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Mancie 04-07-2010 23:40

Third World attitude
I've said it before and I stand by it... the present Government are intent on convincing the population that we are so skint we must adopted some sort of banana republic economic policy... is this the road to go down?

Ministers consider scheme to hand out food vouchers to unemployed | Politics | The Guardian

I suspect some of the same old carping about how the last Government got us into this position.. but come the time this lot have have finished we will have a third world economy.

garinda 04-07-2010 23:43

Re: Third World attitude
Bermondsey would be thrilled to attain third world status.

Mancie 05-07-2010 00:00

Re: Third World attitude

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 826432)
Bermondsey would be thrilled to attain third world status.

Maybe.. and I'm sure if you could find time to visit the area, you would be glad to tell us of our new found status..;)

garinda 05-07-2010 00:08

Re: Third World attitude

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 826436)
Maybe.. and I'm sure if you could find time to visit the area, you would be glad to tell us of our new found status..;)

Of course I've been there, for a short visit.

I've been everywhere.

I helped promote the campaign to clear landmines in the area, and I also handed out pie, mash, and liquor to the poor.

Mancie 05-07-2010 00:12

Re: Third World attitude

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 826439)
Of course I've been there, for a short visit.

I've been everywhere.

I helped promote the campaign to clear landmines in the area, and I also handed out pie, mash, and liquor to the poor.

cor blimey!.. you ain't Simon Hughes bit on the side by any chance?

garinda 05-07-2010 00:20

Re: Third World attitude

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 826442)
cor blimey!.. you ain't Simon Hughes bit on the side by any chance?

There's no need to be bitter.

Simon Hughes is who you poor folk decided you wanted to represent you, across the murky waters of the Thames, in Westminster.

Nothing to do with me.

By the way, when I bountifully doled out succor to the needy of Bermondsey, you were asleep in your doorway, surrounded by your bottles, ready to be recycled, I presume.

Not wanting the pie and mash to get cold, before you awakened from your slumbers, I did leave you some tasty jellied eels.

They were being eyed-up by a scrawny looking pigeon, when I left, so I've no idea if you benefited from my largesse.

Life can be very cruel.

Mancie 05-07-2010 00:46

Re: Third World attitude
Jellied eels are not cheap they are not the diet of any low paid in London.. but this is about the whole country... life can be cruel .. like I say come down to Bermondsey and tell us how we shoild live..

garinda 05-07-2010 00:49

Re: Third World attitude

Originally Posted by Mancie (Post 826446)
come down to Bermondsey and tell us how we shoild live..


Like dirty, dusty, smog breathing, sparrows.

Mancie 05-07-2010 00:56

Re: Third World attitude

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 826447)

Like dirty, dusty, smog breathing, sparrows.

Now there is a qoute I feel obliged to copy n paste

be lucky

Ken Moss 05-07-2010 02:24

Re: Third World attitude
Good old Bermondsey. Seem to remember getting one of the best ever takeaways from a Chinese called The Slow Boat. Mmmm, crispy duck and prawn crackers, it's all flooding back.

Anyway, about this third world business - here in Hyndburn we have our own future crisis brewing as Cllr Britcliffe's hand hovers over the 'Buy It Now' button for everything he can blow before next year's elections. Still, all those Observer column inches telling us oodles of good news now will make tremendous chip wrappers tomorrow. Pity we won't have enough money for the chips and that includes you, St Andrews.

I think a trip to the Area Council meeting on 14th July is in order.....

Neil 05-07-2010 02:35

Re: Third World attitude

Originally Posted by Ken Moss (Post 826455)
I think a trip to the Area Council meeting on 14th July is in order.....

I might see you there then.

Mancie 05-07-2010 05:53

Re: Third World attitude

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 826447)

Like dirty, dusty, smog breathing, sparrows.

out of order.. and if you live long enough you will wish you had not said that..

Mancie 05-07-2010 06:18

Re: Third World attitude
bye all.. it's been a laugh

Margaret Pilkington 05-07-2010 06:37

Re: Third World attitude
Does this mean we will no longer be subjected to the red political banterings/heckling we have endured in the past?

garinda 05-07-2010 08:11

Re: Third World attitude
'THE government last night accused Labour of pursuing a “scorched earth policy” before the general election, leaving behind billions of pounds of previously hidden spending commitments.

Billions of pounds in public money was committed in the run-up to the election campaign in a deliberate strategy to boost Labour’s chances at the ballot box and sabotage the next government.

One former Labour minister told The Sunday Times: “There was collusion between ministers and civil servants to get as many contracts signed off as possible before the election was called.”

One former adviser to the schools department said there was a deliberate policy of “scorched earth”. “The atmosphere was ‘pull up all the railways, burn the grain stores, leave nothing for the Tories’,” he added.'
Labour hid ‘scorched earth’ debts worth billions - Times Online

Pathetic, and disgraceful.

With the 'joke' not being on the incoming government, but us, the poor sap tax payers.

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