh, I know exactly what you're talking about. 2 Pigs with Infantry squads aboard, escorting & assisting the R.U.C in their V8 turbo armoured Lannys. Find a player "Talk" to him then drop him outside his mates and "Thank you for your Cooperation".That was the more subdued approach, the other was the House searches on known Terrorists/Sympathisers, not pretty & not without pain.
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
In my opinion, the bloke was out to cause trouble. He was ready to video record his encounter with the police.
Everybody is quick to scream "police state" but this bloke could have averted a situation by simply telling them who he was and what he was doing when they first asked. By being self-righteous he has aroused their suspicions - without any reason - and prevented them from attending other incidents where their time might be better spent. |
Re: Watch where your taking photo's round here!
Thank you all for your interest in my case.
Please take note that I will be informing my solicitor about the 'deformation of character' that has been going on here in this thread and we will decide what action to take in due course. I have screen captured all of the content. Bob Patefield |
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